Chapter Seventeen

Bella opened the box immediately she got to her room. She was wowed by what see saw.

She saw a short black free yard dress. The dress was designed with black crystals. The dress looked luxurious. A card was attached to the dress. It was a card from the company they bought the cloth from.

Again Bella was amazed by what she saw.

"What?! A limited edition dress from Hailey?" Bella squealed with wide eyes.

Hailey was the most biggest women fashion clothing brand in the country. Bella was stunned because the dress wasn't just from Hailey but it was a limited edition dress from them.

"This must have cost millions" Bella muttered.

Bella picked up the dress to try it on. Another card fell from the dress. It read

"Wear this! I hope you like it and be ready at seven"

"Chris!" Bella said rolling her eyes. She checked the time on her phone and it was a little after six.

"I have about an hour" Bella said before rushing to the bathroom for a quick shower.

"Hi Ella" Vera said opening the door to Bella's room.

"Unnie" Raquel said as she rushed upstairs

"Hi mum."

"Baby how are you." Bella shouted

"Wow, that's a beautiful dress! Raquel squealed badging into Bella's room.

"That's one beautiful dress Ella and it looks pretty expensive." Vera said.

"Yeah. The dress is an Hailey limited edition mum, Chris sent it." Bella said walking out of the bathroom.

"Wow! " Vera said

"Yes mum. He invited me on a date and wanted me to wear the dress." Bella said.

"He invited you on a date?" Vera asked with wide eye.

"Unnie you're one lucky girl." Raquel said with a funny face.

Bella couldn't help but shake her head with a smile.

"What time is the date." Vera asked

"Do you know where you're going? Raquel asked.

"He said I should be ready by seven but I don't know where we are going." Bella said.

Few minutes later Bella was done with her makeup. She wore the beautiful dress and decide to spice up the look with a wine heels and a small purse bag. She let down her hair and she looked really beautiful.

The doorbell rang at exactly seven pm. Bella didn't need anyone to announce to her that it was Chris at the door.

Raquel ran downstairs to get the door.

"Hello, Mr Hampson." Raquel said with the widest smile.

"Hi." Chris replied with a smile

"Where's Christal?" Chris asked

"Am right here." Bella said walking down the stairs.

Chris lips dropped because of how beautiful Bella looked. He as never seen a woman as beautiful as she was.

"Wow." Chris muttered.

"Just wow." Raquel replied.

"Hello Mr Hampson." Bella greeted mockingly

"You're drooling man" Bella told Chris with an eye roll.

"Hi Chris." Vera greeted.

"Miss Walter." Chris greeted with an handshake and a bright smile

"How are you?" She asked

"Very well, thank you and you?" Chris replied

"Am fine too." Vera replied.

"Make sure my daughter is safe." Vera said with a smile

"Yes ma'am" Chris replied with a smile before opening the door for Bella.

"How did you know my address though." Bella asked immediately they stepped out of the house.

"I have my ways." Chris replied with a shrug.

Chris drove his Lexus LFA 2021 down and decided to open the door for Bella. Bella was wowed by the interior design of the car. She sat in complete silence because she wasn't really comfortable around Chris.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"It's a surprise." Chris replied

"Thanks for the dress although I'd have to return in it." Bella said

"It was actually a gift from Hailey to my special someone." Chris replied with a smile not taking his eyes off the road.

"And you think am that special someone?" Bella asked surprised.

"Well I didn't think you are that special someone. To me you're someone special" Chris said

Bella became confused because she doesn't seem to understand what Chris was talking about. She knew they kissed once but that was it. None of them have said anything about it since then so him telling that she was special to him made her confused.

"What's your relationship with Hailey though, for them to have given you a gift. Everyone knows Hailey is mainly into women fashion." Bella said

"The owner of Hailey is actually my younger sister." Chris said with a smile

"Wow!" Bella exclaimed

"Yes! And Hailey is actually her name." Chris said

Bella once read about the company in the magazine and she knew the owner's last name was not Hampson so she became confused.

"But her last name isn't Hampson." Bella said.

"Yeah. She's married." Chris replied

"Oh wow! I guess that explains why her surname is Whales" Bella said surprised.

"Yeah." But how come you don't know Hailey is my sister? It on all the blogs" Chris said

"Well, am not really the type that dig into people's life and you aren't really my area of interest." Bella replied with a shrug.

"Seriously? So tell me the things you're interested in." Chris said

"Well,... for a very long time anything aircraft as been the only thing I was interested in." Bella said

"So why did you become a flight attendant instead of been a pilot?" Chris asked

"Why do I feel like am going through the whole interview process all over again. Bella replied with an eye roll.

"Oops! Sorry." Chris replied with awkward laugh.

"No it's fine I was just kidding." Bella said smiling.

"I'll still have to return the dress though. I can't keep something this expensive. Bella said playing with her hair.

"It'll be useless then because it has your name on it." Chris said with a smile.

Bella was in awe finding out about this little piece.

"Really?" She said with wide eyes.

"Yes. Check the lower end of the dress. It has Ella customised on it." Chris said. Bella checked the lower end of the dress and found a her name beautifully written on the dress.

"So you mean every other person that has this same design of dress will have their names customised on it?" Bella asked in excitement

"And who told you there were others?" Chris asked with a smile

"What do you mean by that?" Bella asked.

"Theirs only on of that dress in the world." Chris replied with confidence.