Poor Child

Alma seemed to be strangled, hearing Master Mario's voice like a bolt of lightning. He was really very afraid to see Mr. Mario angry. Alma did not dare to lift her face, she could only lower her face while crying. Alma's tears were a witness to how devastated he was by this incident.

A mother's heart cannot be lied to, no mother wants to lose her child. No mother wants to see her child suffer. Every mother wants the best for her child. Either way, a mother will definitely fight for the future of her child.

Rudi was confused about what to say, he was afraid if he said the wrong words. Mr. Mario squeezed his hair, he took a deep breath. Master Mario suddenly felt weak, his legs were not strong enough to stand up. He dropped his body.

"Father why?" asked Mrs. Yulia in a panic.

"Father, it's okay," replied Mr. Mario.

"If Mr. is not feeling well, we should just go to the hospital" said Rudi, he also seemed to panic.

"No need Rudi, because I'm fine"

"Looks like it's getting late, aren't you afraid to come home late?" Mrs. Yulia asked Rudi.

"No mom! What's wrong?" Rudi asked back.

"I'm just worried about your wife, I'm afraid if she thinks anything wrong"

"Don't worry, my wife doesn't know I'm going to Alma's house"

"Why don't you tell him, I'm afraid your wife will misunderstand"

"I'll tell her later mom."

"You'd better go home first, thank you for taking Alma home"

"It's okay mother, I can't bear to leave you in this state"

"We're all okay" said Mrs. Yulia.

"I'll be home later mom. Who knows there's something I can help you with"

"Once again thank you very much Rudi, sorry if it bothered you"

"You're welcome mom"

City center apartment.

Arfha and Cio are now in the apartment. Aletta didn't want to leave Arfha's arms. After a while he felt comfortable, Aletta put his head on Arfha's chest.

Arfha again felt something different, her heart felt calm and peaceful. He felt an inner contact with Aletta. This is the first time Cio has seen his master close to a child. Arfha who usually doesn't care and doesn't want to know the children.

"I'm really surprised sir! Why is he so clingy to that kid?" Cio muttered.

"Cio why are you looking at me like that?" Asked Arfa.

Cio was surprised, he immediately lowered his face "I'm sorry sir!" said Cio.

"We should go to the police station now, I'm very worried that this child's parents will be frustrated," said Arfha.

"Yes sir"

"Mom ... I want to be with mother" Aletta whispered.

"Honey, we will meet your mother soon. Good children can't cry, okay?" Arfha calmed Aletta again.

Aletta lifted her face, she looked into Arfha's eyes. A small child cannot express what he is feeling, he can only whine and call the person closest to him, namely Alma.

Arfha lowered Aletta from her lap, she cleaned Aletta's face using a wet tissue. He also tidied Aletta's hair, to make it look fresher.

"Now you are beautiful" Praise Arfha with a smile, he then took a white paper bag, then he opened it "Uncle already bought you a toy. So you won't be lonely".

Arfha gave it to Aletta "What is this?" Ask Aletta.

"We're open together," said Arfha.

Aletta nodded cutely, her face looked sweet and adorable. He has chubby cheeks, thin lips, and very thick eyelashes.

"This child is very beautiful, how lucky parents are to have this child" Arfha secretly admired Aletta. If he had known that Aletta was his daughter, he would probably be ashamed of himself. Because she had neglected Alma when she was heavily pregnant.

"Sir I have the car ready. Shall we go now?" asked Chio.

"Wait a minute Cio" Arfha opened the toy wrapper and Aletta immediately grabbed it. He has also bought chocolate and strawberry flavored ice cream, he has also bought some of the children's favorite foods. After everything was ready, Arfha then asked Aletta to leave.

Along the way.

Aletta is no longer crying, because she is focused on enjoying her favorite ice cream. Aletta saw Arfha, she then thrust the ice cream into Arfha's mouth. He asked Arfha to taste it.

"Would you like to share with uncle?" Asked Arfha happily.

Aletta nodded with a sweet smile "Wow you are a good boy. Uncle taste a little yes"

Arfha slowly touched the ice cream, he tasted only the tip of it. It was delicious, even he became addicted.

They got closer, Arfha and Aletta joked along the way. They didn't realize they had arrived at the downtown police station.

Police station.

Cio got out of his car first, he then opened the car door for his master "Please sir".

Arfha got down while carrying Aletta, they then entered the police station. Aletta, who is not used to seeing strangers, was afraid because so many men were wearing police uniforms. Aletta immediately hugged Arfha and hid her face.

"Honey what's wrong with you?"

Aletta hugged Arfha tighter "You don't have to be afraid, because now we are at the police station. The policeman is good, he will help us to find your parents" whispered Arfha softly.

"Don't want to!" Aletta said, he was still afraid.

"I'm sorry sir, it looks like this child needs to be calmed down first" Arfha said to the policeman.

"Okay sir".

Arfha took Aletta to play outside, she tried to make Aletta's mood calm again "Honey, what are you doing again?" Asked Arfa.

"I'm scared," said Aletta.

"You don't have to be afraid, here is a good uncle who accompanies you"

"I'm scared" Again Aletta spoke like that.

"You don't want us to be in this place?" Asked Arfha again.

Aletta nodded "Okay then, good uncle will take you back to the apartment"

Aletta smiled, Arfha was confused by Aletta's wishes. Even though he wanted to immediately reunite Aletta with his parents. But instead he asked to be taken away from the police station. Because he didn't want to disappoint Aletta, Arfha was forced to turn the car back. He asked Cio to go home. The three of them got back into the car.

A few minutes later Arfha arrived at the apartment, she saw Aletta sleeping soundly "Arghhh... apparently this child is very sleepy. No wonder he asked me to take him home. I'd better go to the police station tomorrow" Guamm Arfha.