Chapter 31: big bear’s tavern

Chapter 31: big bear's tavern

Fortunately this will not show her skills.

If it really showed her skill then the consequences would be catastrophic.

After getting the registration done they only has 4 bronze coins left.

With these 4 coins they can live in a cheap lodge room for 2 days that is if they share the same room.

After asking the person in the registration counter for advice they were pointed to tavern with lodging.

The person in the counter is a man that has an amiable smile but looked like a fat mouse with chubby cheeks and pointed face.

He is extremely lustful and wanted to get the opportunity to fuck Lisa if possible.

The best choice is to send her to a place where things seem to be right but there are backdoors and wrong things.

Also this place should have good reputation with adventurers.

He was hoping that Lisa and John would ask him for suggestion of a place to rest.

So when they asked him, he simply said the name of the tavern that has lodging facility and the cost is low.

"Go to the bear's tavern and tell the owner big bear my name.

It is a good place and the rent is affordable...

After going out of the guild building turns right and goes along till you see a bear's tavern insignia on the left side of the road.

You won't Miss that…"

After some pleasantries both John and Lisa left the guild building and moved along the way that the person in the registration counter said.

But as soon as Lisa and John left the guild building there is a lewd smile on the face of the person in the registration counter.

"Chick, sooner or later I will ride you,

There is our big brother big bear that can easily subdue you.

Big boobs and no brain beauty"

Initially Lisa and John wanted to go straight to the tavern but as soon as they came out of the guild building they stopped.

They remembered that they have to show their guild registration identity appraisal cards at the town's check post.

They immediately made their way to the check post and got checked and cleared their records.

Because of the too many moments and rushing, Lisa became sweaty.

This caused her dress to become a little transparent around her nipples.

Since her nipples are out of her bra and the transparency created a unique pink shade at that points on her dress.

There are also few sweat drops slowly drifting down into her deep cleavage and at the end revealing her pink, perky nipples that protruded out of her dress.

John did not notice this as he is a dunce idiot.

But the three men are very concentrated on the beautiful scene.

William who was a little sober minded than other two guards looked at John and spoke.

"Mr John it is already evening where is you going to stay for the night.

Do you want me to recommend a place for you?"

John smiled and said.

"Well the person at the guild registration counter recommended the bear's tavern.

Is it good place to stay and it is also a cheap with good quality."

Since another person also affirmed the suggestion of the person in the guild registration counter, John was happy and thought that it was actually true.

On the other hand Lisa who observed the lustful eyes of these men has a strange premonition that she is going to be fucked by many men if she stayed at that tavern.

Also she felt that she is walking right into a trap.

After few more good words Lisa and John left there and returned back to the bear's tavern.

As soon as they opened the old western style tavern doors most of the people glanced at the new comers.

The eyes of these adventurers immediately lit up it are as if they are looking at a cute sheep walking into the den of wolves.

The owner of the bar is a head shorter than normal people with a fat belly and oily sweaty skin.

His eyes flashed as soon as he cast his eyes on Lisa but in the next second all the people changed their eyes and went back to their topics and discussing them lively.

In reality they were keenly listening and peeking at Lisa and John.

John's appearance is sturdy with a good body that can make girls dream about him.

Even though he is not strong enough he gives off this sense that would make other men to become a little cautious.

This is why most people that eyed Lisa stopped and tried to sneak behind John's back to fuck Lisa.

The owner big bear laughed out loud and invited John and Lisa like a perfect tavern owner.

There are no females working in the tavern as waiters.

The cook and the waiters are also were also men that looked like thugs and street rats.

As for the adventurers they seems to be a mix of all kinds of people both men and women that are in teams.

"Welcome to my bear's tavern"

The owner big bear came to Lisa and John.

"Are you here to eat or eat and stay....?"

John took the initiative and started a conversation with the big bear.

"Brother Bear we came here to stay.

Mak at the adventurer's guild registration counter recommended your tavern.

It was no exaggeration to say that this place is lively........"

Both John and big bear talked as if they are like old friends.

Throughout all of this talk the eyes of big bear did not left the nipples of Lisa that were protruding out of her dress.

But John did not notice anything as he was immersed in talking to big bear.

On the other hand most people in the tavern also have their eyes on Lisa's boobs and her ass.

Well most of the girls in the tavern are jealous of Lisa's beauty.

Some of them are....


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