Chapter 221

The sun was up before Cassius dozed off. Trying to sleep while Kit was locked up in the tower just felt wrong. While he trusted Eli’s judgment and knew he would never do anything to harm the princess, if he had known that Eli wasn’t going to bring her back with him, he would’ve never consented to letting him be the one who went to find her.

None of that mattered when a loud pounding on his door woke him just a few hours after he’d finally fallen asleep. He was confused at first, blinking and wiping drool from his chin, his hair disheveled, and his clothing wrinkled from sleeping fully dressed. By the time he reached the door, the pounder had demanded his attention at least twice more. “Just a moment!” he shouted, lifting the bar.

Queen’s Guard—six of them. Cassius was awake now. “What is it?”