Calmness until

After I was done with the work at home, I went back to my real place.

my beloved apartment.

My favorite shotgun there still stood beautifully, the only bullet I used to kill myself remained in the spotlight on my desk.

"Don't worry dear, someday I'll use you" I stroked the bullet like an irreplaceable treasure.

I started to organize the entire contents of my apartment and clean up the dirt here. all the things that I miss are here.

It's time to go back to lazing on the sofa accompanied by my favorite chicken nuggets.

I just remembered that it's time to return my borrowed books, damn there must be a fine this time.

I rushed all over the library, and also didn't forget to bring money for fines.

Three percent of my earnings from being a butler disappeared because of fines and taxes.

I went home because my business was done, while doing something productive which was heating up my cold bed.




The 2 days I spent as usual were spent at home, working is now unnecessary because my money is now enough to live for 2 to 3 years.

What I'm doing now is probably just eating sleeping and pooping that's all, no need to bother people, even being bothered by people.

I want to take a walk once in a while, if not to the park or mall, just to wash my eyes for a while.

After enjoying this world I went back to my lair, I came back with a lot of food ingredients, I tried other countries' recipes that might be worth trying.

From snacks to lavish banquets I tried, soupy food to fried food I tried for 4 days after buying the ingredients.

The thing I hated most about this binge was that my weight had increased beyond my ability to control it.

Maybe I should go to the gym, but with my erratic diet, the nutrition in my body is uneven.

It's really dangerous, I have to check the internet for these things.



I'm dizzy, I'm really dizzy. I have to diet for an ideal body but I'm always trying new menus when I eat.

I can't help it because I want to eat it. Please support me my body.

ring ring ring

Who else wants to bother me at this time, don't you know my dilemma now.

Ring ring ring

"Please wait a moment" I got up and straightened my clothes, and walked in front of my door but why do I get a bad feeling if I open this door.

Ring ring ring ring

"Who?" I was curious about who was behind this door.

ring ring ring ring ring ring ring

It seems like this person is impatient, he also doesn't answer me, which is unethical.

I gripped the doorknob, but why is my heart not at ease?

I slowly closed my eyes and started to open the door wide.

Before I open the door I pray not to die silly here, and start to open my eyes slowly.

"hello shitty butler"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I screamed loudly and started running to my room and locked the door.

That damn woman chased me here, this place is no longer safe, I had to quickly run away from this place.

out of fear all my senses became very sharp, it seemed like she started to enter and lock my apartment.

I heard her footsteps approaching my room like the devil giving me an invitation letter to hell on the merit path.

"oh dear butler, come out, I just want to talk to you" her voice was chilling as if I was just a toy for her.

"No, I don't want to, you will definitely finish me if I get out of here" I was trembling and scared because of her, this was not why it was just that my body was not in good shape at the moment, because I was too spoiled.

"Take it easy my butler, it's the last thing I'll do to you, just take it easy" she coaxed me to come out, but I knew that demonic voice would definitely push me to hell.

she broke through my door and looked at the hole she had just made, I saw her face smiling broadly at me. this demon began to tempt to accept her invitation letter

"Come out or I'll force you out" she smiled widely.

I dared to come out, before I could speak she threw a slap at me. I dodged of course.

"You're lying damn princess, you really want to finish me" I ran to my bed to be ready to respond to the attack, flight or fight mode of course I chose flight.

She chased me and threw punches every time I entered her attack range. I always dodged and threw some furniture to stop her.

Unfortunately she also avoided it. ah shit whether I accept fate or fight it.

We continued to play pursuit until I started to feel exhausted.

"wait wait wait, I'll take a breath first" I took a deep breath until the oxygen in my lungs was full then looked at the damn girl's expression, it seemed like she was enjoying this.

she tapped her foot on the floor as a form of waiting for my execution. god lighten my punishment.

"Alright, let's continue" I ran around the apartment again, she kept chasing me and didn't forget to throw punches at me, until I was trapped in my own room with no way out.

Shit, shit, shit. I have to accept this fate. system if she finishes executing me please revive me, my tears flowed to accept my execution.

And the result, of course I was beaten to death on my own bed, hit, slap, kick, pinch, all forms of physical torture I experienced all and she enjoyed every second with a satisfied laugh at every execution.

After she was satisfied with executing me, she got up and told me. if you don't wake up in 3 hours, I will force you to wake up and then I will continue to finish you.

I fainted after she left, before I fainted I wished for the system to heal me.

[Your wish has been granted. Your body was healed and restored to its prime]

When I woke up I felt my body back to the way it was when I came out of that job, thank you system you answered me at a crucial moment.

I got up and saw my apartment back to its original neatness, how come? Shit, I have to check out first.

I left the room, and saw that all the furniture was back as before as if nothing had happened, I was grateful for this. So this was all a nightmare for me.

I went to the kitchen to make tea, I'm very, very grateful right now, because it was all a bad dream.

I went out humming happily to the living room.

"ah you're awake, please sit down"

My tea glass fell over.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I screamed because the demon was still here.