Chapter 35: dirty room of big bear

Chapter 35: dirty room of big bear

Also this is a continuous work till the job request ended by big bear.

John found a job where he has to travel out of the town to a forest area where he has to hunt some wild rats.

John has a blind trust on big bear so for Lisa's safety he wanted Lisa to take this job.

But Lisa was a little reluctant as she know that big bear is waiting to fuck her.

She cannot say these words to John so she can only accept it.

Also when she remembered that she can get stronger by getting fucked by stronger people has made her steel her heart.

Both John and Lisa came back to the tavern and Lisa was directly reported to the duty for the quest and John packed his lunch and left for another quest.

Before leaving John made sure that Lisa's work is not that hard and easy work of accounting and some chores.....

After he left big bear came to Lisa and started his conversation about various things.

While talking he started to weep sharing his sad stories with Lisa.

The incidents were described in such an exaggerated so much that the eyes of Lisa turned red and shared sadness of big bear.

Since it is morning there is not much floating in the tavern.

So, most of the duties were left to the other staff to take care.

Big bear is seriously trying to get Lisa using his own means.

After some time big bear called out his subordinate to bring some alcohol to drink his sadness away.

All of this is happening right in front of Lisa on the desk given to her for work.

The waiter brought in 2 glasses and wine.

He poured himself a glass of wine and drank a few sips.

On the other hand he started to ask Lisa to drink with him to give him company.

Lisa refused as she was not good with alcohol.

After a few times of asking big bear finally said that she can at least drink some water to give him company.

Also just add a little of alcohol in water for his satisfaction.

He insisted it very much to the point where he even put the brotherhood between him and John in the front to convince Lisa.

Finally under the insistence Lisa drank that cup of water with a very low quantity of alcohol.

What she don't know is that there is also aphrodisiac mixed into it along with alcohol.

She simply drank the cup of water quickly but soon after she felt some changes.

First of all she felt like she was drunk with that little bit of alcohol.

Then she felt her body started to turn on.

She became tipsy, her face flushed and her eyes become fuzzy.

Big bear with a lewd smile stood up and asked

"Ms Lisa, are you alright.

I did not think that just a cap of alcohol can make you drunk.

You don't have to do the work for the day.

Let me take you to your room for rest first....."

As big bear spoke he came to the side of Lisa.

Lisa who was horny and tipsy right now was unable to register what big bear is saying to her.

But she felt that her horniness was caused by the cursed system and not something mixed in the wine that she just drank.

Well she is still naive.

She lifted her arms and tried to stand up from the chair but she slipped....


Unlike what she thought she did not fell but was stopped by two big arms around her waist and her boobs.

It was big bear that stopped her from falling and supported her.

"Let me help you go back to your room.

I will support you from the side."

He moved his hands around her body rubbing her shoulders and boobs roughly as he supported her.

But it seems like she was still slipping from his arms.

"Ms Lisa I am sorry, it seems like you are unable to walk in this drunken state.

Let me carry you back to your room."

Without waiting for any reply from Lisa, big bear lifted her in princess pose and carried her out of the room.

The hands of big bear are like snakes one touching her boobs and the other is touching her crotch.

With every step he took her body swayed and his hands rubbed on to her sensitive spots.

She was holding back her pleasure so that she would not moan and disgrace her princess upbringing.

She wanted to wait till she reached her room and then let out her pleasure.

But soon she noticed that the room they are entering is not their room but the room to the side.

This room was very messy, the sweaty smelly clothes are sprayed everywhere.

All in all, this place looked like a garbage dump.

Big bear pinched Lisa's nipples hard causing her to lose her all the strength in her body while moaning.

Then he placed her on the sticky oily bed while.

"You are such a cutie.

It is wasted in the hands of that novice idiot like John.

He will not be able to satisfy you or even last for a few minutes.

Lisa, I was attracted to your body as soon as I saw you....

Don't worry about the area.

After I fucked you for a few times you will get used to it.

Also don't try to report it to John.

If he finds out the only thing that happens is his death and you will become by fuck toy in the future.

If you want him to be safe then be a good girl and do as I say.

After I am bored with you I will let you go.

Also there are many benefits like free food, taking care of John if he is injured.

There is also some money for doing the guild task at my tavern.


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