Your status doesn't help me at all

the next day

I returned to my duties as normal, many residents here asked about my condition and how I was doing, I just answered casually.

That damn princess came to eat with us, I still fed her as usual but I didn't make a sound at all, I gently fed her.

After finishing 'serving' this damn princess, I went to the park to enjoy the beauty of this world, the park attendant took the time to chat with me and I reciprocated, before he continued his work, he said goodbye.

After enjoying the flowers in the garden I went back to the kitchen to make snacks for me and the damn princess.

After making layer cakes and brownies for her, I walked to the door of her room and knocked.

"Please come in" she said behind the door, I walked in and placed the cookies on her table.

I then cleaned her room and I neither ignored nor gave her a voice, while she looked at me strangely.

After finishing my duty, I looked at her and smiled insultingly then went out and closed the door. as I started walking back to my room. I heard something familiar in my ears.

I looked back. oh right, the damn princess was chasing me, I quickly ran around the house.

"I forgot to beat you up earlier when you came into my room, come here, let me finish you" she ran and yelled at me.

"Too bad lady, your chance ran out when I came out of your nest, muahahaha" I teased her with a happy face.

happy moment of the moment, I ran she chased me and bitched.

After 30 minutes of running around the house, many residents of the house were happy that our condition had improved but in reality it did not.

"How long will you chase me bitch" I kept running corner after corner.

"Until I can hit your head with satisfaction" She followed me like a BMW on the highway.

Damn this woman is serious, I see the swimming pool in front of me I turn my body and ready to receive it.

"Come at me, bitch" she jumped at me and ready to hit me.

I reflexively grabbed both her hands then slammed her body backwards into the pool.



I saw her condition in the pool, and she saw my face full of arrogance towards her.

"Enjoy the bath lady, goodbye" I ran as fast as I could to my room.

"Bastard butler, I hate you" Her screams echoed throughout the house.

After reaching my room, I took a short break from my run.

The girl's stamina is pretty good, maybe in bed she can last a long time.


I cooked for the people back home, I also cooked my favorite chicken nuggets snack, everyone ate my food and also that damn princess.

She looks at me hatefully, every time I see her face she looks at me scornfully, I just smile at her.

After everyone left it was just me and this damn princess. I ate my chicken nuggets, while she ate my brownies.

Silence, silence that kills the atmosphere.

"So, why you so quiet?" I asked her softly.

She got up and hit me, unfortunately I blocked her punch quickly, and she picked up my chicken nuggets and threw them at me.

"How dare you throw my favorite food at me, you've crossed the line, I'll quit this place" I flicked my finger at her forehead then went back to my room.




Mr. Edbert returned from his business, I told him that I was resigning from here, he was saddened by it, but he respected me. After collecting my salary I left the house and went to the front gate.

Before I get out of here I turn my head towards that damn princess's room and give her a gift she won't forget for the rest of her life.

two middle fingers and "serve yourself bitch muahahaah".

I started running from this house, I also didn't forget her angry expression, I was satisfied every second of it. what a relief.