Chapter 34: peeping from another room

Chapter 34: peeping from another room

She continued to look through the notifications and found that there is nothing more important things like this artefact.

She slowly got off the bed and went to take a look at the skill book in the small pouch.

She wanted to learn this skill right now.

When a skill book is used it will give the skill and the book will be gone.

So it is a onetime use item.

Since the book will be gone there will not be any evidence for John to find accidentally.

As soon as she opened the book she felt a sudden rush in her mind and all the contents related to disguise skill are in her mind.

After getting the skill the system also gave the notification saying Lisa has successfully learnt the skill.

But she got another notification saying this skill can be further upgraded into shape shifter skill.

Before upgrading there are some restrictions like the disguise skill should reach a specific level and some chain quests are to be completed.

But the chain quest did not activate right now.

She has to improve the level of the skill before she will be able to trigger the chain quest.

For starters Lisa wanted to have a try to change her hair colour to red.

Based on the information of the skill she used her magic energy to activate the disguise skill and turned her hair colour red.

She went in front of a mirror and saw her appearance.

She looked very lewd and vulgar with the red hair.

Even she was tempted by her looks and image which looked like a succubus.

Since it was all done and she was very exhausted by all the things, she went back to bed and slept.

In the morning next day John woke up early and called out to Lisa to wake up.

As she is a princess he will not touch her.

It was a thing that was imprinted into his mind because of the special training.

Lisa woke up slowly.

Her eyes were sleepy and she was about to sat up.

But, she quickly remembered the dress that she is wearing right now.

She stopped immediately and sent John away saying that she wanted some hot water or something.

After John left she immediately put on her dress and the quest is also completed when she woke up.

She received the extra beauty point.

After few minutes John brought over the hot water for Lisa.

He went out of the room to guard as there are no spare rooms in the room where she can clean her body separately.

But there is someone still watching Lisa washing her body.

It was big bear that was in the next room that was prepared a peep hole to look at the people in that specific room.

After last night's testing big bear was waiting to see if Lisa is going to complain to John about the incidents last night.

But when he saw what Lisa is wearing under the bed sheets caused him to have doubt the character of Lisa.

Well the innocence skill activated and washed away all the doubts that big bear have towards Lisa.

Because big bear smelled some medicinal fragrance from Lisa and saw some small bruises on her waist and legs.

This made him think that Lisa did not put on dress because she rubbed some medicine on these wounds and left them free for healing.

These thoughts were caused by the innocence skill which is more active on the people that are lustful towards Lisa.

Lisa did not know all of this as she moved her curvy body to wipe it with a towel and hot water.

The scene was so great that it is like one of the wonders of the world.

Her bouncy boobs and ass was very beautiful as they move and change shapes with the pressing of her hand.

There is no pubic hair on her body.

The only hair on her body is on her head and her eye brows.

Other than that everything is milky white skin with light pink lustre that gives her more beauty towards texture of her body.

In those short few minutes big bear couldn't help but put his hand in her pants to play with this dick looking at Lisa.

But the timing was not enough as he is not a 3 minute shooter, but a big bear with lot of endurance.

Since the scene it over he was unable to satisfy himself.

Lisa dressed up and went out of the room to meet with John and do some quests to earn money for their expenses.

The big bear's tavern did not provide breakfast for Lisa and John for the room they booked.

Lisa and John were also a little embarrassed to ask for more from big bear, as he has already given them some convenience in room booking.

Even though Lisa is a magician she did not have a wand or staff or other medium to cast the magic.

They asked at the magic items shop in the town to see the costs of a low level wand.

It costs 1 gold coin to get the lowest level of wand in this town.

This is because there are no artefact crafters in the nearby area.

So the costs of artefacts are higher here.

After this trip Lisa decided to do normal quests that do not require magic to get some money.

As for John he has to go out and do some monster hunting quests to get enough money for them to live.

Deciding these things Lisa and John made their way to the adventurer's guild building to get the tasks.

John found a job for Lisa where she has to actually work in the big bear's tavern doing some chores and accounting.

The reward is 1 bronze coin for day's work.

Also this is a continuous work till the job request ended by big bear.......


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