He wasn't spilling nonsense!


{He owns Her}

Chapter five.

"Uhmm.. I'll leave you two. Jasmine here would attend to you" Ms Amy said.

"Make sure he gets exactly what he wants... You and no one else Jasmine" She said and walked away.

Jasmine glanced at him but quickly averted her gaze... She feels really awkward now it's just the both of them.

"Will I keep standing?" Liam said and Jasmine quickly composed herself.

"Sorry, this way Mr Nolan" Jasmine said and led him to a spot. He sat down with his gaze still focused on her.

"Sir, what would you...."

"Liam!.. You can call me Liam" Liam said cutting her off.

Jasmine gulped nodding her head... "What would you like to order sir?" Jasmine asked giving him the menu.

"Make the choice!" Liam said without taking the menu.

"I'll take whatever you choose" He added

Is this man okay? I mean, who goes to a restaurant and ask a waitress to make the choice.;; Jasmine thought.

"I'm waiting for my meal" Liam said. His fingers tapping the table.

Jasmine quickly rushed to the kitchen and in a jiffy, she was back.

She quickly served him avoiding his gaze. This Mister has just been staring and smirking at her and for some unknown reason, her heart skipped a bit.

"Hamburger,, Nice Choice!" Liam said.

"Anything else?" Jasmine asked.

"A glass of juice would do. Make the choice too" Liam said.

Why the hell is he asking me to make the choice;; Jasmine thought passing him a glare before walking away.

She came back with an orange Juice placing it on the table then turned to leave.

"Jasmine?" Liam called. She turned giving him "What the hell do you want" look.

Liam only smirked... "Sit with me"

Is this guy crazy?;; Jasmine thought.

"I'm sorry sir but..."

"Liam,,, Call me Liam" He said and Jasmine mentally rolled her eyes.

"Liam, sorry but we don't do that here" Jasmine said.

Liam brought of his cellphone,, He place a call on someone then placed it on speaker phone.

"Ms Amy,, Do you mind if Jasmine sits with me?" Liam asked. It's clear to Jasmine that this guy here has gone banana nuts.

"No! I have no problem with that" Ms Amy said.

"Speak, She can hear you" Liam said to Ms Amy.

"Jasmine; Do as he says.... No complaints. Remember,, Your salary" Ms Amy said and Liam disconnected.

Jasmine clenched her fists, gritting her teeth.... It's always her salary being at stake and nothing else.

"Now sit" Liam ordered and she rolled her eyes before sitting down in anger.

Now she's seated with him, doing nothing. She glares at him but that only made Liam increase his smirk.

Liam was forced to laugh at her facial expression. Taking a closer look, She looks even prettier than yesternight, without those heavy make-up.

He knows that if she had her way, then she'll gladly disfigure his face with punches.

He wouldn't get tired of staring into her face and thinking about tonight;; He just couldn't wait.

He'll just have to stall her here until tonight!


"You were so sweet Claudia" Marcus said, trailing kisses on her shoulder.

Claudia smirked as she brushed her hair. The blanket loosely tied round her chest.

"Can we do this some other time?" Marcus asked as he pulled the blanket away exposing her b**bs. He squeezed her n*pples as she let out a slight moan.

"Ah, Marcus!!" She pushed him away slightly, covering her b**bs with the blanket.

"This is new! You never resist my touch" Marcus said.

"This is gonna be the last time we'd be together Marcus" Claudia said.

"Are you breaking up with me Claudia?"

Claudia snickered... "We were never a couple Marcus. You were only my f*ck buddy"

"What? but I thought you loved me, don't you?"

Claudia stared at him with raised brows... "Were you so foolish to think I'd love you?"

"I thought you did love me back. I mean, you confessed your love for me!"

"That's right, but scratch those love words I said,,, I didn't really mean it. You gat the looks, body... but not my spec" Claudia said. She dropped the brush and picked up her hair band, tying her hair in a loose pony tail.

"I've gotten a fiancee,, a billionaire fiancee. I'm getting married very soon... I wouldn't want to cheat on him indirectly" Claudia added.

"What? You're engaged?"

"I am"

Marcus looked away heartbroken,, "You know how much I love you Claudia, I'm practically obsessed with you".

"Marcus, like I said, I just needed you to be my f*ck buddy nothing else.. Now it's over".

"Who's he?"

"And why do you care?" Claudia snapped at him.

"Is he Richer than I am?"

"A whole lot!" She snapped at him again.

"Use the door Marcus" She said.

Marcus stood up, grabbed his clothes, putting them on. A cold frown on his face.

"You're mine Claudia,,, I won't let anyone take you from me".

"...Then you'll watch me kill you" Claudia said.

"Just like how you killed her?..." He said and Claudia tensed up Immediately.

"How,..How did you, What are you talking about?"

Marcus only smirked.... "Your dirty little secret Claudia, I'm gonna spill it out" He threatened.

"I'm gonna kill you Marcus" Claudia yelled.

"Claudia,,,, the murderer!" He snickered.

"I'm gonna kill you Marcus!" She yelled again.

"Oh, and this report... so amazing" He said bringing out a medical report.

"No..No.. keep that away, how did you get it?" Claudia panicked even more.

"I knew this day would come,,, I had my plans Claudia".

"I'm so gonna kill you Marcus!" She threatened.

"Catch me if you can.." He said and twisted the door knob... "Take care f*ck buddy" He said slamming the door.

"No...No... This isn't happening. That b*stard". She muttered, picking a wrapped paper.

She groaned as she began to hear those tiny voices... The cries and the laughter.

"Stop tormenting me, you're dead..." She growled covering her ear with her palms.

The tiny cries only increased even more. The baby's laughter echoing.

She quickly unwrapped the paper and sniffed in the white substance. She closed her eyes as the voices seems to die down.

The hard drugs is the only thing that seems to calm her down.

She sniffed in the substance again... Then burst into laughter.

"Silly child,,, You're a cursed child" She said bursting into laughter.

Slowly, She fell on the bed drifting into sleep.

Singapore;; Amy's Eatery;; 6:49pm

I sighed for the up tenth time. This is getting really frustrating. I mean, all he ever does was stare at me or receive business phone calls. I'm just sitting here like a lazy a*s hole who has nothing to do but sit with a man,,, Jasmine thought.

It's late already and we're the last people in the Eatery. Don't get me wrong, Ms Amy's in her office but all the workers are gone. But this weirdo cat is still seated and Ms Amy ain't complaining;; Jasmine thought.

Liam raised his head to meet with Jasmine's burning glare. He winked at her and She only rolled her eyes. Her eyes are beginning to hurt because she does that whenever he winks at her.

"Dam* it!!" Jasmine groused when she couldn't endure it any longer.

Liam stared at her with raised brows... "Is they a problem?"

"Yes! And you are the problem" Jasmine snapped.

"How does it relate with me?" Liam asked. He enjoys seeing her pissed and right now, getting on her nerves gives him great joy.

"If course be it relates to you! Look around Liam, We're the only ones here" She said.


"It's getting late, can't you see!" Jasmine said through gritted teeth.

"I can see!"

"Then why are you still here, you should leave!!"

"Why? Tell me, Why should I leave?" Liam asked.

"The Eatery is closed already... Besides, I've been seated with you, doing nothing"

"Why are you so eager to leave uh?" Liam asked.

"I have something to do"

"Like?" Liam asked.

"It's nothing of your concern" She snapped at him.

Liam only smirked.... "Because you're a stripper?"

Jasmine felt numb,, I mean, she wouldn't think anyone would recognize her as the stripper from yesterday. Besides non of the strippers get recognized... But coming from Liam, She suddenly felt embarrassed that he had to call her that. Coming from him, she wished the ground could just swallow her up.

"Right?" Liam asked. He could see how embarrassed she looked and he suddenly regrets calling her that.

"You have to go sir,, The Eatery is closed" She said changing the topic.

"You're right! I have to go but you're coming with me" Liam said.

"No! the fact that I sat here with you doesn't mean I can just go anywhere with you. You don't own me." Jasmine snapped at him, standing up.

"Of course I do,,, I own you Jasmine" He said.

Jasmine shook her head.... "It was really a waste seating here with you"

"Jasmine!" I heard Ms Amy call.

"Ms Amy, This young man has being spilling nonsense and you let him stay when the Eatery is closed".

"Jasmine, he wasn't spilling nonsense. He has every right to do whatever he wants with you because he owns you" Ms Amy said.