Chapter Twenty-five

Bella realised it when she heard the vulnerability in Chris voice that she might really mean more to him than she taught.

She knew Chris confessed to her that he liked her but it felt so soon and unrealistic. She knew Chris was a busy man and he was popular for ladies throwing themselves at him and chasing him around. Bella was scared of the possibility that she could become one of those women if she is to reciprocate his feelings. She doesn't want to be a woman that run after a man even if she likes him so much and she doesn't even like Chris romantically. She doesn't like him as a friend talk less of liking him romantically. She only saw him as her boss. She has never really tried though liking anyone though. She has always belonged to the NBSB (No Boyfriend since Birth) association so doesn't really know how she was to react in this type of situation.

"Can you please sit?"Chris said as he let go of her hand.

Bella sat down because she wanted to hear what he had to say. She knew she couldn't keep avoiding they kissed once, went on a date and even shared a hug.

Bella could not keep denying the fact that their was a chemistry between them. She knew she felt something anytime Chris got closer to her and some how she kinda like it .

She could still remember clearly how his lips felt on hers. His lips was super soft and delicious even though it was her first kiss she still enjoyed it. She was grateful because she totally loved her first kiss unlike some other girls that had gross first kiss story.

"Am sorry I brought you on board unannounced." Chris said bringing Bella out of her fantasy .

Bella noticed she was the only attendant on board which wasn't supposed to be so.

"Why am I the only flight attendant on board?" She asked with a frown

"And who told you that?" Chris replied with a smirk.

"No one it's just that I can't see any other attendant on board." Bella said looking around.

"Well they are on board but they are restricted from this area." Chris said with a smile.

Bella wondered how possible that how.

How? She asked

"I built a reception in this plane for situations like this." Chris replied feeling proud of himself

Bella didn't even realise that there was something like a reception in the plane. Chris comment made her come  to the realisation that she hasn't really checked out the beautiful design of the plane.

The interior design of the plane was really exotic. She noticed that the plane had a luxurious office setting so she knew that explains why their was a  reception in the plane.

Why didn't you ever ask me why I kissed you?" Chris suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Well, that's because I didn't know how to." Bella replied

"Why did you do it though?" Bella asked

"I missed you and I wanted you to remember me badly so I thought of the beauty and the beast. I thought maybe if I kissed you it'll bring back your memories. I really care about you Bella and am not going to ignore the fact that you kissed me back." Chris ended his statement with a smirk.

Bella became very curious at this point because she remember him saying they've met in the past. She knew Chris had asked her twice if she remembered him. She was certain they must have met truly.

"Are you sure we've met before the accident?" Bella asked studying Chris face.

"Yes we have." He replied.

"Okay when was that because I really can't remember." Bella said wondering if Chris had done surgery on his face.

"You just turned 17 when we first met but you didn't look your age back then." Chris said

"Really?" Bella said thinking Chris was joking

"You didn't look like a 17 year old. It was at a 2015 gala." Chris said with all seriousness. Bella bursted out in laughter when she heard him mention Gala. Chris was wondering why Bella was laughing so hard.

"You think am joking right?" Chris said feeling disappointed.

"I  have never been to Gala." Bella replied laughing so hard to the extent that she had tears in her eyes.

"Have never been to Gala Mr Hampson. You have the wrong girl honestly. Am definitely not the girl you've been looking for. " Bella said smiling.

Chris brought out a picture from his wallet and showed it to Bella. It was a picture of the two of them. Bella remembered the red gown she wore in the picture. She knew she got the gown for prom but she never got to wear it because she could no longer find it in her closet. Surprisingly her mum had already prepared another beautiful dress for her.

"They never told you right?" Chris asked her.

"Tell me what?" Bella asked wondering what he meant by that statement.

"Honestly It's not my place to tell you . I really want to be selfish but I just can't bring myself to do that to you." Chris said fondling with his finger

At this point Bella knew something was definitely wrong and she knew a very long conversation was inevitable between her and her mum when I get back to London. A part of her knew that Chris was hurt that she couldn't remember him , she had a feeling that he truly cared and meant it when he said he liked her