Chapter 220

Eli was the last to make it back to Kit’s chambers after everyone’s tasks were complete. He came through the door in the wall and was instantly relieved to see everyone else had made it back safely. Seph in particular had worried him, not that anyone’s responsibilities had gone without danger.

“Eli!” Cassius shout-whispered as Eli closed the door and secured it. “Did you find her? Where’s Kit?”

“I did. She’s in the East Tower, just as we suspected.”

“How is she? Is she all right?” Jate stepped forward so that now Eli had two Representatives in his face.

“She’s as well as can be expected. Anxious, maybe a little bored, but otherwise unharmed.”

“You spoke to her?” Now Danyen managed to edge his way between the other two.

“I did. I spent a bit of time with her.”