Chapter Sixteen

"Let go of me." Bella squealed but Chris didn't bulge.

"You're hurting me Chris! Bella wince but Chris didn't listen. He kept dragging her through the hall way till they were both out of sight locking the door behind him.

He suddenly let go of Bella's hands that she lost her balance and almost fell but she didn't.

"What was that for.!" Bella shouted in anger but Chris didn't say a word which got Bella more furious than she was.

"Are you trying to abuse your power because you freaking own this place? You own Hampson Airways and I work for you and so what.!" Bella shouted.

"Why did you hang up on me yesterday and what gave you the right to block my number! Christian said glaring at her

Christian couldn't sleep a wink last night because he could no longer reach Bella. He was so furious when he discovered that she had blocked him.

He felt so humiliated because nobody has ever hung up on him talk less of blocking his number. He was going to teach her a lesson.

He was in the middle of a meeting when he suddenly stood up and came all the way to the airport.

"So blocking him is what this is about." Bella thought in her head. She was so sure that she'd get fired seeing how mad Christian is.

"So am I getting fired on my second day of resuming work?" Bella asked lifting her chin up to face him.

This girl is too confident for her own good. Chris thought in his head. How come she doesn't get intimidated by me? Chris kept wondering.

"Am not going to fire you because if I do you'll have to forget about been a flight stewardess for life because you'll definitely be black listed. Chris told Bella with a glare.

Bella felt relieved when Chris said he won't fire her.

"Why did you block my number?" Chris asked again his eyes became softer when he asked.

"Well you call me stupid and it didn't think it was okay for you to deal with a stupid person." Bella said with a smirk.

"Well I didn't call you stupid, I only said you asked a stupid question." Chris said returning the smirk.

"What's the difference?" Bella asked with an eye roll.

"Well." Chris said with a shrug.

"So will you unblock my number?" Chris asked with pleading eyes.

"I no longer have it." Bella replied

"What do you mean you no longer have it?" Chris asked out of curiosity.

"Well....I deleted the it immediately after blocking the number." Bella replied with a smirk.

"What!" Chris exclaimed with wide eyes.

"You definitely need a anger management class woman." Chris said playfully.

"Whatever!. Am still not giving you my number anyways so fuck off!" Bella said with an eye roll

"Ouch!!!, That hurts." Chris said holding his chest playfully.

Seeing how Chris went from been furious to been playful made Bella smile.

"What are you doing this evening? Chris asked staring at Bella with admiration.

"It depends on why you're asking." Bella replied with a smirk.

"Well I'd like to ask you out on a date." Chris said rubbing the back his neck with his hands.

"Am actually busy" Bella said with a smirk

"Busy doing what?" Chris asked

"I'll be busy enjoying my beauty sleep." Bella replied.

"But why are you so difficult?" Chris asked.

"Really?" Bella replied

"No,no just joking." Chris replied with a nervous laugh.

Chris phone started ringing. It was his personal assistant Elliot.

"What is it!" Chris said

"Am sorry to disturb you sir but we need to head back to the office now." Elliot replied

"I'll be right down." Chris replied before dropping the call.

"Sorry but I have to go now. I'll call you." Chris said

"That's if you'd be able to get through to me. Bella said with a smirk crossing her hands over her chest.

"I'll make sure I keep that in mind. Be ready at seven. " Chris said

"I already told you that I'd be busy." Bella replied.

Chris didn't say he word before leaving.

Bella already knew what was going to happen if she went back to the conference room. She decided to look for her phone to call her friends but she didn't bring it with her because Chris dragged her out involuntarily.

"Ahhhhhhh" Bella growled stamping her feet on the floor as she head back.

All eyes were on Bella immediately she got back to the conference room.

"Why are you all staring?! Liam said glaring at the rest of the attendants.

Bella's legs were so weak because of the whole tension but she tried to get to her sit

"Are you okay?" Alexia whispered.

"No am not, he asked me out on a date. " Bella whispered.

"Why are you not okay then. I love it when boyfriend's still take their girlfriends out on dates even though they are together." Alexia replied whispering.

"This is the first ti...." Bella was cut off by the sound of the microphone

"Everyone move to the tarmac now." The voice said over the microphone.

Bella got home few hours later. Her mum was yet to get back from work so she decided to do the laundry before heading upstairs for a refreshing sleep. She had not slept up to ten minutes before she head the door bell ring.

"Oooohhhhhh" she growled standing up in annoyance.

"Who is there!" She asked raising her voice but no one replied. She knew it can be her mum because her mum would have left with her own key.

She went down stairs to get the door. A delivery man was standing at the door with a big box.

"I have a package for Miss Christabella Walter." The delivery guy said

"That would be me" Bella replied.

"I need you to sign here please." The delivery guy said handing over a pen and a paper to Bella. She signed before collecting the package.

"Thanks." She said before heading back to her room.