Chapter 16: Heroes

After Gaara regained full control of his body, he suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious because of the effect of the cursed seal and his heart being plucked.


–3 days later, daimyo's palace, guest room–

It's been 3 days since the death of Rasa and the council members but Gaara is still laying on the bed unconscious.

"U-Uh." - (Gaara) woke up and immediately touched his left chest to feel his heart. He could feel his heartbeat but his strength hasn't come back yet.

Because of his heart being new, it will take some time before his body fully adapts to it. Shukaku also pumped some natural energy on it so that it functions like a normal heart which makes it more difficult for him to adjust.

"You're awake." - (Maid) said after seeing Gaara woke up. She then immediately left to inform the doctor and the daimyo.

"Compared to yesterday, his heartbeat is normal now." - (Doctor)

"Hmm. That's good." - (Daimyo)

"What do you feel, you suddenly fell unconscious after defeating Rasa? And to think you're this young. You have a bright future ahead of you." - (Daimyo) said to Gaara.

After Rasa activated the curse seal on Gaara, his disguise was also undone.

"I think I'm fine. It's just that my strength hasn't come back yet." - (Gaara)

"If that's the case, you can stay here till you fully recover. Anyway, I have things to do. If you have anything you need just inform me and I will do everything in my power to provide it." - (Daimyo) said and left with the doctor.

At this point, the daimyo sees Gaara as his benefactor. He has forgotten how Shukaku acted towards him, all he remembers was how Rasa tried to kill him and how Gaara saved him.

–Next day–

Gaara has completed his recovery and he's now in his house. But before he went back to Suna, he first cleared the misunderstanding with the daimyo. He explained to him that Shukaku was the one who saved him but the daimyo just kept saying that controlling a tailed-beast to the point where he doesn't need to consciously do it is almost an impossible feat so he still deserved his gratitude and respect.

This irritated Gaara a little, the daimyo still thinks that tailed-beasts are just evil incarnate and don't have sentience even with all the explanation he had given. But it's still within his expectations, after all he hasn't really done much that can change that kind of thinking. It will take some time for other people, especially the village to fully acknowledge or trust Shukaku.

"Thanks there again, Chub. You saved me." - (Gaara)

"No problem, kid. It's not like I would waste that opportunity to kill that bastard." - (Shukaku)

"But to think he was able to put a curse seal on me without you knowing." - (Gaara)

"Not really that impressive. He probably cut the connection between us during one of my sleeps and did that. I can't really use my impressive sensing ability to sense outside of this dimension, you know. I can only sense the things you are experiencing. Well what do I expect from the weaklings who sealed me here." - (Shukaku)

"That's plausible. I mean, you're always sleeping." - (Gaara)

"Hn! Who wouldn't sleep. You're too boring, always training and experimenting every time there's an opportunity." - (Shukaku)

1 day after Rasa's death, the daimyo sent a messenger to Sunagakure to inform the people about what happened.

The people were all shocked after hearing the news. They have mixed feeling because even though their kage just died they feel grateful that his true color was shown before it causes more problems.

–Currently, suna cemetery–

Most of the residents of Sunagakure are currently gathered in one place. They all wore a black outfit to grieve for the death of their brave heroes (council members) who risked their lives in order to protect peace and stop the madness of their late Kazekage.

And even though Rasa was the one who killed those heroes, almost broke the peace and attempted to kill the daimyo, he was still their kage who deserve credit and respect for holding the village together and preventing it from collapsing for more than a decade. For that reason they still conducted a funeral for him, albeit some are hesitant to participate.

"Hey, Gaara. Are you feeling okay? I heard you were injured after stopping father." - (Temari)

"Don't worry, I'm okay." - (Gaara)

"To think that there will be a day you will be recognized as a hero even with all the things you went through. You never seize to amaze me, Gaara" - (Kankuro) as he patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm not actually the one who defeated him though." - (Gaara)

"You still deserved the credit. It's not like anyone can control the power of a tailed-beast." - (Kankuro)

"Saying it like that will surely be insulting to him." - (Gaara)

"Anyway, the ceremony will start." - (Temari)

Ever since his siblings learned the news, they were worried about his condition, especially that he was far away when the incident happened.

They were also shocked about their father's death but after knowing why and how, they have complicated feelings and reactions. It's been 10 years since Rasa cast them aside. It's only when they were reporting after missions that they could see each other. But even then, he hadn't batted an eye for them once, not caring about their conditions whatsoever.

–2 days later–

Four people are gathered outside Suna's entrance point.

"Good day, Gaara!" - (Shinsuki)

"Yo." - (Kankuro)

"Is everyone ready?" - (Temari)

"Considering that it's only a C-rank mission, there's nothing really to worry about. Right, Gaara?" - (Shinsuki)

"Every mission has its dangers so don't underestimate this, Shinsuki." - (Gaara)

"Yeah, yeah." - (Shinsuki)

"Alright, let's move out." - (Temari) said and all of them disappeared from their spot.

//Flash back//

The next day after Gaara's graduation, he was assigned to a team. Rasa ordered the academy personnel to arrange the teams so that all the competent ones are teamed up and are separated from the cannon fodders.

Because of this, Shinsuki being the number 2 in the whole class was teamed up with Gaara. They don't have a 3rd member because compared to them, the rest are completely inferior in terms of combat abilities and other skills. And to form a unit consisting of the best genins, their team was joined by Temari and Kankuro.
