Chapter Ten

Bella was so furious when Chris told her that  he still had her car.

"He had the car for good 6 months , he had Dylla for over 6 months and he didn't dim it fit to tell me, how dare he, why did he let me go through all the stress when he freaking had my god damn car." Bella thought in her head before leaving the restaurant. She was so pissed to the extent that she didn't leg Chris take her home.

She decided to call a taxi since she was too mad at Chris to let him take her home. Surprisingly she met her beautiful Dylla at home and couldn't be happier. She hugged her car like her life depended on it. She checked the engine and every other thing in the car and it was perfect with no single scratch.

She found it really hard to sleep because she had a lot on her mind, her mum, Chris and the twins. She couldn't really organise her thoughts.

Bella knew Mr Anderson liked her mum but she wasn't really sure if she wanted a father figure in my life anymore. She knew for sure that  he won't hurt her mum like her Dad did, at least not intentionally but she still found it hard to wrap her head around their relationship.

She wanted her brothers to be successful even without a scholarship, not that she's complaining if they get one. She would just have to work harder to support her mum especially now that she was getting old.

Her mum was supposed to come home in 3 days if there were no complications but the doctor said she had to stay longer at the hospital because of what happened. Bella had no plans of suing the doctors , at least they saved her mum's life. She  couldn't have imagined her  life without her mum

"What if I had lost her? Would I have been able to cope? And Chris what exactly does he Want from me? Everyone knows he's ruthless. Why does he keep showing me his nice side. He keeps saying have meet him before but when? He certainly said I asked him to call me butterfly, although it sounds cheesy but I love the way he calls my name. Did I just say love? No it's to early I don't love the way he calls my name, I like it. Yeah like is the right word. He even returned my Dylla without a scratch but why did he do that?" She thought in her head taking a deep breath. She couldn't wrap her head around it.

" Is it really possible that have meet Chris in the past? Maybe in our past lives. Funny how he recognise people from his past live." She bursted out in laugher at the thought of it.

" There's certainly no way have meet Chris in this life because he's not someone people can forget easily." She thought before sleep took her to its world.

Bella woke up to the buzzer of her alarm. She didn't know when she slept off . She stood up from her bed to get dressed for work. Her Stewardship training will be over in 2 weeks and she's finally going to become a certified flight attendant.

Today's class was on safety demonstration on board. Bella demonstrated how to Fasten the seat belt, How to use the oxygen bag, she showed them the 6 emergency exit and demonstrated how to use the life jacket.

The Trainer was pleased because Bella got every step right. Most of her colleagues still hated her but at this point she could care less , they can keep hating if that's what they wanted.

She left the academy earlier than others because she needed to go to the hospital, thankfully she had Dylla her so it was easier to get to the hospital, she didn't have to run.

Bella met Bianca, Austin and the Twins by the time she got to the hospital, Her mum hasn't fully recovered yet but she's getting better.

"Bella there's something I want to tell you in private" Bianca said.

Bella followed her outside because she sounded serious.

"What's up B?" Bella asked.

"I think I might be Pregnant Bell."

"Wow. That's good news B.. am so happy for you, can't wait to become a god mother." Bella said with excitement.

She studied Bianca's face and she noticed that Bianca wasn't excited with the news.

"What's wrong B?, you don't look happy at all, is anything the problem?" Bella asked but Bianca was quite. She didn't look happy at all and it made Bella wonder.

"Does your husband know?" Bella asked

Bianca looked really said. She looked scared and was about to cry.

"I really want this child Bell but I don't know how Austin will react to the news" Bianca said

"What do you mean by that?" Bella asked out of curiosity

"We are not ready Bell, we weren't planning to have kids this soon am afraid he would be disappointed in me, what if he says he doesn't want this baby? She putting her hand on her stomach with tears in her eyes.

"Hey B" Bella understood how she felt and hugged her tight.

"You said you might be pregnant, what if you're not?" Bella asked just to be sure but Bianca didn't utter a word.

" You don't have to go through all this emotional break down without confirmation." Bella said.

"Have confirmed it Bell, All the 5 pregnancy test kits came out positive and the gynaecologist also confirmed it. Am pregnant Bell. " Bianca said with tears in her eyes smiling. She looked happy saying the word that she's pregnant.

"Everything will be fine B, don't harm yourself and your baby by crying. Talk to Austin, he should know more than anything else that if you have unprotected sex there are chances that you get pregnant. Even with protection people still get pregnant and even if after you tell him if he doesn't want the baby I'll be the baby's father so cheer up B and I know that Austin will be happy to have kids with you. You know it more than anyone else just how much he loves you B so I doubt it if he wouldn't want you to give birth to this baby." Bella said to her smiling while patting her back

"I guess you're right Bell. Thanks darling." Bianca said kissing Bella on the cheek.

"I have to go" Bianca said rushing back to the room.

"I still don't like the fact that you call me Bell B" Bella shouted so that Bianca could hear her.

"Whatever Bell." Bianca replied laughing.

Bianca left with her husband not long

after her conversation with Bella. Bella was really everything would work out well for them because she couldn't wait to become a god mother.