Let's talk about it together

I enjoy this life.

Really, I'm not lying.

After slapping that woman, my soul was bursting with excitement. Although not as excited as I was about slapping Camilla's ass.

Putting that aside, I started to pamper the two people in the house until the point where I went to fill the kitchen they whined for me to stay.

Ah, the beauty of life as a stay-at-home dad, I'm starting to be grateful for this time.

I just remembered whether I need therapy or I need to go to church.

Well, I'll try church later.





When I got to the church, I went in and prayed to my god. When I finished, I came out and was confronted by a nun.

"Can I help you?" I smiled at her.

"In the name of the almighty and sacred God, you are a perfect devotee, you are his most perfect creation. I am amazed at you" She prayed to me. I just said amen and thanked her.

After leaving the church. I went to the police station to meet the duo, unfortunately they were on duty this time. damn they didn't invite me.

"May I ask, where are they on duty" I looked at the receptionist and she gave me a copy of the warrant.

In short, it was about the arrest of people suspected of human smuggling at the pier.

Looks like we're going to play again, I like action guys, life on the edge of death is more exciting, but don't copy our behavior. I beg you.

I asked where the police locker room was.

The receptionist lady showed me the place.

"Wow, darling, it's here" I turned to her and glared at her.

It looks like my slap has left a mark on her face.

"Of course, I want to play with my friend. How does it feel to have five symbols of sin on your face? Isn't it nice" I smiled mischievously at her. feel that damn woman.

"I'll keep this as proof of your love for me" she giggled at my response. this woman is no joke. teasing me a little.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you want" I started to go to the locker room but she stopped me.

"Other than police personnel are prohibited from entering, unfortunately you are not police personnel, darling" she giggled again at my behavior. ah shit I forgot the procedure. I backed out and went back home.

"I can make you a temporary police officer, but with conditions" I stopped and looked at her. She stared at me triumphantly for my intentions.

"Lick my feet" She took off her shoes and stuck her feet out towards me.

Wow, I can't believe this woman's behavior. It's really funny.

Even covered with stockings, her legs are still sexy.

Well, let's play your game but with my rules.

I start to approach her and squat down. I grab her ankle, and look at her face. she is breathing heavily. I smile and pull her other leg which is still standing firmly.

She fell down and I immediately threw my fist at her face, before reaching her face I flicked my finger at her.

The sound of my flick made the entire police force silent. Because they know, whoever dares to fight with the director will be ready to leave this world.

"Next time if you want to tease me, when I don't have a wife, please stop your habit. I feel sorry for your men if their boss is shameless like you" I got up and stroked her head for a moment.

"Shut your mouth, wear this" she pouted and gave me a police shirt. I went into the changing room.

"Shit, shit, shit. I should be humiliating you, not the other way around. You better watch out." She stomped her foot many times but didn't realize her surroundings, after she met her eyes she looked around and glared at her men.

"What are you looking at here, you want me to fire you all" all the police officers who saw this incident immediately rushed to work. she then left somewhere.


That damn woman was angry at her men, I knew it. I checked the clothes she gave me.

There was my badge and my name on it.

I took a shower and got ready to go. I tried on the uniform and it fit me perfectly.

I adjusted my style a little then walked out towards the front door.

As I walked, I was always ogled by my police colleagues, even the policewomen were shy to look at me.

Before I walked out the door

"hey wait" I turned my head and saw the director approaching me.

"Your collar is untidy, let me tidy it up." The director tidy my collar and put the key in my pocket. I smiled at her and started to leave for the parking lot.

"You forgot this" she pushed a black suitcase towards me, I checked the contents.

Special Modification AK-47

Special Modification M-16

Special Modification Saiga-12

It seems the director understands our favorite weapons.

I smiled and closed the briefcase again. I then approached the director and gave her a quick hug then left for the garage.

The director trembled and sat down.

"I was hugged, ah pleasure, I can't take it anymore, I will make you divorce your wife, just wait" She moaned loudly from the stimulation I gave her. she then got up and straightened her uniform. after that she looked at her men who were looking at her strangely. she took out a gun and fired at the ceiling

"If you discuss what happened just now, I will fire you with my bullet in your head, Understand".

The police who witnessed it all immediately saluted and pretended to have a complete loss of memory.

I walked into the garage and saw many cars here. I pressed the car sensor on this key.















I pressed the wrong button. I pressed the button again.

Beep Beep

Finally, I approached the car.

A Chevrolet Camaro with armored modifications. I don't know the engine specs and stuff because I don't own a car.

I got in the car and started it up, Oh my god the engine sounded great. I liked it. But there was one problem.

I don't know how to drive.

So I always use public transportation or taxis.

System, please. Help me.

I'm counting on you this time.






Really? You don't want your host to look cool, do you? Come on, let's go.






well, wish me luck



I was home so much that I forgot to learn how to drive.

Damn it. I really underestimated this.

The sound of the engine starting....the sound of the tires braking....embarrassing....very embarrassing....the sound of the engine starting...the sound of the tires braking...and so on....

I was seen by many other policemen. They laughed at me, and the director seemed to be satisfied laughing at me.

System do me a favor, I'm embarrassed here.

[Your wish has been granted, the ability to drive has been recorded in your brain]

Thank you system, thank you system.

I started driving the car as it was intended, which is a racing car. of the people who saw me laughing were now surprised. laugh at this. I made a perfect Donut and went from the police station to the dock.







"Louis, can't you help a little here?"

"Bastard, we are not here to fight bullets but to ambush them."

The two of them faced a dangerous situation, because they didn't bring much preparation. They only brought a stun gun and a normal car.

"Damn it, I hope Raylo is here" Richard took cover behind the boxes and tried to call for help.

"Officer needs assistance, dock position. southwest direction. over" Louis communicated to his walkie-talkie to get the SOS signal.

"Bzzzztttt....Understood.....location.....over....." the walkie talkie voice said.

They were happy to hear the news of help arriving.



police siren....

They saw a black car speeding towards them and blocking the bullet attack. then the car door opened.

"You bastards, why don't you take me along this time" I threw my gun at them.

"Raylo, where did you get this car?" Louis was excited to see my car.

"The snake lady gave it to me, ask about it later. Let's finish the mission this time" I took cover with them.

"Just like that fucker said" Richard looked at me and Louis.

"God Bless America" We shouted together and returned their fire.




The black car full of bullet holes and damaged glass was parked in the lobby of the police station. 3 severely wounded people came out and walked to the receptionist. and gave her the evidence of the crime.

"You took care of it, good. Maybe you will be promoted quickly, except for one person" the director greeted us.

"Stop the formalities and give us treatment, fucking woman" Richard snapped at the director.

"Director, where did you get this car. Give it to me, I'll give up my promotion." Louis looked at the director pleadingly. The director looked at me, I just nodded.

"Alright go to the medical room, dear Raylo give the key to Louis. Then Louis, your promotion will be postponed until you solve 4 more cases" She put her hands behind her back.

"Understood" The duo saluted while I just looked at her with disdain.

We went to the medical room and got treated.

There we just joked around and told long stories.

That's how it is guys. Even if we have a misfortune, in the end we will have a big laugh.



I went home with a full set of bandages, the first time I went home with bandages.

When I entered the villa, Camilla was waiting for me with her usual stare.

Yes, angry.

What did she do this time?

Yes, beat me up.

Does she care about me?

Yes, after beating me of course

Doesn't she feel sorry for me?

No, after what happened to me

then what could I say before all of the above happened to me.

"I can explain" and so began all the things I mentioned earlier.