Meeting with commissioners

We arrived in the capital, We met the director here, he was very friendly, we liked him in contrast to the director in our place.

"You came all the way here just for this assignment letter, I'm proud of you. continue your hard work" He laughed about our purpose here.

We parted ways after being briefed on the procedures and work we were to do. Except for me, I was told to wait for my boss.

After Richard and Louis said goodbye to me, the director went back to our area, I waited with the police director here.

We chatted about our experiences and hobbies. to be honest, he likes to laugh and thinks everything is funny, he even laughs a lot when discussing the politics of this country.

After a while, an old man came in maybe 10 years above me, he sat in front of us.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, I'm late. allow me to introduce myself, Maihti Morbin. sounds like a Sunday television show doesn't it. relax I've never been offended, where was that. oh right, the owner of a famous international arms company so you know. I'm here to propose a commission for you sir?" he looked at me.

"Raylo Nevan" I reply.

"Raylo Nevan it is a pleasure to meet you. I need you to protect my daughter until a state protection letter can be issued, so please cooperate." He stuck out his hand and I took it, we shook hands.

We walked to his car, I also said goodbye to the police director here.

"Be careful, don't be rash and be aware of your surroundings" he waved to me and smiled widely.

After getting into the car I asked a few questions about Mr. Maihti's life.

"When I was young, I was just an ordinary person who was shackled in this society, I got something that made my world colorful from this emptiness" he told me as if his life sounded familiar.

"Along came my daughter, she was the only wish I didn't ask for, but her presence made me want to keep moving forward" I was shocked, was this a coincidence. was this person me but not the same. I tried to ask to make sure

"Your daughter came out of the blue or do you have a relationship?" I tried to confirm again.

"Of course she came out of the blue, I was surprised she came." He laughed violently and I started to panic.

"Perhaps you" He stopped laughing and looked at me.

"She did come out of the blue, she was the result of me playing around with some foreign women, unfortunately one of those women gave birth to her, so I wasn't expecting it at all" He laughed again, I was relieved.

We then got to the mansion, I entered the living room and saw something.

A girl I knew and was very familiar with.

"I'm home" She turned to me, and walked towards Mr. Maihti and hugged him.

I saw her like Rithya, even exactly like a photocopy of Rithya, her eyes, face, hair, height, and aura were completely the same.

She released her hug and looked at me.

"Rithya" I accidentally called my daughter's name.

"Why do you know my name?" Answer her

at that moment my world spun violently