A Small Miracle and More Trouble

“Thank you so much, Brandon. I would have liked to say that I didn’t want it back, but I guess I do. I know I don’t need these luxurious things after I lost them, but it still feels so good to see them all back together like this…” I thanked him honestly.

“You always hated losing your things, right?” Brandon whispered from above my head.

His tone was so gentle that it brought tears to my eyes. This is bad, I’m going to start crying for real.

“Thank you…” I whispered as I stared up into his grey eyes.

“Don’t start crying. You’re supposed to be over the moon happy about this and you better be. This all costed a small fortune,” Brandon said in a mocking huff.

I smiled knowingly at him. It was a small miracle that he managed to buy back everything for me; however, that didn’t mean that I felt comfortable taking it back.

“You know, I’m just glad that the collection has been kept together. However, I don’t think I can accept this gift after all,” I said honestly.