Chapter Forty two

Bella was so mad at Chris to be in the same space as him. She knew she had to get out.

"I said stop the car." She shouted glaring at Elliot but he didn't budge. Bella got so mad that she had to stand slightly to drag the steering wheel with Elliot but she was stopped halfway when Chris held her had.

"Tell him to stop the god damn car right now." Bella said glaring at Chris but Chris didn't budge so Bella decided to open her the door but Chris held her immediately before she could jump and Elliot pressed the break abruptly causing the car to halt.

"Are you crazy."Chris shouted at Bella holding unto her like his life depended on it. Bella didn't say a word and tried to break free from his hold. His hands were burning and skin and she hated it.

"Let go of me." Bella said glaring at Chris as she struggled to break free. Chris refused to let go of her so she  decided to bite him causing him to let her go immediately.

"Ouch." Chris cried out in pain

"You're fucking crazy woman." Chris said studying the place where Bella had bit him while Bella immediately picked up her bag and got out of the vehicle. Chris followed her immediately and asked Bella to stop but she wasn't having it. She suddenly halt in her steps. She turned back and glared at Chris.

"Stop following me!" Bella said with venom lacing her voice. She continued walking but Chris didn't stop following her so she halted again in her steps looking back at Chris.

"If you don't stop following me. I'll scream." Bella said with a glare and she meant it but Chris wasn't having it so he kept following her.

"Help!!!" Bella shouted out of the blue on top of her lungs while Chris immediately rushed to cover her mouth. She tried to break free from his hold but he was way stronger than she was.

"Ella can you stop been a baby?!" Chris said glaring at Bella.

Bella soon got tired of trying to get out of his so she gave up. Chris pulled her in for a hug but she tried breaking free from his hold but Chris hold become stronger so she relaxed in his hold after a while. Bella didn't know when she started shedding tears. She rested her head on Chris chest as she listened to his heart beat. His heart was beating so fast that Bella was scared that his heart might burst.

"I'm sorry." Chris finally said after a long moment of silence but Bella could stop the tears. She was mad at herself that somehow she was helpless when it comes to Chris. She keeps finding herself been drawn to him emotionally each passing day.

"I'm sorry I said what I said earlier even though I knew you're not that type of girl." Chris said releasing Bella from his grip to look at her. Bella couldn't bring herself to look at Chris in the eyes because she felt so disappointed with herself to have cried in front of him. Bella has always been the type of girl that cry's whenever she's super angry. She cried because she wasn't angry at Chris and because he had intentionally hurt her feelings. Bella was okay with the way her co workers saw her. Most of them believed that she got the job at Hampson Airways because she was sleeping with the boss. A lot of them saw her as a gold digger but she was less bothered. Hearing Chris insinuate it felt different. It felt like a blow to her and it really broke her heart.

"Do you also think am a gold digger?" Bella asked still not having the courage to look at Chris.

"No! No babe. Am sorry if I made you think that way." Chris apologised sincerely.

Chris didn't like the fact that Bella wasn't looking at him so he brought up his right hand to cub her cheek wiping her tears with his thumb. It broke his heart that he was the reason for her tears. Chris used his index finger to lift her face slightly so she could look at him. Chris was met with Bella's beautiful amber eyes.

It was so beautiful that Chris got lost in her eyes. Bella also got lost in Chris violet eyes for a while before she came back to her senses that they were on the street. She doesn't want to be caught up with paparazzi drama so she had to be careful. Luckily for her it was getting late so people couldn't really see them.

"Am sorry I made you cry." Chris said not taking his eyes off Bella but she didn't say a word because she felt embarrassed.

"Were you really going to jump out of a moving car if I didn't hold you?" Chris asked out of curiosity.

"Well you wouldn't stop the car and I didn't want history to repeat itself." Bella said with a smirk referring to when Chris kidnapped her.

"I never would have thought you were this crazy." Chris said chuckling.

"Well try kidnapping me again if you really want to see crazy." Bella said with a smile.

"No I won't be trying that ever again." Chris said with a smile.

"So Miss Walter would you do me the favour of letting me drive you home?" Chris asked playfully.

" Yes sir." Bella replied with a smile as she made her way back to where Elliot parked the car.

Chris instructed Elliot to go home that he was going to drive Bella home himself.

"So how did yesterday proposal go?" Chris asked focusing on the road.

"Well my mum said yes!" Bella said with excitement.

"Wow. Congratulations on bagging a new Dad and a younger sister then." Chris said smiling.

"Thanky." Bella replied in a high pitched tone.

"Would you like to see pictures?" Bella asked Chris with a puppy face while Chris couldn't help but smile.

"Yes ma'am." Chris replied with a smile while Bella showed him pictures and videos of the proposal.