Searching for Money and Home

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit....

Yesterday was my shittiest day.

I had to make some extra money to get married.

Honestly, I didn't want to marry that demon but what else.

My father-in-law seems nice to me and I don't want to disappoint him. I hope he can live longer when we get married.

Ah shit I'm thinking about marriage with that demon at this moment. Troublesome

[Your wish has been granted. Edbert's life will be extended according to his wish.]

What? How? Your damn system is still here apparently. What do you mean according to his wishes. It means he can die whenever he wants or can live as long as he wants.

Damn I want that too.

Well putting that aside let's think about how to get a house and money fast.

System help me, grant my wish to get a house that suits my wishes.




Damn it, you system always gives me no response even though my emotions are desperate now. Well let's try something else

Grant my wish for the system to get a lot of money.




Shit, shit, you bastard system. Now you're not helping me anymore.

It's time for me to go to work.

Even though I worked hard, my mind was always thinking about yesterday.

I asked my boss for advice on finding land or houses for sale.

he suggested going to the auction center maybe I could find a house there, I left for the auction place.

After arriving I saw the list of contents of each house at auction, many choices caught my attention.

I chose a house that I could use for horticulture and a garden for daily meals, that was my priority for now.

As I sorted through the list I came up with three recommendations for suitable houses.

but from those three places there are some constraints

Simply put

the location was too far from the city, the price was too expensive, and the condition of the land was uninhabitable.

I gave up and went home to refresh my mind,

on the way back to my apartment, I didn't know who sent it, there was a big box wrapped in black cloth.

My paranoia kicked in, I called the police and who would have guessed?

The duo of cops who complimented me on my donuts came to investigate the box.

I didn't forget to greet them and they recognized me, we chatted for a while and they continued investigating the evidence.




They told me that this box is a suitable evidence to handle big cases, and it must make me happy that they can get more promotion.

They promised me a party on Sunday and gave me a reward for helping with the investigation.

On Sunday, we went to a bar quite far away, I don't know why they chose that place.

They said it was probably to avoid conflict.

After arriving at the bar, I was rewarded with $10,000,000 for contributing to the discovery of evidence as well as a police medal.

I was quite happy about the reward, we partied so hard that at the bar only the sound of our laughter could be heard.

I didn't drink alcohol because I didn't want to, they were also of the same understanding not to force me to drink. minutes to minutes hours to hours passed we told stories and laughed together.

Suddenly a hail of bullets attacked us, we reflexively took cover behind the bartender's table.

They both told me and the bartender to leave, but I stayed to help you.

"If my friend dies here then you won't die alone, we fight together and die together" I yelled at them and the bartender ran to the back door to save himself.

They looked at me amazed and excited, our adrenaline rising from the hail of bullets and alcohol,

"Of course we will die as comrades, and live as comrades" the tall cop said, making me feel touched even though we were being riddled with bullets.

"well after this hail of fire is over let's reply them with a hail of bullets from us" the short cop nodded his head many times

"If one of us survives, please say goodbye to our loved ones back home" I gave a fist bump to the two of them.

They returned my fist with enthusiasm.

"I forgot we don't carry weapons" the short cop realized we were only carrying car keys.

All three of us slapped our foreheads.

System, hey help me here. Your host is trying to survive and not die silly here, please system help us.

[Your wish has come true, open the big drawer in front of you]

I opened the big drawer and threw the contents to the two policemen.

"Looks like the bartender is full of gear, next time check his license" I threw the AK-47 and M16 while I got the Saiga-12.

"After this we're going to take a long vacation" was my last words before we started the counterattack.