Blame yourself

Rudi smiled face to face while shaking his head. He then focused on running his motorcycle. Feelings of restlessness and restlessness are getting hotter in Alma's heart, how can you not? He hasn't found his favorite daughter Aletta yet.

"Alma, can you tell me how Aletta got lost?" Rudi asked, but his voice was blown by the wind so Alma was not clear.

Rudi looks back, he thinks that Alma fell but he is still there. Rudi took Alma around everywhere but Aletta had not been found.

"Rudi you should take me to the police station," said Alma.

"We'd better find Aletta first until we meet. Because if we leave now, your report will not be accepted because Aletta has disappeared not yet twenty-four hours"

"But we've been looking for Aletta everywhere, but haven't found it yet" Alma shouted while crying.

"Okay then I will take you to the police station" Rudi turned his motorbike back, he went to the police station according to Alma's request.


Time passes quickly, when morning comes, be prepared to welcome the arrival of night. In this world nothing is permanent, because everything is easy to change just like that. The atmosphere that had been light suddenly turned dark. There is only light in everyone's house.

Alma and Rudi spent the night looking for Aletta, he had also reported about Aletta's disappearance. Alma was sitting on an iron chair right by the roadside, her hair really a mess. Kind Rudi bought drinks and food.

"You should eat this bread first" said Rudi.

Alma shook his head "No Rudi" replied Alma.

"Alma if you don't eat until now, I'm afraid if you get sick"

"IM not hungry"

"Come on Alma!"

"Please don't force me"

Hearing this, Rudi immediately withdrew his hand which was thrusting bread towards Alma. Rudi then sat beside Alma.

"I understand how you feel, I hope Aletta can be found as soon as possible" said Rudi.

"Thank you Rudy"

"You're welcome Alma. You have to be strong, you can't be weak"

"Ummm!" Alma then smiled, though his smile held a thousand sorrows.

While Mrs. Yulia and Mr. Mario have been restless, their minds are not calm. Mrs. Yulia has been pacing around her yard dozens of times. He was very worried because Alma and Aletta had not come home.

"Dad, why haven't Alma and Aletta come home yet? It's already 8 o'clock at night" said Mrs. Yulia anxiously.

"I don't know mom either, have you contacted Alma?"

"It's father ... But the cellphone is not active"

"Arghhh... Where did Alma go? Should it be when it's getting late, she should come home soon"

"I'm worried if something happens to them dad"

"You'd better not think anything wrong, I hope they stay awake"

"But dad!!"

"Mother should wait at home, father wants to borrow a motorbike first. Anyway, mother can't go anywhere, we will look for Alma together"

"Okay dad, mom wait!"

Mr. Mario then walked towards the gate of his house, when he opened the gate, the automatic motorbike suddenly stopped in front of him. Mr. Mario looked at Rudi, because his face was familiar.

"Rudi!" Greet Mr. Mario with a complicated expression.

"Where are you going uncle?" Rudi asked as he got off his motorbike. Likewise with Alma, he lowered his face from earlier. Alma was afraid to see Mr. Mario's face.

"Uncle wants to go to the next door neighbor" replied Mr. Mario.

"Father where is mother?" asked Alma spontaneously.

"Alma why are you with Rudi? What exactly happened?" Asked Mr. Mario, apparently from earlier he had not clearly seen Alma.

"Father!" Alma said while crying, he immediately hugged his father.

Mr. Mario is still wondering, what happened to Alma. He saw that his daughter's face was wrinkled and her clothes shabby. Mr. Mario held both of Alma's shoulders. "We should go inside first" said Mr. Mario.

Mrs. Yulia heard Alma's voice, she went straight to the gate to see if it was Alma or not and it was true. Mrs. Yulia was very surprised to see Alma who was not as usual. His eyes were puffy because he could only cry and cry.

"Alma why are you dear? Where is Aletta?" Mrs. Yulia asked hysterically.

"Mother!" Alma turned to hug her mother, she couldn't hold back her tears. Every time he heard Aletta's name, Alma's feelings were crushed.

Mrs. Yulia hugged Alma again, she stroked her poor daughter's hair "Honey you calm down first, take a deep breath and exhale slowly" whispered Mrs. Yulia.

Alma did what Mrs. Yulia said "We should go inside. It's not good to see a lot of people outside" said Mrs. Yulia.

They then went inside, but only Rudi remained silent because he felt uncomfortable joining Alma's family.

"Rudi, why are you silent? Come on in," said Mr. Mario.

"Yes Rudi, you should go in first" said Mrs. Yulia. Rudi did not like to refuse their invitation, he then went in.

Sitting room.

Alma, Rudi, Mrs. Yulia and Mr. Mario are sitting in the living room. They were still silent seeing Alma's face look very pale, as if there was no blood flow in his body.

Repeatedly Alma took a deep breath, after feeling better he just started telling the truth. Alma told the story from the beginning until Aletta disappeared. Mrs. Yulia and Mr. Mario were very shocked to hear Alma's story, they almost fell out of their hearts.

"Alma is not a good mother" He blamed himself.

"How can Aletta be missing Alma?" Mr. Mario shouted, he immediately got up from his seat and looked at Alma with a sharp gaze, he couldn't contain his emotions.

"Father forgive me, this is indeed my biggest mistake" Alma immediately knelt to hug Mr. Mario's feet.

"Dad, don't be emotional like that. There's no point in blaming Alma, because this is a disaster. Alma also doesn't know if this incident will happen to him. Instead of dad getting angry and unclear, we should find a solution together"

"But mother, she has lost Aletta, our only granddaughter. Father can't imagine how Aletta is now. Alma is really a neglectful mother, the proof is that she can't take care of her child"

"I know father, sorry for Alma, he is also very shocked by this incident" Mrs. Yulia approached Alma who was kneeling at the feet of Mr. Mario. He held his daughter's shoulders.

"I'm sorry dear father, I didn't mean to be angry with you. He was like that because of shock" Mrs. Yulia whispered while waking Alma.

Alma seemed to be strangled, hearing Master Mario's voice like a bolt of lightning. He was really very afraid to see Mr. Mario angry. Alma did not dare to lift her face, she could only lower her face while crying. No mother wants to lose her child.