Chapter Forty three

"So what are you doing tomorrow?" Chris asked still focused on the road.

"Am working, I have an early flight tomorrow morning." Bella replied.

"An early flight." Chris asked with a furrowed eyebrow.

"Yes sir." Bella replied smiling

"What's with the sir babe. Please be comfortable when you're around me and I'll appreciate it if you don't use sir for me outside work I think we already talked about that." Chris said smiling.

"But you're still my boss." Bella said with a smirk.

"Who cares? Am your boss and am in love with you so what." Chris said smiling. Bella had butterflies in her belly hearing Chris tell her that he was in love with her.

"People already think I got into the Hampson Airways because of you and most of them dislike me because of th..."

"So you don't want to get involved with me romantically?" Chris said before Bella could finish her statement.

Bella didn't say a word and just replied with a shurg.

"Have been wanting to ask,what inspired you to become a flight attendant?" Chris asked out of curiosity.

"Well, I honestly don't know when I started developing interest but I can remember when I made up my mind to become a flight stewardess. I had the opportunity to travel with my grandma and I saw how caring the flight attendants were so I said to myself that I would like to be like them when I grow up. I think I was six or seven years old then." Bella said

"Have always wanted to help and care for people, both old and young, black or white. Have always wanted to share the my love with everyone and not limit it to l my family members."

" Have always wanted to spread love everywhere i go and am glad my dream finally came through. I just wish my Grandma was still here, she'd be super proud of me." Bella said with a proud smile.

"Am sure she's watching and smiling down at you right now and above all am sure she's really proud of her only granddaughter." Chris said

"And who told you am her only granddaughter? I have an aunt, she lives in Toronto, Canada and she has two beautiful daughters." Bella said with a smirk

"Oh wow I never knew you had an aunt." Chris said suprised.

"I know right. Who would have thought." Bella said with a small smile

"So tell me Chris, is it true you became a billionaire at twenty three?" Bella asked out of curiosity because she once heard someone talking it.

"Twenty two actually." Chris replied with confidence.

"Wow." Bella muttered in shock because she was around the same age and for someone to have become a billionaire at that age came as a huge suprise to Bella.

"You're surprised right." Chris said grinning

"Yes. I am super surprised. I mean you were around my age when you became a freaking billionaire. That's really amazing." Bella said with a smile

" But how did you do that at a very young age?" Bella asked out of curiosity.

"Do what? Become a billionaire?" Chris asked

"Yes." Bella replied.

"Well I had a little help from my parents." Chris said smiling

"Oh." Bella replied

"My parents bought shares for my siblings and I when we were young so I sold out of my shares when the stock price went up in 2009 and invested in crypto currency when it started. I bought about ten billion coins or there about."

"The coins didn't have value when I bought it but luckily for me the value of each coins rose in 2015 when I just became the CEO of Hampson international."

"The coins wasn't up to a dollar when I bought it but it rose to about 300 dollar per coin plus have always loved working on my system. I created my first game when I was fourteen making me into a multi millionaire."

" When I say am a billionaire, I mean it because it's my money and not my Dad's. Everything I have today, I worked really hard for it." Chris explained with a proud smile

"You never seize to amaze me Chris ." Bella said smiling.

"So if I May ask?" Bella said studying Chris countenance.

"What's that?" Chris said looking at Bella before focusing on the road.

"You have this good , caring and funny part of you but why do you always portray yourself as a bad or cold person when in fact you're nice and fun to be with." Bella asked.

"Did you just say am nice and fun to be with?" Chris asked grinning.

"Yes. You're nicer than what I usually read or hear about you." Bella said

"Well I actually put up this wall so that people can't come into my life. I really don't want to be friends with anyone because have been betrayed in the past by a friend and if I show people my good side they will definitely see it as an opportunity to want to be friends with me which a trying to avoid." Chris said

"But Chris do you know that it's not good to push people away . The fact that someone betrayed you in the past doesn't mean everyone else will. Show people your nice side too so they'll have good things to say about you when you're no more ." Bella said

"Ok coach, you'll be my first friend right?" Chris said with a smirk.

"You don't have to ask me Chris, although you're my boss, I see you as a friend." Bella replied smiling.

"But I really do not want to be friends with you Bella, I want more than just friendship." Chris confessed sadly looking at Bella slightly before focusing on the road

"But why me though, there are really beautiful and influential women out there that you can go out with, you know Chris I don't have the face or stature of a model, am not from a rich background, I have to support my mum and brothers. The social status is just to high Chr..."

Before Bella could finish her statement Christian stopped the car abruptly kissed her passionately. It was a shut up kiss and before she knew what she was doing she kissed him back, throwing her hands around his neck until they broke apart to catch their breath. It was Deja Vu

"You know what Bella, this might sound cliche but I must say this, you're the most beautiful woman have ever seen in my entire twenty seven years and I really don't need a woman that is influential or from a wealthy background because I have all of that , I just need a woman that will make me happy, a woman that will love me for me and not for my money, a woman that will scold me when I do something wrong and you are all of that Bella so please stop putting a barrier between us . Give us a chance Please." Chris said with pleading eyes holding Bella's hands and that action melted her heart.

Bella couldn't hold back the smile because of how sweet Chris was. She just couldn't help it. She smiled throughout the rest of the ride to her house and she couldn't help but steal glances at Chris.

"So what time is your flight tomorrow?" Chris asked

"8am , but I need to be at the airport as early as seven." Bella replied with a smile.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow." Chris said pecking Bella on the cheek before getting out of his car.

"Thanks for dropping me off." Bella said closing the door.

"It's a pleasure." Chris replied with a smile before the call it a night."