Chapter 30: guild registration

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Chapter 30: guild registration

At all the entrances of the town there is a registration officer was placed so that no criminals would enter the town easily.

The checking is free but if a person wanted to register as a citizen then they have to pay a certain price.

This is same for the adventurer's guild and merchant's guild.

As long as they did not have any criminal records they can enter the town and register at adventures guild or merchant's guild if they don't want to register as citizen.

But they have to show their registered identities at the adventurer or merchant guild by the end of that day.

If not they will be charged with the criminal records of trespassing without any identification.

There are many cases where people lost their identifications while travelling.

So this form of chance is given to the people of this kind.

But before that they have to prove that they did not have any criminal records.

The registration officer asked Lisa and John to enter the office where a crystal ball was placed in the magic formation.

The person has to place their hand on this crystal ball and it will analyze the magic data to give the results.

This will also store the details of the checked people in the form of a record.

By evening they have to return back with the identification from a guild then these records will be charged with criminal records.

If by evening the identification was submitted then the records will be removed from criminal charges.

The formation of this crystal ball is connected to the archives of the criminal records of all the criminals registered in the national defence administration office.

It is like computer identification in the modern world.

There is no charge for this as it is their work to help the people with accidents like robbery.

Throughout all of this the two guards and the officer William took a few glances at the boobs of Lisa.

Since it was a normal thing Lisa was not bothered but after every few minutes she received a special pink notification.

This notification is showing the increase in her Horney points.

Lisa cannot be bothered by this as she was used to people starting her boobs and her butt that bounce with her steps.

But still she unconsciously looked at her boobs for a moment and found her erect nipples appearing very lewdly on the top of her thin fabric.

If these nipples are a little sharper they might put holes into her dress and come out.

There are no criminal records on Lisa or John which was good news.

So William directly told them the procedure and let them enter the town.

John and Lisa entered the town after the amiable words of guards and William.

Even though their eyes are lustful John did not notice any of this because of the dunce nature.

He will only reach if someone really makes advances on Lisa right in front of him.

Other than that he cannot perceive what was going with their lustful gaze.

Well Lisa will not speak about this as she doesn't want to become bad in front of John.

Along the road there are many people that looked towards them.

Specifically towards Lisa but no one approached as John was standing beside her.

After asking for directions Lisa and John finally reached the adventurer guild.

Since it is after noon there is not much rush in the office and the counters are free.

Previously Markus said that he put in some money for Lisa to use.

When she was wearing her bra and panties she found the money that is 2 silver coins 4 bronze coins.

In order to register in the adventurer guild they have to pay 1 silver for person.

If it is the merchant guild then it is even higher.

In this world the currency starts at iron coin which is the lowest and the known highest coin is platinum coin.

10 iron coins is equal to 1 bronze coin,

10 bronze coins is equal to 1 silver coin,

10 silver coins is equal to 1 gold coin,

10 gold coins is equal to 1 platinum coin,

1 iron coin can buy cheap saw dust bread.

1 silver coin can let them get enough supplies for a month for a poor family.

This 2 silver coins and 4 bronze coins.

Since there are not many people Lisa and John registered as adventurers very quickly.

The process is simple as they filled the details in the form and a drop of blood along with the magic reading placing their hands on a crystal ball.

They are level 1 adventurer in a tier 1 country.

That is their current rank.

It requires their current level to be between level 1 to level 10.

Currently Lisa is at level 1.

Both Lisa and John received their respective adventurer identification cards that also show their details.

Well others cannot see these details without the consent of the owner of the card or if the owner of the card is dead or through special means.

Lisa has some doubts so she opened the status page to compare the things.


Status panel


Name: Lisa Asterisk

Age: 18 years

Race: Human

Job: none

Title: none

Level: 1 (82/200 experience points)


Health points: 5/5

Spirit points: 4/4

Fatigue: 53 percent


Vitality: 5

Stamina: 4

Strength: 4

Agility: 3

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 4

Soul strength: 5

Soul sense: 5

Beauty: 99

Luck: 1


Potential of player


Body: tier 0 (15/1000 physical potential points)

Mind: tier 0 (23/1000 neural potential points)

Soul: tier 0 (11/1000 soul potential points)


Horny meter: 3/100

Fulfilment meter: 40/100


Almost all the details are the same and this card is valid for the next 2 years after that this card will become a static one that would not update the growth of its owner.

Fortunately this will not show her.......


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