The kind of woman I hate

"Get rid of him quickly dad" the girl begged her father to get rid of me.

"Miss, you have no right to throw me out because it's all in your father's hands" I replied to her behavior towards me.

"Who are you? Shut your mouth. I'm talking to my father." She looked at me sarcastically, as if I was just a scum of the society.

Alright I'm sick of this. I stared at the girl.

I admit from the appearance of the face and body 9/10. beautiful well-groomed face, big breasts for her age maybe size D-E, well-groomed curves, thick hips and ass. I can judge the perfect physique but the personality can't be helped.

"I'm sorry sir, it seems this job is not suitable for me, I want to resign" I got up and tried to leave.

"Wait what do you think of my daughter, please ignore her comments" He massaged his forehead and ignored his daughter's babbling.

"I apologize if this offends you and your daughter, Honestly if in my view as a stranger, I think your daughter is too spoiled, I suggest giving her further education and teaching her a lesson about the harsh reality out there. And from a man's point of view, your daughter is like a double gulp cup, unfortunately I'm not thirsty right now, so forgive me," I said my opinion of her.

What did I get? A disgusted look from the daughter, on the other hand an impressed look from Mr. Edbert.

I was so satisfied commenting on that damn girl, I hated every inch of her existence.

"Is there any other remark?" Mr. Edbert asked another question like a father-in-law, damn if I'm going to get married to his daughter. Oh no, the apocalypse is coming, the apocalypse is coming.

My mind is restarting right now. I pause to calm myself down before I roast this girl.

"well Mr. Edbert, I will answer all my opinions as a reference point, first lady, correct your personality if you want to get a husband who is worthy of you, second please change your appearance, you are living in an era where civilization is advanced and not backward. third, please stop that stare. you are making me angry just by looking at it, luckily you are beautiful otherwise I would gouge your eyes out of it." i said all that in one breath and saw the expressions of the two people.

The girl looked at me with a look of disgust and anger at my opinion, while Mr. Edbert looked at his daughter's expression with amusement.

"What did you say, punk? I'll finish you off!" the girl ran towards me and tried to beat me up, before she could I shifted my position and blocked her feet as she ran then she fell and I knocked on her head after which I locked her on the floor.

"Shut up you spoiled girl, if you try again like this maybe I'll tie you up on the gate" I threatened this girl without caring about her cries and struggles.

Master Edbert just laughed at our behavior, he admitted that he had never seen his daughter being beaten by someone like me.

I mean? What? Is my employer drunk on tea or has he gone insane?

"Well from today you will be my daughter's butler and I will increase your pay to $5000 an hour" he said after seeing our behavior.

I'm happy for the increase in my pay and I hate the purpose of my job. Being this woman's butler. Give me courage my daughter.

'Dad's fight' ah the voice that I miss echoes in my head, I miss my daughter.

" Move out of my way" The girl wriggled like a caterpillar to get out of my lock.

"No, I'll let you go if you behave yourself" I refused her order because I was sure she would attack me.

She stayed still and didn't struggle from my lock. I looked at Mr. Edbert, he just smiled at our behavior.

"It's quite funny as I have two children, since my wife died, she always locked herself up, maybe your presence here will change her" he smiled at me as if I were his son or son-in-law.

While this girl is shaking violently, either crying or angry or this girl is holding back to relieve herself.

"Miss if you need to relieve yourself, let me know, because I'm sure you want to relieve yourself immediately" I said innocently.

"You bastard, hurry up and let me go" she shouted making me feel pain in my heart while in my ears was beautiful music.

"Mr. Edbert please have another maid show me to my room, I want to get ready. Oh if you could stop right in front of my room, thank you" Mr. Edbert nodded and ordered one of the maids to immediately go to my room.

Alright now it's time to escape from this crazy girl. Countdown.3.2.1

I ran to the corridor quickly, without looking back, looking for my room in every corridor, behind me I heard the sound of an angry bull chasing me.

I knew the damned princess was chasing me, I had to run faster, every corner had to be passed with precision.

After 20 minutes of circling the house I was still being chased by the bull, I know this woman's stamina isn't bullshit. I tried to peek behind.

That's right, the expression of an angry woman who looks cute, I'm confused,I'm scaroused because her breasts are swaying quickly, tempting me to want to squeeze. it's not the time to think about it I have to find shelter before I was finished off by that woman.



Finally a maid stood in one room and I didn't wait or say anything to her. I went inside and locked the door then I blocked the door with my body.

"Thank you Miss" I shouted to the maid, then


"Open the door, damn butler, I'll kill you, open the door quickly" the girl shouted in a very loud tone.


"I'm going to break down this door, and beat you with my both hands" I was threatened by her, it was so funny.

"No chance. Go ahead, I don't care" I held the door with my body and the girl actually broke down my door, such dedication.

"Open the door, I'll torture you if you don't" The girl kept knocking and breaking the door.

"Okay, I'm sorry about earlier, please forgive me. Please go away. I can't change my clothes if you disturb me, disturb me when I start serving you" I replied gently for my behavior earlier.

It's quiet, really quiet.

"Serve you in the dream, go fuck yourself, bitch. hahahahah" I yelled at her and...

"Fuck you, I'll end you, fuck you" she yelled back.

As much as I love teasing that little bitch, I need a break. I'm tired.

After stopping fighting with the girl, I got up and piled the furniture on the door so it couldn't be broken into, then I jumped on the bed and slept.




While that night

someone waited on the food table. she waited. waited and her veins started to pop.

" That bastard butler, just you wait" Shouted the beloved princess.