Chapter Forty seven

Important notice before you read.


To Bella Chris smile was really captivating, his eyes , his smile , his dimples, everything was so captivating. Bella got lost in his eyes before she realised it. She didn't notice that they've moved closer to each other. Their faces were just inches apart. Their eyes were locked to each other. Bella noticed Chris eyes move to her lips. He hesitated like he was seeking for her permission. Something pushed her to inch closer to him while she closed her eyes then she felt his soft lips on hers. Her heart was beating really fast. Bella threw her hands around his neck so that they could deepen the kiss. Her whole body was on fire. She had never felt that way before, like she was on cloud nine. She wanted this man. She wanted Chris. She wanted to have him all to herself so she lifted herself off the bed and found her way to Chris laps with her arms still wrapped around his neck and his hand on her hips. Bella could feel his erection and she could feel herself getting wet. Her whole body was on fire. She had never felt that type of spark with anyone before. That moment of ecstasy when everything feels just right.

Bella felt like the shirt she wore burning her skin so she slowly broke the kiss to remove the shirt.

Bella could see it in Chris eyes that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. His eyes were now darker. Bella threw her hands around Chris neck again and started moving her hips around his erection. Chris was moving his hands around her back and she could feel her skin burning with passion.

His mouth soon found its way to the soft spot behind her earlobe and she let out a soft morn. His hands soon found its was to her bra hook as she felt him unhook her bra. His hands still moving dangerously and his lips living punishing kisses all over her body making her want more of him. His hand soon found its way to her nipple and she let out a loud moan throwing her head backwards with my eyes closed.

She was still straddling her hip on Chris bulge and she heard him let of a soft moan.

"Oh my God Bella you drive me crazy." Chris said pulling Bella to himself , kissing her nipple while she let out a soft moan in pleasure. Chris stood up and dropped her on the bed so he was now on top then she suddenly felt conscious and tried to cover her boobs with my hands but Chris noticed and stopped her.

"You don't have to be shy around me Christal."Chris said looking at Bella's topless body with admiration. Her boobs were full and round and she had a nipple that could make any man go crazy.

"You have such an amazing body." Chris said kissing Bella's neck.

He removed his top and Bella couldn't help but stare. He had such and amazing body. His packs was well sculpted, his shoulders were broad and firm.

Chris kissed every part of Bella's upper body before he started moving down with his fingers still playing with her nipple , he kissed her belly button before he move to her leg. He kissed her legs before he moved to her thigh.

He searched her eyes for a go ahead. She immediately understood what he meant and swiftly removed the short she was wearing and Chris also took that as a que for him to take her to paradise.


Bella woke up to a very sore thigh which was as a result of the many rides she went on over the night.

Chris was very gentle throughout out the ride but Bella was sore because that wasn't used to it. The overnight ride was her second time so she was very tight.

Chris was still sleeping peacefully by the time Bella woke up. She checked the time and it was almost 6am. He looked so peaceful and cute in his sleep. His lips was slightly swollen which was as a result of the many kisses. He had a really long and curly lashes. His brows was full and well defined. His hair was not styled like Bella had always seen him. His hair was disheveled courtesy of her gifted hands. Bella couldn't help but smile at the memories of what went down on the bed hours ago.

Bella felt Chris move as he pulled her closer to himself and she couldn't help but smiled.

Bella didn't know when she slept off again. She was woken by a kiss on her forehead. She couldn't open her eyes at once because of the lightning in the room.

"Good morning sunshine." Chris said wearing the brightest smile Bella had ever seen revealing his dimples.

Chris was already dressed for work in a navy blue Armani suit , white shirt, navy blue tie and  a limited edition Prada shoe.

"Good morning." Bella replied blushing.

"You don't have to go to work today. I already spoke to miss Henshaw." Chris said picking up his limited edition Valentino suite case.

Bella could not wrap her head around what he said.

"What do you mean you spoke to Mrs Henshaw?" Bella asked sitting up holding the blanket to her chest.

"I told her you won't be coming to work till further notice, at least till the whole scandal is gone ." Chris replied 

"Is this guys really serious right now." Bella thought to herself.

"Chris are you been serious right now or you're just joking?" Bella asked scoffing.

"Am serious. I called Mrs Henshaw few minutes ago." Chris replied showing Bella his call log

"Chris you can't start meddling with my work, you might be my bosses boss but that doesn't give you the right to meddle with my work." Bella said with anger.

" Scandal or not it is left to me to know how to deal with them. Why are you so selfish and insensitive Chris?" "You didn't even let me make the call myself you did the calling at this early hour of the day. Am sure everyone now believes everything the media said about me because Mrs Henshaw must've announced it by now that you called on my behalf. Are you crazy Chris." Bella shouted getting up from the bed to pick up her clothes.

She was really mad at Chris for been so insensitive.

"How you you do this to me. Even if the rumour gets cleared no one at work would believe that I got to where I am on merit especially not after what you did." Bella said shouting at Chris.

"Bella do you still see me as your boss and nothing more? You think the only relationship we have is still an employer, employee relationship?" Chris asked feeling disappointed.

"For me it was never an employer,employee relationship and it never will be."

"What I feel for you is far deeper than that and you know it." Chris said but Bella didn't say a word.

"I was only worried about you and I know you're stubborn and wouldn't have made the call even if I had asked you. You would've gone to work either ways and it wouldn't have been nice for business if reporters were to see you at work. You never can tell what next they'd publish." Chris explained.

"Now I get it Chris, everything for you is business. I can't believe I was so stupid. I can't believe I slept with a motherfucker like you. You disgust me." Bella shouted before walking out of Chris room but Chris held her hand before she could leave.

"Am sorry. I didn't think of it that way and when I said it would be busi..."

Bella raised her right hand as a stop sign. Stopping Chris statement abruptly.

Bella was not willing to hear what Chris had to say because she was just too furious to listen to his nonsense .

"Let go of me Christian. I can't deal with a man like you. A man that doesn't care about other people's feelings as long as it doesn't affect your business. Am I also business to you. Oh, I must have been. It would have been good for your company to help a poor child with her education by granting her scholarship through university and also employing the useless girl to work in your company. Am sure that narrative would have really helped in rising your company's stock so you can go Chris. I don't even want to see you ever again." Bella yelled withdrawing her hand before walking out of the room.

"You know that's not true ." Bella heard Chris voice but she didn't care.