If I had my way...


{He owns


"No! the fact that I sat here with you doesn't mean I can just go anywhere with you. You don't own me." Jasmine snapped at him, standing

"Of course I do,,, I own you Jasmine" He s

Jasmine shook her head.... "It was really a waste seating here with y

"Jasmine!" I heard Ms Amy c

"Ms Amy, This young man has being spilling nonsense and you let him stay when the Eatery is clos

"Jasmine, he wasn't spilling nonsense. He has every right to do whatever he wants with you because he owns you" Ms Amy s

"I don't understan

"You're his private stripper,, He bought you" Ms Amy s

Jasmine frowned as she stared at Liam then back to Ms

"You sold

"Not that way. I know how much you hate being a stripper especially to the public. I thought it'd be best if I let you become a private stripper. Besides he's going to pay you handsomely" Ms Amy s

"You don't have the right to do that Ms Amy. I made a big mistake joining the strippers, but that mistake is never going to repeat its

"Jasmine! You gave to think this throu

"There's nothing to think about Ms Amy. How could you be so money minded" She snap

"Fine; Then you have to sign this papers" Ms Amy s

"What's it f

"It's just to show you weren't bought and I'm gonna refund his money" Ms Amy sa

Jasmine didn't waste much time in signing the papers, then she turned to L

"Now Mister, I don't belong to you" She said and Liam only smir

"Yes! you are" Liam said picking up the pa

"Miss Jasmine Colton, you just signed the documents claiming to agreed to be sold to me" Liam s

"What? That isn't t

"Now listen, it says here that you would do anything I say because you belong to me now and you just signed it and it clearly shows you agree to the terms and conditions,, contrary to my orders, you'll get arrest

Jasmine's mouth hung open. She made a great mistake not going through the pap

"No, this isn't right! You both tricked me"Jasmine snapped glaring at L

"You can leave us now Ms Amy" Liam said and Ms Amy walked a

"It's just the two of us now sweetheart,,," Liam paused and smir

"....Now Strip" He s

"No!" Jasmine said through gritted te

"There's no way I'm gonna do that" She ad

"Then I'm gonna call the cops" He said bringing out his ph

Jasmine's eyes widened as she rushed to

"It hasn't gotten to that Liam. You know, I meant I can't say no to your request. But the thing is, can you handle the sight before you? and besides, this isn't the club. I can't strip for you here. it's an eatery not a club" Jasmine said sweetly putting on a cute smile. Her hands playing with his dark curly h

"Can we do this some other time? please" She s

"Fine! But I have to drive you home" He s

"There's no need for the stre

"It's an order... or the cops would get involved" He threate

Jasmine balled her fist.... "Fine" She said picking up her pu

"After you!" Liam said. Jasmine rolled her eyes before walking

Liam smiled,,, He'd finally gotten her. He knew something like this was going to happen and that's why he'd gotten the papers. Something in him wants him to take her from here. And to think she's scared of the cops,,, Jackp


The drive was silent,,, She just kept staring out the window. Liam could feel there was something on her mind, Something d

He pulled over and Jasmine quickly came down walking to her apartment twisting the door k

"Sweetheart?" Liam called making her stop. He walked up to

"Aren't you gonna let me in? You know, A cup of coffee would do!" He as

Jasmine glared at him.... "A cup of coffee uh? Sorry but... No

"But..." Jasmine slammed the door at him, cutting him

"Ouch!!... That was harsh" Liam muttered grinn

"She's one fierce lady!!" He said getting into his car and driving

Jasmine leaned on the door, Closing her eyes,, clenching and unclenching her fist. Today's the worst day ever,, the weirdo cat made her day h*ll and now he owns

"Who was that?" Adam asked coming into v

"Uh?" Jasmine asked moving to the s

"I heard voices, did you come back with a man? Who was it?" Adam asked curiou

That's right! Adam is a little bit overprotective with Jasmine when it comes to b

"It's just some street thug* She simply said referring to L

"What? Where are they? Did they disturb you?" He as

"Just let them be Adam" She said dragging him to the sofa, making him s

"Tell me Adam, Why are you so overprotective uh? I can take care of myself you k

"Well, I wouldn't want some street thug or anyone breaking some kid's heart,,, they're so fragile" He tea

Jasmine nudged at him.... "I am no kid Adam, I ought to have a boyfriend, you know someone to love,," I said smil

"Now isn't the right ti

Jasmine simply shrugged... "So, how was your date?" she as

"Fantastic!" He said grinning..."Superb,,,, Romantic!" He said grinn

"You guys are already a coupl

"It's getting close,,, I can feel it. With the way he looked at me, cares for me..." He said blush

"Who's gonna be the woman in the relationship?" she as

He looked away shyly. I could already tell from his looks. On the outside, Adam's a male but when it comes to gay matters, he practically turns to a wo

She released a slight laugh... This is hilarious!!. Her mind drifted to that weirdo cat,, What if he turns out to be gay? Nah!! That's si

"A penny for your thoughts!" Adam said snapping his fing

"How's Jace doin

"He's fine,, but he Misses you A

"I'm such a bad sis right! haven't visited him for a while n

"He understands it's just w

"I'll have to see him tomorrow" Jasmine said standing

"Good night Adam" She said letting out a y

"Good night honey" Adam said, kissing her foreh

Adam's Apartment:; 8:

"Sweetheart!!" Jasmine halted as she heard a familiar voice. She couldn't have heard wrong. it's sounds just like his. A day with the weirdo cat, his voice keeps ringing in my h

"Hey Jasmine! He's referring to you" Adam whispered to her. it's him,, it's right behind

"Let's just go Adam c'mon!" She whispered b

"But he's so freaking hot. it's coming towards you Jasm

"C'mon Adam, Let's go!" She said and tried walking away but something caught her wr

She felt goosebumps engulf her body. She wished she had the power to varnish. She doesn't want to see him, at least not tod

"Sweetheart!" Liam called again as he turned her to face

Jasmine closed her eyes, sucking in a deep bre

"Liam!" She repl

"You two know each other?" Adam asked and she nod

"He's hot Jasmine,,, Oh! now I get it, He's the street thug from last night!" Adam said Loud enough for Liam to h

Jasmine nudged at him. She glanced at Liam who passed her a questionable l

"What are you doing here Liam?" Jasmine asked, changing the to

"I came here for you sweetheart! You're coming with

"No!, I need to be somewhere" She s

"Oh, pay less Attention to her. She's free and ready to go with you" Adam chipped

Jasmine passed him a glare.... "But we need to be somewhere Adam" She said through gritted teeth but Adam igno

"Don't worry honey, I'll explain things to Jace. You guys carry on,,, Enjoy your date" Adam said, winked at Jasmine before running

Jasmine glared at his exiting figure. She is so gonna make him

"Shall we?" Liam asked and without waiting for her reply, he dragged her to the

The both got in. Liam leaned towards her to fix the seat belt. He did and remained in that position staring at her face. Jasmine gulped as their faces where inches apart. Her lips suddenly went dry. She bit on her lower lips nervously as her heartbeat increa

Liam's gazed moved to her lip. He used his thumb to pull it out. Staring at her pink tiny lips, he suddenly felt the urge to kiss

He traced his thumb on her lips which were parted sligh

He leaned his head forward brushing his lips against hers... Jasmine quickly pushed him away slight

I almost let a stranger kiss me; How did I become lost and nervous with his closeness?; She thou

She glared at him but he only smir

"So sweetheart, Why did you have to refer to me as a street thug?" Liam asked as they hit the r

Jasmine released a nervous laugh... "Did I? Of course not, Adam

"But you sure look like a street thug" Jasmine mutte

"Really? Then what are you doing with a street thug?" Liam as

"If I had my way, I wouldn't be here with you. weirdo cat!!" She said whispering the last part. ked.red.did"oad.ked.ght.ly. tly.her.sed.car.pay.off.red. in.aid. me"pic.ook.ear.ded.ied.ath.him.ay!.ist.ine"ack.her.ead.30amead.awn. up.ork"ow" lot"g?" ers.ck!.man.ked.ing.e?" ing.ked.me".ing.sed.now"eat.ked.iam.oys.sly.ofa.iew.her!off.ing.off.!!".ked.her.nob.eep...ot!!out.rse.ned...."aid.aid.air.him.one.ded.eth.aid.ked.way.iam.ers.ed."rue"aid.per.ked.iam.id. or?"aid.ped.gh" elf"aid.me?"Amy.aid.d!".aid.ed".all.ou" aid. up.Six.Her}ed.

"So sweetheart, Why did you have to refer to me as a street thug?" Liam asked as they hit the road.

Jasmine released a nervous laugh... "Did I? Of course not, Adam did"

"But you sure look like a street thug" Jasmine muttered.

"Really? Then what are you doing with a street thug?" Liam asked.

"If I had my way, I wouldn't be here with you. weirdo cat!!" She said whispering the last part.