
The bar was ablaze with corpses lying here and there, either shattered by bullets or burned out by fire.

I carried the two policemen to our enemy's sedan and laid down beside it.

The tall cop was Richard while the short one was Louis. They were badly injured.

Richard had a gash over his right eye and lost a lot of blood in his chest abdomen hip and left hand.

While Louis received injuries to his shoulder, leg, and wrist.

While I suffered more serious injuries than them, my chest was hit by more bullets than them, my head was shot, fortunately my physical condition was stronger than them, maybe I could have died right then and there.

My right hand was burnt by the alcohol that exploded right in front of me, my thigh was shot and my own bone started to show, what an interesting sight.

They were both critical and I immediately called for help from the police and the hospital.

After giving a description of our position, I wished for the system to heal these two people so that I could rest easy in the afterlife.

[Your wish has been granted, Richard and Louis will be cured when help arrives]

I was grateful then, after which I left the location to savor the moment of my death.

Walking around the quiet city streets this night, crossing every intersection and alleyway, I was bleeding heavily my body forced me to rest but my soul refused to rest.

because I want to rest where I belong. I keep walking even though drops of blood follow behind me.

limping every step and forcing my body to keep moving until my apartment.

I opened the door to my apartment and started to enter and lock my door. I started to fall right in front of my door, but I dragged my body towards the sofa to lean on and lifted my body to a sitting position.

I couldn't think, I only had one intention which was to live until I sat on this sofa.

I took the necklace around my neck, and saw that my body was starting to turn pale, indicating that I was starting to bleed out.

"My daughter, daddy will catch up with you, so just wait a little longer" I gripped the necklace tightly.

I began to think about every second of my life right now,

"Mr. Edbert, forgive your son-in-law for not being able to keep his promise, I regret my choice this time" I took a deep breath and began to gradually close my eyes.

"Camilla, forgive your husband, I had to leave you first, I regret that I ran away from you" slowly my eyes began to close and I grew exhausted. dropping the necklace in my hand.

Now I'm really dead.