04_You and no one else


{He owns Her}

Chapter Four.

Adam's Apartment;; 9:00am

Jasmine walked into the kitchen. She picked up a glass of water, gulping down the whole content. Her hair looked disheveled.

She yawned slightly, turning to look at Adam. She furrowed her brows in confusion.

This is so unlike Adam, he was humming and dancing to some imaginary song while he made breakfast.

"Someone's in a good mood" Jasmine said walking close to him.

He only smiled and continued steaming the beef. Jasmine stared at him, she couldn't remember the last time she saw Adam this happy.

"Did you win a lottery?" Jasmine asked.

"Far from that honey" He replied.

"Tell me Adam,,, I'm loosing it already"

"Well honey, I made a good catch" He said and Jasmine did a little thinking then gasped when she realized what he meant.

"You did?"

He nodded... "And trust me, he's hot" He said.

Jasmine burst into laughter due to the funny face Adam made.

"So tell me, how did you two meet?"

"I met him while I was doing my patrol on social media.. I couldn't resist the urge to hook him up, so I did. Then it happened so fast and I didn't know when we planned a date together" Adam said.

Jasmine burst out laughing... The look on Adam's face is so hilarious.

"Are you mocking me Jasmine?"

"No... No... It's just.." Jasmine said admist laughter.

The look on Adam's face changed into a deep frown and seeing this, Jasmine had to sober up quickly.

"I'm sorry.... Sorry" She said. She knows Adam isn't angry. This isn't the first time she'd Laugh at such situations.

"So, Adam, Do you mean you both are in an online relationship?" Jasmine asked.

"Well, we aren't but my heart tells me we would soon. Not an online relationship but a real actual relationship" Adam said, closed his eyes, patting his chest.

Jasmine was forced to laugh but she controlled herself.

" But you just met him,, You can't jump into a relationship yet Adam. I mean this social media hot dudes aren't to be trusted" Jasmine said.

Adam pouted... "I know, but my heart tells me to trust him"

Jasmine sighed... "One last question Adam.. Are you certain he's gay and not Straight?"

"I hope so Jasmine" He simply said.

She scrutinized him... "This whole thing is fast,, I mean, you're already dressed for the date. Isn't it too early?".

"Not really, I'll head to work first" He said.

Jasmine held Adam's Left hand up, staring at his watch. She gasped when she saw the time.

"Adam! Why didn't you wake me up?" Jasmine almost yelled. She knew Ms Amy doesn't tolerate lateness.

"I'm in a deep shit Adam, Ms Amy's gonna deduct my salary"

"Calm down honey, she won't" Adam said but Jasmine wasn't buying any of it.

"Adam,, I'm late. I'm freaking late" She said, trying to run to her room but Adam stopped her.

"I called her already. I told her you weren't feeling too well, so you'd be a little late. She was cool with it, she'd even ask me to let you know that you can rest all you want" Adam said and Jasmine's mouth hung open.

The Amy she knew wouldn't be so considerate. This is so unlike her.

"Don't play pranks with me Adam" She warned.

"Trust me honey" Adam said sounding so convincing.

Jasmine breathed out in relief... "You're such a life saver"

"I always am" Adam said and she rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Don't get too excited Adam. Besides, I never knew you could cook up some lies" She said.

"A little white lie won't hurt.. Not when it's done in your favor" He said.

Jasmine chuckled and patted his shoulders... "I'll go take a shower. It's 9:57am, I need to be at the Eatery now" She said glancing at his watch again.

"I'll Serve you breakfast, then leave for work,, I'm kinda late already" He said.

Jasmine nodded... "Tell Jace that I love him so much". She said walking into her room.

"You'll have to pay for that" She heard him say. She chuckled closing the door to the bathroom.




. .

Nolan's Empire;;; 12:42pm

Liam shuts down his system. He closed his eyes, leaning back on his chair.

He has been this way, unable to concentrate. He had lots of meetings scheduled for today but he actually made Merry cancel it.

Without opening his eyes, he picked up the AC's remote increasing the coldness in his office. Maybe this could actually clear his head.

His mind was just blank and only one thing framed a permanent picture in his mind..... The Stripper. He suddenly, felt the urge to see her. Tonight seems to be too long.

Her sexy curves... The way her butts bounces at every move she took. Her full b**bs.. The Ac, giving him goosebumps. He couldn't help but smile.

"Liam!!!" He jerked up as someone squeal loudly right into his ear making his ear drum go deaf for a while.

Liam glared hard at whoever dare disturbs this peace. If it was someone else, he would have thought the person a lesson... But It's his cousin, Stephen. And doing something to him would be a waste of time.

"Seems someone was fantasizing about something huge" Stephen said smirking as he gazed at Liam's lower part.

Liam furrowed his brows not getting what Stephen meant.

"Little Liam is standing erect... What was my naughty cousin thinking about?" Stephen said wagging his brows.

Liam looked down at himself only to see how hard he was. He quickly picked up a file and covered it. Stephen burst into laughter as he watched his cousin,, The Billonaire Liam Nolan acting like a little boy who got his first erection.

Jasmine,,What are you doing to me? I even got an erection just thinking of you;; Liam thought.

He picked up a file and began to work on Even though there's nothing to work on in the file. He just wanted to cover this embarrassing moment.

"Liam,, Pretence doesn't suit you. I know there's nothing to work on in that file" Stephen said sitting down opposite Liam.

Liam ignored him and kept glancing at the file.

"What brings you here Stephen?"

"Can't I see my cousin anymore? Besides, I came to let you know , about the recent developments concerning my relationship status" Stephen said.

"What about it?" Liam asked sounding unconcerned.

Stephen scoffed and rolled his eyes,, He's already used to Liam's behavior since they were kids, it doesn't piss him off.

"Well, After years of searching for a girlfriend, I finally found one". Stephen said grinning like a fool.

Liam looked up from the file and stared at him.... "You did"

"Of course, and trust me, he's damn cute" Stephen said.

Liam grimaced.. He sometimes wondered why God blessed him with a gay as Cousin.

"Congratulations!" Liam said already bored of going over the file repeatedly. He just wanted Stephen to get h*ll of his office so he could go back and continue his thoughts about his Jasmine.

"....So, we're gonna meet today at a restaurant,,, it's a date" Stephen said whispering the last part.

Liam squinted his eyes... He only caught one word from Stephen's statement and that word seems to make a lot of sense. A restaurant,, His Jasmine is a waitress at an eatery... Amy's eatery.

He mentally face palmed himself,, Why didn't he think of that. He suddenly stood up,, cutting Stephen off from what ever nonsense he was spilling.

"I'm not done talking Liam" Stephen said.

"I need to be somewhere Stephen,, Good luck with your new found girlfriend" Liam said emphasizing on the word... Girlfriend as he stormed out of the office.

Amy's Eatery;;; 3:15pm

Jasmine kept wondering if this was the Ms Amy she knew. She'd arrived at the Eatery some hours ago and Ms Amy has being giving her this special treatment. She'd even asked after her health.

Could it be Ms Amy is happy because I finally became one of her strippers? Jasmine thought.

"Jasmine? Shouldn't you get some rest? You've been serving a lot of people" Ms Amy said to her.

Jasmine stood confused,, She secretly pinched herself, maybe this was a dream. She winced due to the pain she felt,, she kinda pinched herself hard.

"Ms Amy? This is new" Jasmine said and Ms Amy grinned.

Just then, The door bell rang,,, indicating someone just stepped in. Ms Amy gasped a little as she stared at who ever came in.

She dragged Jasmine along to welcome the young Man. Jasmine became more confused... Could Ms Amy have gone nuts? She's acting so weird.

"Welcome Mr Nolan" Ms Amy greeted. He responded by nodding his head then turned to Jasmine with a smile.

"Welcome sir" She said. She doesn't know why, but she felt awkward under his gaze.

"Uhmm.. I'll leave you two. Jasmine here would attend to you" Ms Amy said.

"Make sure he gets exactly what he wants... You and no one else Jasmine" She said and walked away.

Jasmine glanced at him but quickly averted her gaze... She feels really awkward now it's just the both of them.