The Finch family

The view here isn't so bad with a lot of land and animals a pond and some woods with trails in them not bad. At least I have a place to adventure when I don't want to be bothered. "Hey Liam come out the car and greet your new foster parent" Mr. Johnson waving me to come over and meet Mrs. Finch.

What's this feeling why am I so nervous getting out of the car? As i look at Mrs. Finch my heart starts to be fast and my breathing becomes faster sweat is running down my face and hands. Could it be because I'm scared of parents? But I have no reason to be afraid of her so why am I feeling this way.

Is it because of my last foster parents as I walk over my breathing becomes more unstable and sweat starts to run more when I look up at her I'm frozen I can't move, I'm shaking. Just why am I scared of her. Is it because I'm afraid of not being wanted or is it because I don't want to gain hope and lose it again. I still can't move, I'm scared, please don't hit me.

Just breath it's going to be okay. As I stand there calming my breathing down Mrs Finch looks down at me with a soft smile "Hey Liam my name is Rose Finch you can call me Rose or Mrs. Finch whichever you prefer." Looking at her she seems kind of nice! A tall woman with blonde hair blue eyes and a gentle smile. I nod towards her as a form of greeting.

"He still hasn't talked since he's been in the hospital I'm sorry about that" my caseworker starts to explain my problems and how I'm still recovering from my injuries.

"No worries he can start to talk to us when he gets comfortable and set up around our house. Why don't y'all come in so we can finish up our talk."

As we enter the house we walk through the living room and into the dining room where Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Finch begin to talk about my situation and how to settle me down. While they talked I roamed around looking up and down exploring the new place.

They had a large kitchen with a counter that had stools around it and a marble countertop. After I explored the kitchen a little I walked to the large living room where I saw pictures of their family. Mrs. Finch with her husband and 4 boys the oldest son looked more like his dad than mother with brown hair and blue eyes. The twins looked like both parents with a mix of genes. The youngest looked just like his mom light blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Oh Liam you looking at our family photos" I jumped cause I was startled and turned around and shook my head. "Well the oldest is Zane the twins are Brett and Cole while the youngest ones name is John Thomas or J.T."