
I can cognize my lungs tightening as I try to catch my breath. My legs shake, and my muscles stretch as I dash away from the maniacs. I turned my view to my path as I ignored their hiss of sexual derisive.

“We just want to play along!” the sound of their snigger echoed through the road. I can’t be convinced by the thought that no one hears us! Is the neighborhood deaf or something? I was frantically yelling for help to the point my vocals were giving up on me. I’m desirous, debilitated, beat up, and I want to slam myself on the bed.

But I can’t as I want to survive this night. I don’t know where I am heading. Every so often, I faltered on the ground, panicking as I tried to catch my balance because my legs were powerless. I glance from my shoulder, and they are catching up on me. When I looked at the front, I tried to ploy them by turning to the alleyway. The road is narrow as I hump into the walls to push myself out of their hawking gaze.


This can’t be. I come to a stop in my tracks when I look upon a towering brick wall that’s stopping me from moving forward. I almost cried in panic as I frantically looked around. I heard their screams of cackles. They are coming for me.

I jumped, trying to reach the surface of the wall, but I ended up hurting myself when I misplaced something and landed on my butt. I cursed under my breath as I massaged my foot that was hurting. I think I broke my ankle.

“There she is!”

I pant when I saw them coming to me. I attempted to get up and look for something to assist me in escaping, but I felt someone grab me on my arm and pull me towards him. I struggled from his grasp as I kicked and punched him, but a stranger was a virile man. He did not even flinch from his place, even when I beat him multiple times on his shoulder. They look at each other and let out a thunder of laughter. I halt my fist in the air while my eyes are blurry from the tears.

“You know what?”

Before I could even comprehend what he was trying to say, he pushed me on the thick wall, letting my head slam on it. I wail because of the painful sensation that’s rushing throughout my entire system. I couldn’t move on my spot as I got paralyzed by fright, emotion, and uncertainty.

Ever since Ethan showed up in my life, it was followed by numerous disasters. I thought my life would be easy now that he was gone, but I thought wrong. He must've cursed me or something! Because all of these misfortunes are not spontaneous. It can't be for real. Or am I being denied to myself? That I am the cursed one here? That I shouldn't exist in the first place? That, my life would be so much easier if Ethan had the chance to kill me?

I looked at the group of psychotic men in front of me. My hearing started to get fuzzy, and my eyes couldn’t hold any longer. They grip my shoulder as they push me to kneel. I don’t understand why they are doing this. Why has the world become so cruel? What happened to humanity?

“You’re going to enjoy this.”

I heard the sound of unbuckling of belts. I closed my eyes and felt the blood motion all over my body. Suddenly time slowed down, and the weight I felt in my heart disappeared for a moment. I have braced myself for what will happen. Suddenly, my memory of being with Nathan plays like a clip of a movie that’s moving fast. We are both happy as if we have no problem brought into the world. We have fun with our lives. We were satisfied with each other, loving each other.

That was the life I wanted, but that soon vanished when Ethan showed up in the scene. His eyes range, his fangs are reeking with bloodline, and his claws are as keen as ever. His bloodshot eyes landed on mine, and that’s when he attacked. He’s tearing my world apart as I just watched him wickedly laugh as I stood there in nowhere, not knowing what to feel anymore. I was crying but showed no emotions on my face. I got numb, weak, pathetic…

That’s what he wanted. To see me suffer. To fall apart. To become powerless.


I froze on my spot when I heard a familiar tone. My lips parted when I saw the three men lying on the ground, eyes widening in fear as we looked at each other. The only difference is that I can still blink.

How? How did he come here? Why didn’t I hear him? Is it because I was lost in my thoughts that I forgot I was being harassed?

I look at him. His eyes were cold and that brought a chill down my spine. I bit my inner cheeks as I recall the last time I saw him. I don’t know how many days he disappeared. He didn’t even go to school. But now he’s here, standing all-mighty before me. I couldn’t help but sigh in reassurance.

“Ethan.” I gulped when he kneeled, observing my situation. He put his finger on my lips and caressed them lightly. He brought it up to his lips, then he licked his thumb, his fangs were showing, and his tongue was strangely long.

We stayed in that position for how many minutes, just feeling each other’s presence when he held me by my waist and carefully lifted me. My lips parted as I wrapped my arms around his neck, scared to fall. But he secured my body as he walked away, not saying anything.

I can hear his sharp intakes of breaths while strolling on the side road. I glanced at his side profile. He has an aquiline nose. His lips are naturally appealing but enticing. As if it’s inviting me to have a taste of it. I shook my head, and I grimaced. Why am I thinking like this? Especially to Ethan? He’s a serial killer. He can kill me anytime soon. He just saved me from those men because his agenda is he should be the one who will take the honor.

When we got to Nathan’s house, he kicked the door open and brought me to his brother’s room. When I felt the soft mattress on my back, I gaped at his face that was not even bothering to look at me in the eyes. He went out, but before he could walk away, I grabbed his hands. He stiffened then he slowly threw me a glance from his shoulder.

“I-I’m s-sorry…” I looked down and bit my bottom lip, to ease the uneasiness away.

I don’t know why I stopped him from going away. The thought of him leaving scared me, even though he is a dangerous person. He didn’t utter a single word as I felt him watching me under his lashes. Every second that turned into minutes intensified my heartbeat. I want him to say something. I’m bothered by the inconvenient silence that’s encompassing us.

“You’re my toy.”

I looked up when he leveled his face on mine. His lips shapes an auto-erotic smirk then he played with my hair. I gulped silently when he lowered his face before our lips could touch. I can smell his man appealing scent that made my stomach do a somersault.

“And I don’t like sharing my toy with anyone.” he suddenly choked me. I gasp in shock, trying to pry away from his grasp.

“I put in effort to save you, again.” he darkly murmurs on my lips. He teasingly sucks on the delicate part of my jaw before letting go of me. I was gasping for air as I tried to crawl away from him.

“Strip.” his voice was laced with authority as if I didn’t have any other choice but to follow his command. He turned away then left me on the bed, processing what just happened.

I shouldn’t have expected something from him. After all, he has his scheme to kill me. He’s trying to torture me first, slowly but surely. After he’s done with me, he will unleash his whole beast and go havoc on me.

Splashes of water ring in my ear. While he’s taking a shower, I gaze down at my body, taking a moment of it. Why did I expect him to change and show mercy? I should put a hammer and nail on my head because the screwdrivers are loosening up. I couldn’t help but get demoralized as I squeezed myself. I hoped for the impracticable. Why do I long for a change in him? That will never happen. Not in a million years.

The door opened, and he walked out of the bathroom stripped. I’m not new to his body. However, I still couldn’t restrain my daze every time I had the chance to observe his carved-like physical structure. He’s like a work of art.

“Spread your legs, wide enough for me to go inside and fucks you to death.”

He goes on top of me. When I did what he told me to, he didn't waste more minutes. He pushed inside and took a deep and long thrust before pulling my legs closer to him and started to quicken his phase. He doesn't like slower. He prefers rough sex that will max out your energy and beg to stop. I noticed when I look into his eyes while he's rampaging me that he's looking intently at my body, examining it.

As if he owns it.


While walking on the school grounds, he wrapped his arms around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him on our way to class. I gaped at him as he turned his attention on the path. Students are rustling, making us like the star of the show. I know some of them are shocked to see Ethan, whom they know as Nathan, again after vanishing into thin air for days. Now that he’s back, I saw Carls scared to go closer to me as he walked past us, quickening his pace.

“Y-yes?” I always stutter every time I’m talking to him.

I felt him leaning closer to my ear, making me shiver. He teasingly licked on the lobe before whispering.

“Be a good girl for me, little girl. Try to talk to others.”

He bit my ear before letting go. He tapped my butt slightly, motioning me to carry on.

“I’ll hunt them.”