Chapter 131

Kit could only stare at Pierce with her mouth agape for a long moment, not sure how to respond to that. He was dancing on the edge of implying Eli had told her the truth about the house, and Kit didn’t like it—even if it was true. “Pierce, I’m afraid I already have plans this evening. Perhaps another time.” She offered a twig of hope only out of politeness. She knew enough about the Representative from Metfirth to pray he never lay another finger on her for the rest of her life.

Pierce’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she thought he would argue, but he wasn’t given the chance. “Princess Katrinetta, did you know that today is the anniversary of Drake’s birth?” Cassius’s voice sounded friendly enough, but there was a glint in his eye that let Pierce know the conversation was over. Offering his hand, he suggested, “Why don’t you come and congratulate him?”