Not accepting being cuckolded

After what happened yesterday, I'm now receiving punishment from my own wife.

How I was punished

handcuffed to the bed

stripped naked

fed a little

and locked up in my own room.

You're probably asking how I went to the toilet, right? It was easy. I held it until Camilla came, when she came I asked her to take me to the toilet. But how did she take me to the toilet, you know?

She tied my hands and my feet together

and then dragged me like a bag of rice.

Moreover, defecating was very difficult.

After it was all over, I was dragged back to my room and it was back to the beginning.


stripped naked

fed a little

locked up in my own room

Fortunately, Asha was at Mr. Edbert's house. I didn't want her to see her father's condition and her mother's behavior.

You're asking where she sleeps?

There are seven rooms in this house so she can sleep anywhere.

When I was punished it seemed like she hired some servants to clean the house but never came into my room. I heard them whispering, if anyone came into my room, they would see something they would never forget.

I forgot to ask Camilla to clean my room too, she just looked at me with disgust and slapped me. Damn woman I just wanted to clean my room.

She made special handcuffs that are long enough but I can't reach my bedroom door.

I'm trying my fate, is it really my fate to be locked in here and it's been arranged.

when I wished for something to occupy my free time.

[Your wish has been granted, the game station equipment is placed on your desk]

An orange box of whatever generation is on this table. the game box is also complete, very nice. I just need a TV.

I have to hide this.

I asked Camilla to put the TV in my room. She just looked at me with disgust again.

"Please Camilla, I just want to know what's going on out there, you can prolong my sentence, but please. I'm not a caveman here" I hugged her legs and begged her.

She accepted.

I must be happy and joyful because I can play in my cage.

I raised my middle finger to Camilla when she wasn't looking at me. When she saw me, I looked at her in amazement and gave her an innocent look.

After she left I started putting it up, I only hid it when it was meal time.

I target during this confinement

If I lose in a competitive game or I die in a single game. I exercise.

the grind

I did all that for 2 months, and it's ridiculous that Camilla didn't notice. I'm really happy. muahahaha.

I've counted the months of Camilla's pregnancy, it's probably 6-7 months. I can see her belly getting bigger and bigger, and I'm getting more and more worried about her.

"Take a break, I can take care of myself. I'm still being punished here, you don't have to trouble yourself with this assholes husband" I hugged her and stroked her head.

"Alright, I'll take this" she went to my hidden entertainment. I tried to stop her but she was faster than me. and she stood outside my room. and smiled at me.

"It turns out that you didn't correct yourself at all and had a lot of fun instead. Now your punishment is getting harder, so forgive me husband" she gave me a flying kiss and closed my door and locked it.

"Camilla, you bitch, give me back my game console. You better watch out. I'll forget about you. Listen to that, Forget about you." I immediately covered my mouth.

System, don't grant it, I'm begging you.




fortunately, thank you system


Camilla took away some of the other furniture until only the mattress was left.

I ignored or didn't care about her. I just slept and ate. And if it was the toilet, I just asked for it.

Simple isn't it?

For interaction, I only answer by nodding or shaking my head.

She just looked at me with wonder and confusion.

She came into my room with a book.

"I don't know what happened to you, for one month you never called my name, only you, miss, master. maybe you were joking or acting. but it's okay. this is our memory book."

She showed me pictures of me when I was her butler, then when she got married and when she started pregnant. The last picture was of her with Asha.

"This is me and our adopted daughter, but you force me to say that she is our daughter, while your real daughter has died and is in my womb" she stroked her big belly.

"Please remember us" I approached her and stroked her belly. I then giggled and looked at her with my childish smile.

"What a cute expression you have, Oh my pampered wife Camilla Fay" I stroked her cheek and she looked at me with a glare. then slapped me. I laughed at her behavior.

"I hate you, I wish you were dead. You don't know how lonely I am when you don't say my name" she cried of course, I sighed and hugged her.

"Don't be sad and angry all the time, it's not good for my daughter, so smile. I promised you." I looked at her with an evil gaze

"I Camila Fay swore to accompany my husband in his times of sorrow, trouble, and hardship. I thought it was just nonsense" I spoke and while making fun of her

She looked at me angrily this time and replied to me.

"I've done all my vows, are you blind" she pointed at my eyes.

"That's right, I was blinded by my wife's fists, I was blinded by the pain my wife gave me, I was blinded by my fear" I stopped to take a breath and glanced at her.

"I was blinded by my wife's beauty, I was blinded by my wife's sexiness, I was blinded by my wife's cuteness, I was blind to you Camilla, so guide me" I was quite proud of my flirting. now it started pounding.

She looked at me angrily and her face turned red against my advances. She then hugged me and hit my chest gently.

"You, your foul mouth is embarrassing me" she clutched my nipples.

Ahn it hurts. Damn it.

"Ouch it hurts stop, I'm sorry. Now let me out. I want to check my garden. My plants are all dead, I'm sad" she pinched my ear now.

"You always think about your garden, just think about me. I don't want to be cuckolded." She pinched my ear harder this time.

"Yes, yes. I will pamper you from today, let me go. I want to cook deliciously" she took off the cuffs. finally, finally. down. 3 months I was imprisoned in my own house. I'm free. Thank fate.

"By the way where's my console?"

"I destroyed it."

" No!"

I screamed as loud as I could

Fate says otherwise now