Chapter Forty Eight

Bella was starting to believe that everything about her in the article was true.

"Chris must have had something to do with my scholarship. Since he knew who I was he must have had something to do with my grades too." Bella thought to herself.

Bella was starting to think that everything about her life was a lie. The whole scholarship on merit was a lie, her degree was a lie, graduating as the best student in her faculty was all lies and her getting recruited by Hampson Airways had to do with Christian. The only thing about her that was true happened before she met Christian. Bella thought to herself.

"I can't believe he was only taming me so he could have me in his bed again which he did. I can't believe I was so stupid to have believed he liked me. I can't believe I was so dumb to have liked a man like him." Bella thought to herself and the thought of it made her cringe.

Bella ran to the bathroom to take a hot shower immediately she entered her designated room because she felt so disgusted with herself.

"All men are the same, my dad lied to my mum for years before leaving her with nothing. I won't let Christian do the same to me. I hate myself for having such a good heart, I hate myself for trusting people easily. I hate myself because Christian succeeded in swaying me once again." Bella thought to herself as she kept running warm water all over her body while scrubbing my body really hard with the sponge.

She felt so filthy.

Bella suddenly felt heaviness in her head before she started dizzy. She tried to run more water through her head but she suddenly felt numb and her legs became so weak before everything went black.

Bella could see a banquet hall, it was beautifully decorated. The red carpet was so big that it covered the whole flour of the hall. Bella could see lots of camera men and women taking pictures.

Big and Top Celebrities were everywhere on the red carpet. All their Clothes looked really expensive and unique. Bella could see a man in his mid twenties and a beautiful young woman in a red dress at the entrance. They gave their invite to the attendant before letting she let them in.

The decoration in the event centre was beyond beautiful. The ultra violet design was just too beautiful to ignore.

Bella moved closer to the guy and the lady in red dress. She didn't know why she was curious about them. Bella soon discovered that the man was Austin, Bianca's husband and the red dress the lady was wearing looked so much like her supposed prom dress but she couldn't see the lady's face.

The lady told Austin to feel free to talk to people that she'd be fine. Bella could see a guy in a dark grey suit approaching the lady in red. He was tall and really handsome. He looked somehow familiar but Bella couldn't place the face.

Bella soon heard the guy talking to the lady in red.

"Hi." The guy said

"Hello." The lady in red replied

"Am Chris and you are?" The guy said

"Call me butterfly." The lady replied smiling.

They soon started talking about a lot of things. Bella could see how attracted the lady was to the guy.

She saw waiter's and waitresses approaching with wine. Both the guy and the lady drank four glasses in a row. Bella saw Austin telling the lady to stop drinking but she was stubborn and drank four more glass as soon as Austin turned his back.

"Let's get out of here." The lady in red whispered to the stranger.

Bella soon found them sneaking out of the event centre.

She followed them because she was so curious about what they were up to.

They held on to each other before crossing the street and hopping into a taxi.

Bella made sure she followed them.

They got to an hotel and booked a room before heading to the room.

They got into the room and locked lips before they could even close the door and took the whole kiss to another whole new level.

Bella noticed how gentle the guy was with the lady. The guy seemed like a professional while the lady seemed like a virgin.

Bella saw the lady wake up the next morning. The guy was no longer beside the lady. The lady saw blood stain on the sheet and remembered everything that had happened last night. She quickly picked up her clothes, wore it and sneaked out of the room.

The lady got into a taxi and left the hotel premises immediately. The traffic light became red and the taxi driver stopped. Bella heard a very loud sound as something hit the car with full force.

Bella could no longer see the lady at that point. It felt like it was her. She knew it immediately that she was the lady in red. She was butterfly.

Bella could feel her chest becoming heavier. She was finding it really hard to scream. She was trying to move but her body felt numb. Her head was really hurting.

"Christabella." Bella heard her name

"Christabella,Christabella wake up." She kept hearing her name . She wanted to respond but she couldn't seem to find her voice.

Bella felt someone with a strong hand lifting and shaking her really hard .

"Wake up Bella. It's just a dream." The person said

She struggled really hard and she finally opened her eyes.

Bella met the eyes of a very worried Christian. He wrapped his hands around me in a tight hug.

"Everything is going to be okay. Everything will be fine. Everything is fine now. It was just a dream." Chris told her

Bella suddenly remembered everything that happened in her dream. It felt so real. So she decided to ask Chris just to be sure that it was just a dream. She released herself from the hug

"The event centre where we met for the first time was at Cedar events centre right?" Bella asked Chris

Chris had a shocking expression with Bella's question but he composed himself within seconds and replied

"Yes." Why did you ask?

"The hotel we lodged was River Valley hotel suite Room 1109 if am right. Bella said studying Chris eyes face.

He looked shocked again.

"You remembered?" Chris said almost at the verge of tears.

"I think I remember everything about how we met and how the accident happened. I remember my seventeenth birthday too. My grandma actually gave me Dylla during my seventeenth birthday but I think they had to keep the car because of the accident. They didn't want me to ask questions." Bella said.

She could see tears form in Chris eyes as a smile formed on his lips revealing his perfect set of white teeth and his beautiful dimples. The look in his eyes showed how much he adored Bella .

"Am glad you finally remembered." Chris said pulling me in for a hug.

"I guess I need to call my mum." Bella said

"She's here already. She's downstairs." Chris replied

"Why?" Bella asked releasing her from the hug. She believed that the  only reason why her mum was at Chris place was because Chris called her.

"You fainted Bella." Chris lamented.

Bella suddenly remembered everything that happened in the morning and she couldn't remember  leaving the bathroom.

"How did I get here?" Bella said looking around the room.

"You passed out Bella, I found you in the bathroom. You almost drowned. Do you know how scared I was to have seen you like that in a bathtub full of water. I had to use the master key since you wouldn't answer me." Chris said, worry lacing his voice.