Chapter 132

Aeros was only slightly faster than Snowduster, which made Eli proud of his choice in asking Cassius if Seph could borrow his steed. The Representative had been reluctant to let anyone else ride his prized possession, but when Eli reminded his friend that Snowduster was the only one likely to be able to keep up with Aeros, and time was of the essence, Cassius gave in. It was a wonder to think that any of the other Representatives would want Eli to return in time knowing if he was out past dark with Seph, he could easily be eliminated from the Choosing, which would give the others a much better chance at becoming the duke. However, Cassius had two important points riding in his favor. First of all, he would do anything for Kit, and it was obvious that Kit did not want Eli eliminated. Secondly, Cassius seemed to understand that there was a good chance there would never be a winner, not just one at any rate.