The job I was destined for

1 week has passed, after giving my shotgun to the director, I am waiting for the next news from the director. for now I give more affection to my family at this time. they are starting to suspect why I am like this, I just smile and tell them

"I'm just doing my duty as a good father and husband, right?" I smiled.

"After you've done all this you'll run away again won't you" Camilla looked at me suspiciously, of course my wife, I ran away for sure. You've understood me since the first time you met me.

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to spoil you guys" I went back to spoiling them even though my wife looked at me scornfully. Stop it wife, you're making me want to get out of here quickly.

ring ring ring ring ring


"Raylo, come to the office."

"Of course, director" I hung up the phone and rejoiced in my heart, I was finally able to escape I mean vacation I mean work.

I said goodbye to my wife and daughter to leave for a while. Camilla gave me a grumpy look, like she knew what I was going to do. Take it easy, you'll be happy about this later, I have a good feeling about this.





We gathered in the director's room, again.

"Every request and wish has been approved by the top brass of the police force and some influential people above, so cheer up" She gave us a letter of assignment and a letter of compensation for us, after reading the contents of the letter we signed it all then the director gave us our wishes.

Richard got a Humvee with a bulletproof and explosive proof steel body. Louis with a special Camaro car with high-level systems and advanced technology.

I of course got a suitcase of money as well as 2 specially modified 4-barrel shotguns with beautiful hand engravings. Oh my god I am in love with these guns.

Jet black barrels like black holes and white wood handles carved in gold with leaf patterns. What a perfect carving.

I'm trying my fate with this gun, maybe I can load bullets like those cool movies out there.

I wish the shotgun's proficiency.





Damn it wasn't my destiny, well we'll try next time maybe when there's something wrong.

"Now that it's all been handed over, tomorrow you have to leave, understand" Duo saluted, I just shook hands with the director.

When I went home, I hid the suitcase of money and weapons that even the whole house didn't know about. Then I went back to the living room to interact with my family.

"What did you get this time? An excuse to run away again." Camilla glared at me, I ignored her and continued playing with Asha and Nasya.

"If you want to know, try not to be bad at me, maybe I'll tell you" I continued playing with my daughters.

Camilla walked up to me wanting to hit me, but I looked at her gently, because I knew I was an asshole husband. I wasn't the perfect husband for her or the perfect father for my two daughters at the moment. she stopped and looked at me.

"I don't mind whatever bias or bad behavior you have towards me, but please not in front of our daughter" I went back to playing with my daughter, Camilla then sat down and joined us.

After enjoying the day with my daughter, I went to bed with Camilla and my two daughters. that's right, we slept together even though we had separate beds. I woke up and looked at the clock.

12:00 AM

I got up and kissed Camilla on the forehead, she groaned and continued sleeping, I then went to my two daughters and kissed them both on the cheeks, they were just smiling in their sleep. I smiled happily at them. then I took out the money I had hidden. and took 0.1% of the money, then wrote a letter to them.

After writing the letter, I went to my flower garden, and lay my body on a park bench. I looked at the stars in the sky then I took out my necklace, of course the galaxy pattern was still there and had new colors Red, Blue, Purple, Gold.

"Rithya my child, your father misses you now. look at the stars up there" I put my necklace on my chest, and pointed to the sky

"If the star up there gives you a wish, what do you ask for? I'm sure you ask for a father happiness or accompany yourself. Let alone happy, I'm willing to accompany you anywhere even in hell" I wiped the tears out of my eyes and looked back at the sky full of stars.

"I miss you child, come back to my side." I couldn't hold back my tears, crying in the middle of the night accompanied by the stars.

I sang songs like 'always' to express my love for Rithya

'I don't want to miss anything' for every moment with Rithya.

'Here Without You' to express my feelings of loneliness at this time without her.

Am I happy while with Camilla and my two daughters? Yes, but the happiness remains empty without the presence of Rithya. Because it was Rithya who gave me memories, she gave me a start to my empty life, she was someone who gave me what life meant in this ridiculous world. she was the one who gave me new hope and the last hope in this world.

She gave me memories with her but now she's just a memory inside me.

I miss her.

My daughter, wait for Father there.

Am I obsessed with Rithya? Maybe you could say yes, because I feel Rithya deserves what I give now even since Camilla is present by my side.

Am I not grateful for Nasya, Asha and Camilla? Of course I'm grateful, I want them to be happy without me.

Do I deserve to be their father and husband? Not to me, I am a weak human being, a nobody. Because the system made me this way.

Am I happy with the presence of this system? Yes, because the system gave me an important lesson here, Destiny can behave good or bad to you, you just have to hope and boom. Face reality.

I miss you here.



Early in the morning I got all my things ready and saw my family sleeping for the last time and whispered words in front of our bedroom door.

"I'm sorry, I hope you are happy without me" I closed the door to their room and walked towards the gate with a heavy heart, and looked back at my villa with my new family. and smiled happily. I continued my journey to the police station .



"Are you ready?" The director stood in front of the three of us, we nodded and started following the director to the helicopter.

We were taken to the capital, we chatted together about what to do after this.

"Your terms of service are Richard you have four months, Louis you have the same four months, Raylo you are an exception" I was confused, am I an exception? Damn I was fooled.

"You're kidding right director?" I'm getting angry at the director's notice

"Calm down, your term is only one year, why is that? It seems your boss wants to protect his daughter until the state protection file for her can be made. So the longest you'll be on duty is a year at the most and a month at the earliest depending on those damn people." The director snorted.

I know who they are, political people who want to control a very profitable field.

"Well I hope I don't get any bad luck this time" I was relieved to hear that and started looking at the scenery above the sky of this country.




"My wife Camilla, I'm sorry. from your husband, I'm an unlucky star, I'm a cowardly father running away from here. but know I still love you and love you, Asha Nasya take care of your mother, forgive me for my current behavior, please understand there is something I did for this. I left some money from my work for you, it's not much but it's enough for you. I always come back to your side, so wait. If I don't come back, remember me dear. My wife take care of our children, I know you're busy with your responsibilities, so am I. I'm not running away from you, I'm just running away from something I can't tell you. So smile, be happy, and I always love you and our daughter. Greetings Raylo Nevan" Camilla crumpled the paper after reading it in front of my daughter, then ran and hugged both her daughters.

"Your father is gone, now you are all I have. So be happy with me understand" They nodded and cried in their mother's arms, Camilla also cried with them.

'Raylo when you come back, I will make your life miserable like ours. It's not a threat but a promise from me" Camilla vowed in her heart.


OP pp's note

I know some of you have felt the loss of someone you might find hard to forget even though it's been a long time and even time can't erase their existence.

I've also been in that position, what happens to me next? Of course I accept it and live with it, is it bad for me? Of course not because I can learn from it.

We just need to learn, we have to feel everything so that we can learn from it.

Let me take an example, we can experience sex but what can we learn from it? When you enjoy it so much that you forget to take responsibility for your actions.

Is it too much for you, let me shorten it.

If your foot trips over the edge of a table do you feel pain? So learn to use your eyes to see your way.

Sorry if you took offense.