Angel flight operation (Part1)


The master sent me to follow the man that we sent back to that Prime Minister as a messenger.

I was in my human form, following First and the man in the forest from above, First have surely noticed me and understood that it was the master's orders.

It took about two hours to get out of the forest.

Just after bringing the man out of the forest, First vanished.

"My job is finished, do yours now !"

He said calmly from behind me in the tree on which I was perched.

"No need to say me that! You know what I can do right ?!"

I said with a smile.

Then he vanished again, he was surely on the way back to the base.

After some time following him, I saw man went in the city called Ovneodu.

'He must be searching for a ship !'

I was following him in the city by standing behind walls

And as I thought, he went to the port searching for a boat.

After some time he found a little ship.

It took all the night to prepare the departure.

When the boat was quitting the port, I jumped in the sea and swum a little under water to reach the boat.

I managed to get inside passing by the hole where the anchor's chain draw out.

My clothes were wet but I was able to dry them with my fire ability.

I took a week to reach a city named 'Loarreng', it was a city of the Kingdom of Angot main land.

I don't need to eat, I am provisioned with energy by my master, as long as he is alive, I'll continue to receive energy.

I kept following that man but I tried to keep some distance between us or he could notice me.

I must follow him and see what would be the reaction of the Prime Minister of Kirangesh after his report.

From Loarreng I followed him in his way, he was riding a horse so I had to run to keep the distance . He was aiming for the city of 'Peldu', it was a little hard to stay hidden, the was too clear, there was no tree covering the way, it was just a way passing in a huge valley, there was many beautiful flowers that could be seen as I was passing there. But I was able to follow him from a great distance with my skill 『Senses enhance』, I could follow his smell, and I could see him even if he was at 3 km from me.

It was an useful skill, with it I was tailing him without him nowing.

Once we were in Peldu, I was able to follow him from the regular distance.

He stopped there for a day.

Many rivers were passing through the city, it was a beautiful place but only for humans.

I heard a lot of people talking and what I heard was somthing like,

"The monsters must die !"

"This world only belong to us human, the demons and the monsters must disappear !"

"We should eliminate all of them !"

And many others, I was beginning to understand why the master wanted to stay away from humans.

I could see some half-humans in some alley hiding, some were sold like slaves.

The humans were cruel.

Even the children.

But I had no time to think about these things at that time, I was busy on my target, I couldn't let him get away.

From Peldu to "Lishei", the capital of Kirangesh, the road was mountainous road. It was easy to follow him, there was many place to hide.

It took 17 days to reach the capital.

As soon as he reached Lishei, the man went directly at the royal palace and requested a meeting with the Prime Minister.

I was able to snake inside the palace without been seen.

The palace was really huge, there was many rooms, corridors and all looked luxurious.

I kept to follow him while staying hidden.

He finally stopped in a room at the first floor, and waited there for a little moment.

I was checking the room when huge doors behind the man were opened, and a man in luxurious clothes surrounded by guards entered, he was in the middle age, he had ashen gray hair, his face was the face of stern man.

I could feel that he was in a bad mood.

I could easily figure out why, the man was requesting a meeting with him suddenly and yet the leader wasn't with him.

Then the man that seemed to be the famous Prime Minister began to talk,

"So, what did happen ?" he asked "and where is Allen?"

I deduce that that said 'Allen' was the one with green hair.

"W-well you see, mister the Prime Minister…"

The man tried to begin but he was cut.

"Most importantly, did you accomplished your mission ?" the Prime Minister asked with interest.

The other man was looking down at the floor before saying,

"No, we couldn't !"

"You couldn't ?" the Prime Minister asked "Are you making fun of me ?" he asked angrily.

"No, I would never dare to do that !" the man assured as bowing to show his respect.

"You are supposed to be a B-rank adventurer and Allen was A-rank so what in the world could have happen to prevent you from bringing to me a little girl without any experience in fighting ?" the Prime Minister asked.

"W-well, a man stopped us !" the man said with fear.

"A man? Don't make me laugh, a single man was able to stop all of you ?" the Prime minister asked in a mocking tone.

"He wasn't alone, he had monsters under his control !" the man explained "He looked human but what I saw and felt made me think that someone like that couldn't be human, only a monster could do was he did !" he added as biting his lips.

"What did you saw exactly ?" the older one asked in an annoyed tone.

"It was a massacre !" he replied "He killed two of us like it.was nothing and after that he ordered the monsters to capture me and Allen, and to kill the last one !"

The Prime Minister face began to change from the stern one to as worried one.

"And why did he do that in the first place ?" he asked

"I don't really know why but when we were about to capture the girl, he appeared !" the man replied.

"And who is that man ?" he asked.

"The Master the Forest, that's how he introduced himself !" the man replied.

"Why is he interfering ?" the Prime Minister mumbled.

"I don't know ever but he freed me only to deliver a message !" the man announced.

"Which message ?" the Prime Minister asked.

"He warn anyone who would try to get inside the forest that he would punish them !" he said "Just like he did with Allen !"

"What did he he do ?" the Prime Minister asked.

"I can only imagine how painful it could be !" the man replied.

The older man grited his teeth.

"You are useless !" he exclaimed.

"Mister, would you still give me the money I nees to cure my wife's disease ?" the man asked.

'So.the money was to save his wife !' I thought.

"Are you kidding me ?" the old man replied.

"You have failed in you job and you still want me to give you money ?" he said while looking at the man with disgust.

"Please wait ! I am begging you, please give me the money please, or my wife would die and our daughter would lose her mother !" He begged.

"What a disgrace !" the Prime Minister said.

"Then I'll make you and your daughter die first !" he announced.

"W-what ?"

The man was shocked and horrified by what he heard.

"We'll get rid of you and you daughter so your family would get reunited once you wife dead !" he said with a grin.

Then a guard entered in the room with a little girl.

"Daddy !" she said as rushing toward the on.the floor.

"Marie !" he respond.

'So this is his daughter !' I thought.

"Please spare our life !" the man begged for mercy. But the old man didn't even wanted to listen.

He then coldly ordered the guards,

"Get rid of them !"

And the guards responded, "Yes sir !"

"You were planning to do this from the start, right ?" the man asked.

"What could I say ? I must clean up after the job !" the old man responded.

The other man was holding his daughter tight in his arms trying to protect her.

Then the guards were rising their swords up above the man's head.

It was sad but I couldn't get involved.

And he deserved what was happening for what he have done.

But I could let the girl die, she haven't even done anything wrong.

Then I instinctively jump out of my hiding place in the ceiling and used my skill 『Fire shield』to protect them.

Then a dome of flames appeared to protect them.

The swords of the guards melted at the contact of these flames.

"Who are you ?" the Prime Minister asked with a panicking voice.

"I am just one envoy of the Master of the forest !" I announced.

As soon as I finished to speak, he yelled, "INTRUDER, GUARDS THERE IS AN INTRUDER !" with all his might.

All the guards in the surrounding were rushing in the room.

It wasn't long before we were surrounded.

They then rushed at me ar the same time trying to stab and slash me with their weapons.

I was able to effortlessly evade all of them and counter with my flames to sent them crashing o the walls.

But I was careless, I received an arrow in the left shoulder, it was painful and the blood was flowing out of the wound.

That arrow came from a guard outside, he shot it through the window.

I fell on my knees, that arrow was surely poisoned.

I struggled to continue to fight back.

I was about to faint when I heard a voice, it as girl,

"Please miss Fox, don't die !" she said while sobbing in my flames dome.

Then I got up and continue to fight back.

There was too much of them, and the poison was really strong.

Then I was about my skill 『Incineration』 ,it was a skill that burn to ash a selected area, but it would hurt me as well if I was in the selected area.

I was about to use that skill on the room when, someone with a black outfit appeared from behind me.

It was the Master.

He sent all the guards flying out of the room.

He sighed and said,

"Well, I told you to be careful !" he said.

"I am very sorry Master !" I replied.

"It's nothing !" he said "The operation 'Angel flight' will be a success so don't worry !"

I noded and he used his skill 『Heal』 on me.

The master was really a kind person, he came to save me.

I'll make sure that his plan will be a success.