Chapter Nine

It makes Christian really sad that Bella doesn't remember him. It's been almost six years already and she him can't remember me. He got to meet her at  2015 gala. He noticed her immediately he walked into the hall, she was the most beautiful girl in the hall. To him, he felt like he was the prince in Cinderella story. Her curves were to die for, the way she smiled could make anyone go wild. She had this beautiful eyes that makes him get lost anytime I look at them. To Christian beautiful is an understatement for the woman called Bella.

He could still remember her wearing a Red dress that hugged her body tightly showing her well defined curves the first time he saw her.

He wasn't planning to stay long at the gala even. Initially Chris didn't want to attend the event but his dad made it an assignment for him. His Dad had just handed over Hampson International to him and he wanted him to attend big events like the gala event for the purpose of networking.

Christian changed his mind immediately he saw Bella and decided to stay till the event ended. Meeting Bella was a part of networking, he justified his action. He decided to walk up to Bella.

"Hey." Chris said,

"Hello." Bella replied with a smile. She couldn't believe the creature she had in front of her. He was like a Demi god and for him to have walked up to her she felt special.

"Am Chris and you're?" He asked with the cutest smile ever.

"You can call me butterfly." she said laughing.

"Guess I'll have to stick to that name for a very long time because it suits you perfectly." Chris said

Bella couldn't help the smile that found its way to her lips and she was blushing really hard.

"Are you here with someone?" Christian asked.

" Yes am actually here with my best friend's boyfriend." Bella replied

There was a funny expression on Christian's face because he was confused. Bella noticed his expression and decided to tell him a little more details.

"Oh my god." It's not what you think. She said tapping him in a playful manner.

"The truth is that am standing in for my best friend. She was supposed to come with her boyfriend but she had an emergency so she asked me to come since have always wanted to attend the event." She said.

"Oh... right." Chris said.

They both danced and talked about each other for a while before they both passed out.

Christian woke up in bed the next morning completely naked with Bella right beside him, she was beautiful even in her sleep. He didn't need anyone to tell him what had happened. He was trying to get his clothes back on when he saw blood stain on the bed sheet, that was when it dawned on him that he had took away her innocence. He went to the bathroom to cool off his head because of the realisation that had just hit him.

He stood in the bathroom completely silent for minutes. He didn't know how many minutes had passed but when he came out of the bathroom, she was gone.

Chris searched everywhere for her but couldn't find her. He eventually discovered that she was able to get into the gala event by using her best friend Bianca's name.

Months had passed before he was able to find Bianca, Bella's best friend. He told her about what happened at the event and how he has been searching every where for her but couldn't find her.

"She got into an accident that morning on her way back home." Bianca told Chris.

"What?" He exclaimed because He was so shocked by the revelation.

"Yes, and she lost some of her memory.  The doctor said they might never come back. Plus we were advised not to force her into remembering anything because it could be dangerous for her overall mental health. Bianca said.

"You mean she had lost her memory for six months and am just finding out?"  Christian asked again to confirm .

"Yes Mr Hampson and she lost part and not all. She can't remember what happened to her in the last two months before her accident so we just decided to leave her be since nothing major happened." Bianca said.

"Ok can I meet her? I just want to be sure that she doesn't remember me because this past 6 months have been really tough for me. I can't seem to get anything right. I keep missing her every single day. Although I can't remember how or when we got into the hotel room or what happened afterwards and how it happened but the little part I remembered felt special. It felt like it was meant to be." Chris pleaded

Bianca informed Bella's mum about what Chris had told her and he spoke to Bella's mum about how he met Bella and what happened that day. He wanted her to let him see Bella so she eventually agreed and told

Bianca to set them up on a date  few days later but he couldn't make it to the date because he had to travel to US. He spent two years trying to develop the company's US branch so he lost my chance of getting to meet her again .

It was like the Heavens were on his side the day she bumped into his car. He was more than happy to see her again after many years. She had grown into such a beautiful young lady. He wasn't going to ask the person that bumped his car for compensation but decided against it when he saw Bella. He knew she'd come to him one way or the other so he decided to keep her car but he hasn't gotten the chance to give it back to her.When she fainted in front of him, he thought the world had come to an end.

Too many thoughts ran through his head. He felt so relieved when the doctor said she had a concussion because she had hit her head on the wheel and due to her past medical condition.

He got to see her again after six years so he couldn't leave her side till her mother came in, her mum was as beautiful as he remembered and he knew Bella got her beauty from her mum especially her eyes.

Christian loved how determined and fearless Bella was when she learnt that he had taken her car. She didn't feel intimidated like others, none of them would even look at any of his guards talk less of Christian himself but he was surprised with the way she wouldn't stop just to get her car back. He knew she wouldn't stop coming back to the office to cause commotion and it'll be really bad for his business so he had to threaten with her application when she told me about it.

She almost got into another accident in the process of tailing him so he  asked the guards to bring her to his house till he had the chance to talk to her. Chris reached out to Bianca on his my way home that I wanted to talk to Bella but she wouldn't have it so he took her. He assured Bianca not to worry.

Christian loved it when Bella was in his house. Just the thought of it that she was closer to him made him happy. He started missing her immediately  left.

Chris had no plans of messing with her application. In fact he had no plans of letting anybody know that they knew each other. If at all she was to be a student at Hampson Aviation, he wanted it to be on merit.  It hurt Chris every time she remembers him as the Christian everyone knows and not the Christian she knows.

Christian learnt about her been the best graduating student in her faculty prior to her graduation because of her application to his company. They usually send shortlisted applicants to Christian's office for his final approval. He just smiled when he saw Bella's name. Chris decided to shop for a pair of earrings and a matching necklace and sent it to Bella on her graduation. He thought she'd at least remember the name butterfly because he had called her butterfly before in the past but she doesn't seem to remember him because she hasn't said anything about the necklace.

Chris was planning to give her the earrings when she remember him and if she never does he planned to  give it to her the day she becomes my girlfriend. She was watching her from afar because he wasn't so sure of my feelings for her, he wasn't really sure if what I felt for her was love or guilt but she had been the only woman in his life for the past six years but after seeing her again  he reassurance of his feelings. He didn't want to hurt her in anyway. Chris told Bella's coach at the academy that she's was his girlfriend but she doesn't know it yet and he wanted the coach  to pass his message across to the employees. He didn't want to see them close to Bella especially the guys. The fear of someone taking her away from him was scary so he had to take all the safety measures although he knew it was selfish of him.

Chris really wanted to see Bella after so many contemplation, he wanted to invite her out for dinner.  He thought it was better to make new memories together instead of him beating himself up and waiting for her to remember him. Chris driver was just driving into the school when he saw Bella running towards the car, she looked breathless and she was crying . Chris felt so devastated seeing her in that situation . He couldn't control his anger when he got hold of her. Are you trying to get yourself killed? He yelled at her, then she started crying. All he wanted to do then was to comfort her. Make his shoulder available for her to lean on. She told Chris about her mum been hospitalised and he couldn't just leave her to handle it all alone. She cried all through the rider to the hospital. Chris was sure she was blaming herself for not paying attention to her mum. He was watching her closely but she didn't even notice him until he held her after she found out about the medical accident. She looked really pale and he knew she hadn't eaten anything since morning and it was almost 9pm so he decided to take her to one of his restaurants. He was surprised when she wanted to pay for her meal, he just felt disappointed.

Chris remembered how she was running earlier that day so he decided to tell her that still had her car.

She became furious at the sudden confession. He told her she'd meet her car at home. Chris had already put a call through to his secretary to have the car furnished and delivered to her house.