What was Mine

“I wonder if it’s still there…” I mumbled to myself.

There used to be a sweet shop a short walk from our university where Brandon and I would drop by often for me to restock my supply of sweet goodies. The old couple that ran that shop was a loving couple and they always gave me free extras. Brandon would tease me about getting fat or rotting my teeth out from eating too many candies. However, whenever I got depressed or we got into a fight, he would buy me candies from that store to cheer me up all the time.

“The store? It’s not…sadly,” Brandon replied.

“Really?” I exclaimed with disappointment as I turned to face him.

“Yeah, I checked…” he replied with certainty.

He checked? Did he go back there just to check on it?

I looked at Brandon as he casually picked up a pink heart-shaped lollipop. Just like back then, the cute candy doesn’t seem to fit his image when he held it in his hand. I was going to ask him why he went back to check but I decided not to.