

We all came out of the gate in front of my main base.

That skill『Gate』was really useful, I was planning on training it but first I had to reorganize the place for the new comers.

But before all that there was something I needed to do.

I went inside while First and Beta helping the family that was with us to carry their stuff.

Once I was inside, I directly saw something strange, there was a shout from the living room.

I rushed there and saw an unexpected scene.

There was Alpha and a red haired girl playing with cards on the table of the living room.

"I'VE LOST AGAIN !" Alpha shouted.

"Kukuku… You're no match for me !" the red haired girl stated proudly.

'What the hell is happening here ?' I asked myself.

They were too absorbed by their game ti notice us.

I coughed to make them realize my presence.

Alpha noticed me behind him, and jumped standing up.

"W-welc-come b-back Master !" he said stuttering.

"Having a good time from what I see !" I said with a smile to tease him.

"W-we-well, it's not what you think !" he defended himself.

I laughed at his reaction, he really thought that I was angry against him.

"Calm down Alpha, I was joking !" I said, at hearing that Alpha relaxed.

"Can you help the others outside ?" I asked him.

"Right away Master !" he replied as he went immediatly outside

I laughed at seeing the tall guy sighing in relief.

Then I turned toward the girl, she was quiet during my talk with Alpha.

She then went near me and greeted me.

"Good morning !" she said with a bright smile. "I am Liara Crimson ! Nice to meet you !"

'She is quite polite !' I thought.

"I am Christopher ! Nice to meet you too !" I replied.

"I must thank you for saving me !" She stated. "You are the one that saved me, right ?"

I wasn't expecting her remember me.

"Well, it was nothing !" I replied.

"No! You saved me, I must repay you for that !" she stated firmly.

Looked like I wouldn't be able to argue with her, so,

"*sigh*Well, you are free to do as you please !" I simply said.

She smiled brightly at hearing that.

"Anyway, what do you plan to do now !" I asked her.

She then looked a little sad and lost, like if she didn't really have a goal.

She stayed silent for a moment before saying,

"I don't really have a place where going !" with a sad smile. "Everywhere I go, I am chased and everyone want to kill me !"

"Why ?" I asked.

She bit her lips before answering,

"It because I am a demon !" She said with sadness and anger.

Looked at her with pity.

She was convinced that it was her fault, that being what she was would be a bad thing.

"Your are a demon so what ?" I asked blankly.

She was surprised, she must have expected that I would freak out and scream for help or something like that. She then looked at me before looking down at the floor again.

"Humans hate demons, and I am one so they hate me !" She said.

"And you think that it's your fault ?" I asked.

"Yeah ! Being a demon is a sin !" she said as tears began to form at the corner of her eyes.

I shighed, she had such a low self esteem.

"It's none of your fault, it's because of their prejudices !" I stated. "You haven't done anything that could hurt anyone until now, right ?"

I smiled at her and pated her head.

"You are welcome here !" I said. "You can stay as long as you like !"

She looked at me in disbelief.

"Why ?" she asked. "You are human, so why are you that kind with me ?"

I stayed silent a moment before responding.

"You don't look to but someone evil, and even if I am human, I don't really like human !" i replied.

She stayed silent after that, it looked like she couldn't find a way to reply.

"You don't need to reply me, all you have to do is staying here with us !" I said as tendering her my hand.

She hesitated a little before grabing my hand with a smile.

She was really cute, her crimson red hairs, her minnow eyes one was yellow and the other was brown, her face, the only word that I could use to qualify her was 'Beautiful'.

I didn't see it when we first met but she was really pretty, but I had other things to do at that time so I focused on these things.

We then left the house and went outside.

Once we were outside, everyone was arranging the stuff of the family that followed us.

I then went nearer, First, Alpha and Beta saw me and turned their attentiveness toward me.

"Well, first, welcome to the new comers !" I began. "We'll be living together for a while so I prefer to inform you that here you need to be strong to survive !" I said blankly.

Everyone looked at me in silence.

"Well, my name is Christopher and I am the ruler of this forest !" I introduced myself. "I already know Allen and Angel, but the others please introduce yourselves !"

The man that Beta saved with his daughter was the first to introduce himself.

"I am Renold Flare, I am a B-rank adcenturer !" he introduced.

I noded at his introduction.

His wife was next,

"I am Lisa, his wife !" she said.

"And I am Marie, their daughter !" the little girl said with a big smile.

'How adorable !' I thought as I smiled a little.

"Good, now, I'll build some hous for you !" I announced.

Then I went at the right of the main base and used 『Builder master』, and a basical house appeared on the free place that was there.

I did the same at the right and then turned at the now comers that were in shock after seeing houses appearing out of nowhere.

"Then, the Flare family, you are in the right house !" I stated. "Allen and Angel, you two are in the left one !"

"After that you are done with settling, I'll give you the schedule of how the work will be distributed" I stated.

"Yes mister !" Allen replied. And the Flare family noded in acceptance. And all of them went inside their respective house.

So I turned toward Liara, she was behind me all the time I talked.

I told her to get inside with me.

Once inside, we went at the first floor, there was many bedroom there, after that I took control of the forest I upgraded the main base to make it more spacious, and I added many bedrooms for Alpha and the others.

There was still some unused, one of them was next to mine so I told her to take that one, after all in case that we were to be attacked, I would be able to protect her effectively.

She accepted and then we went down after she was done with her stuff while I created the schedule.

Once we were outside everyone was already there waiting.

"Now I'll give to each one of you a schedule !" I stated as I gave a paper at each one of them.

"On that schedule, you'll find your daily work and your training time !" I said.

"I know that the changing is hard, but now, you'll need to be strong enough or you'll DIE !" I said.

"What do you mean ?" Ms Flare asked confused.

"Well, now the Prime Minister of Kirangesh want all of us dead !" I replied. "And in order to protect everyone, we'll need to be strong enough to beat anyone that would try to attack us !"

"You are free to do anything you want here !" I stated. "But, all I want from you is trustworthiness !"

"Take time to rest up today !" I said. "the schedule take effect tomorrow !"

I then went inside with First, Alpha, Beta and Liara following me.

"Beta !" I said as I turned toward her.

"Yes Master ?" she replied.

"You'll take care of Liara !" I stated.

"Yes Master !" she replied me.

"She'll train you, you need to be stronger !" I said at Liara.

She then smiled, bowed and thanked me.

And then turned toward Beta and said,

"I'll be in your care !" she said while bowing.

Beta just noded at her.

Then I left them getting to know each other.

I went in my bedroom rested up until it was night.

When I woke up, I saw that it was already night, i then went on the roof and looked at the sky.

"I wonder how this will end !" I asked myself.

"I was asking myself the same thing !" a female voice stated from behind me, it was Liara in her sleeping clothes, I wondered what was she doing there.

She saw my surprised face and smiled.

"I couldn't sleep so I went here !" she said.

"Ah ? Ok !" I simply replied.

"Then, at what where you thinking ?" she asked me.

"I was wondering what would the Prime Minister do after that !" I replied my eyes still locked on the stars.

"Do you think that he'll try to attack this place ?" she asked me.

"Well, he can try, but just in case, I want all of you being strong enough to survive alone if we were to be defeated !" I replied as turning toward her.

She just smiled and looked at the sky.

"Whish that we could stay like this !" she said.


"Well, this is the only place where I wasn't rejected, I like this place and the people that live here and I don't want it to disappear !" she stated.

I looked at her, tears were forming at the corner of her eyes, I felt like a pain in my heart, it was like if I suffered at seeing her suffer.

I then wiped her tears and said gently,

"Don't worry, I won't let that happen as long as I'll be alive !" I stated with a smile, trying to comfort her.

If only I knew what would happen.

I would have destroyed Kirangesh while I had time.