You're too comfortable here

I woke up from my deep sleep. I realized that I had to start working as a butler in this house.

Mr. Edbert gave me a message that today he will go out of town on business for 3 days, he left his daughter with me and take care of the meal in this house.

I took a shower and got ready for the kitchen to start cooking, I saw all the ingredients piled up in the kitchen which made me wonder, who has such a big appetite, and the great thing is that all the quality ingredients are fresh and new.

I started cooking for all the residents of this house, one by one the residents of the house began to enter the kitchen asking me what I was cooking, I ordered them not to disturb me for now and told them to sit down waiting for my food to be finished.

After I finished serving the food on the table, all the residents began to taste my food, I only chose soupy food and some small snacks for them.

Many praised the quality of my food and wanted to learn from me, I just dodged it with the principle of 'all food is good if the purpose is only to fill an empty stomach and be given a little love' to be honest it sounded ridiculous and bullshit, but in reality it was indeed ridiculous and bullshit.




After eating I asked my colleagues where the damn spoiled princess was, many said she was still sleeping at the moment, I sighed and told them if the princess came please serve her.

I asked the maids where the princess' room was, they showed me then I went inside.

The room was quite spacious with excessive decorations of dolls, beauty products, and clothes scattered around. Oh my god, she sleeps only in her underwear, this woman is so bold that she is like a banquet ready to be eaten at any time.

I shook my head then cleaned the room to get rid of my lust for this girl, no, no, I can't be lusted after by this goddamn girl.

After cleaning the room I approached her who was still fast asleep then I covered her body with a blanket, it seemed she was almost awake.

I bring myself closer and stare at her morning face, it's so cute. I take a picture to be blackmailed in the future.

"Miss wake up, it's time for breakfast" I called this girl from the waking up softly.

"mhmm...." she turned her body away from me, what an ungrateful woman.

I walked towards the door and opened it wide then walked back towards her who was sleeping.

"Hey, bitch, you look so tasty, I'll rape you if you don't wake up, no one will help you when I eat you" I whispered in her ear before she woke up I ran as fast as I could to my room and locked the door.

"You bastard" the sleeping princess screamed echoing throughout the house.




At lunchtime I cooked for the whole house again, I got a lot of compliments except for that damn princess.

To pass the time I went to the master's garden to study plants. Or just enjoy nature. Maybe it's better if I can grow some of these plants at home.

[Your wish has been granted, horticultural knowledge is recorded in your brain]

Good, the system still exists and gives me something that saves money.

Satisfied with my results, I went back to my room to rest.

I saw inside my room a hideous creature with a sinister smile staring at me intently as if it wanted to kill me.

"Oh hello princess, how can I help you?" I bowed and greeted this damn princess respectfully.

What did I get? A warm kiss from a woman, no. A warm hug from a woman, no. A warm touch from a woman, certainly not. But a fist right on my face.

Before I got hit I dodged and she fell out of my room, I reflexively closed and locked the door.

" butler,open the door, you haven't served me yet, I'll report you to my father" she shouted behind the door.

"What do I need to serve you? Me? Impossible, maybe you'll beat me up" I replied in a mocking tone to her.

"Sure, I'll beat you up for sure, that's my promise until I die, you have to feed me, dress me, keep me company at tea time" she said proudly.

What? I have to accompany you in all of that, no, no, I'll probably become your table decoration before I have time to pour tea in your cup.

"You still have arms and legs, don't you? Get them for yourself in the kitchen. I've cleaned all your clothes, get them yourself, put them on yourself, are you paralyzed? accompany you to tea, do you look so lonely to ask me to drink tea, ahahhahaa" I made fun of her requests.

" You jerk, just you wait, I'll beat you up." She left my room.

I sighed at her departure, then I rested for a while enjoying this luxury.




I went back to prepare everything and unexpectedly there was a new person present on the dining table, namely the damn princess.

After serving the food, I sat next to the princess to eat.


I heard a bowl slam next to me, I saw my food scattered on the floor.

"What a bad meal, make another one" said this damn woman to insult my food.

Many people at the table got angry with the princess and started to nag her, but before it became a big fight I stopped them to shut up and continued eating dinner.

I got up and sat on the floor and ate what was scattered on the floor and even licked up all the gravy on the floor.

Everyone who saw me felt sorry for me and tried to stop me because it was dirty, I refused and told them to go back to eating.

After I finished eating, I cleaned up the traces of food on the floor and then looked at the dishes for this damn princess.

I went to the kitchen to get some new food then sat beside her, I took a spoon and fed her some food.

"ahh" I said to feed her. she dodged by looking the other way.

"There's an airplane coming through swuish" I fed her again in a child's style, she dodged again.

"The train is about to enter the tunnel chuu chu" I fed her again in a child's style, she again dodged.

I put down the spoon, and stroked her head with my left hand. she looked at me with surprise, I just smiled at her, then I took the spoon back.

"ahhhh" I fed more food into her mouth, finally she gave up and put it in her mouth.

"Good girl" I fed her again until it was all over the bowl and cleaned the traces of food in her mouth with a napkin then I got up to get a drink for her. I also helped her to drink then again cleaned the water droplets in her mouth with a napkin.

I picked up her food and put it in the dishwasher. I went back to the dining table to eat my share, after finishing my meal I went back to my room and locked it.

I didn't care about the views or opinions of what happened at that time, I went right in front of the mirror then BANG

I punched the mirror until it shattered into pieces.

"Women don't know gratitude, if it wasn't for my duty to serve you I would have killed you" I was angry at her actions.

System granted my wish to fix this mirror.

[Your wish has been granted, the mirror you destroyed is restored to its original state]

System granted my wish to turn the poison that entered my body into power.

[your wish has been granted, every poison that enters your body is converted into strength permanently for 30 minutes]

I'm really disgusted by her actions just now, if I were cruel I would have tortured her with my own hands. I now want to rest and forget everything that happened tonight.