Understanding the system

I woke up and saw a white hologram

[Your wish is granted. You are bound to the wish system until death takes you]

Oh my God, finally all my wishes will be granted, let's try this.

"I wish to be the most handsome man in the world"




No response, okay. Maybe I set the bar too high.

"I wish I had an 8 inch penis"




No response again, alright. Maybe I set the bar too low.




"I wish for a normal, carefree life"




no response either, what kind of system is this. disappointing 0/10 not recommended for beginners.

I went to take a shower and get ready to head to my office. Before leaving my apartment I looked back at my room then sighed.

"If only my work company went bankrupt maybe I can go back to relaxing here"

[Your wish has been granted, your company's office just went bankrupt]

What? You're joking, right? This isn't some kind of funny joke? Shit, shit, shit.

I ran to my office in a hurry, even though it looked crowded in the public transportation, my heart was still tense about my wish just now.

Why am I joking about that? I have to see it with my own eyes.

After 5 minutes, my fears came true. My company was completely bankrupt, I saw my coworkers lining up to collect their termination pay.

Damn this really happened. I waited in line before it was my turn.

"Boss, I apologize for what happened to this company" I bowed to my boss to show my regret to him.

"It's okay kid, bad things often happen when you least expect it, here's your pay. I hope you find a decent job after this" my boss smiled at me without showing any sadness on his face.

I couldn't help my sadness, I begged the system.

"Hey system, please help my boss to live in his retirement period. I'll give you whatever you ask as long as you grant it."




No answer, fuck you system. I prayed to the various gods in this world to help my boss.

"I hope my boss can live comfortably during his retirement"

[Your wish has been granted, your boss will live peacefully until death comes to him]

Now that you answered it, fuck you system, whoever god answers this, I thank you as a token of my gratitude to you.

I went home and calculated my current income.

The result is quite normal, at least I won't starve for the next 3 months, going to my refrigerator I see only mineral water.

Time to fill the fridge

went to the convenience store, bought the necessary ingredients for my meals, especially one important ingredient of all.

chicken nuggets

What? I'm a chicken nugget lover. If a fast food employee gives me more than what's on the menu, I'll tip him the same amount of nuggets.

Am I overdoing it? No. I'm just being respectful of his generosity.

Going home, cooking my nuggets and watching TV occupies my time.

Ahh what a comfortable life