I'm Just a Broken Man

When I entered the house, I went straight to my room, not our room but another room.

After putting all my suitcases away, I went to take a shower and cook for them.

I didn't want to take too long for all that, I cooked for them too. After I finished. I went back to my room and locked it, I took out then organized all my things. and went to bed.

I spent my day in my room, I only came out when I took a shower. Even then, when the rest of the house didn't know I was out, they realized that I was home. but I didn't want to come out.

"Daddy, come play with us" Asha knocked on my door.

"Daddy, I'm hungry, feed me" Nasya also knocked on my door.

I just kept quiet and covered my ears with my pillow.

Go away my child, play with your mother. Your father here is depressed, please leave your father now.

They kept knocking on my door relentlessly, talking sweetly, for me to spoil them since one year of my departure. stop it my daughter, I now have no intention of spoiling you.

finally they gave up, I went back to sleep again.

I was enjoying my old age. that is, sleeping peacefully, without a burden in this world.

In the evening I went out, showered and ate. Then I went back to the garden and sat on the garden bench.

I leaned back and looked at the sky, still as usual. Looking beautiful with stars, I stretched my arms skyward and hummed.

"System, if I wish for the stars up there to give me a beautiful view, what do you give me?"

[Your wish has been granted. There was a comet shower for 30 minutes]

I saw the comet rain in the sky, then I took out my necklace.

"Take a look Rithya, it's raining comets. Isn't it nice? This is my gift to you. If those comets give you wishes, what are you asking for?" I continued to look at the rain

"It's rare to have comet rain this time of year" I kept quiet and didn't care about her voice.

"If the comets give you wish, then I wish your daughter was here" I kept ignoring her.

"Rithya now your father is sad, if you are in my lap now. I will spoil you more than the people who come to chat with us" I make fun of people who come uninvited in our time alone.

She was silent at my comment. After finishing watching the comet rain I went back to humming.

She came up to me and pulled my necklace, I got up and looked at her angrily.

"If you break that necklace, don't expect to see me for the rest of your life. Remember that" I reached out my hand to take my necklace.

"If this necklace makes you forget us, I have nothing to lose by destroying it. I'm willing for you to torture or kill me, but I don't want you to look like a crazy person here" She backed away from me and protected my necklace, I got up and started walking to her

"You're testing my limits, I'll trade my soul for hers. I'll trade you my daughter just for her" I threatened her, because I knew I wasn't a man worthy of them.

"Go ahead and trade us, but remember what your daughter will think of this" She was playing words with me, Alright let's play your game.

I ran towards her and slammed her into the grass of my yard, I took back my necklace then got back up. she looked at me sadly and gave me a disappointed look.

"If you feel disappointed in me, don't involve others" I started to walk away from her, before I realized I was slammed by her with a German Suplex, again.

I was lying on the grass in the middle of the night, she was sitting on my stomach now.

"So you want to execute me, do it right. Don't you be afraid to kill me" I put my hands behind my head to wait for the execution.

Of course I've been beaten up by all her nagging so far. I shortened how she executed me.

"You bastard husband" One punch to my face.

" Shitty husband" One more punch

"Insolent man"

"You're dead"

" Dead..."

" Dead..."

" Dead."

I was hit by her to the point where my face was shattered, it seemed like her strength increased quite a lot. I regretted wishing for that, but now I'm grateful to be able to bleed to death here.

She kept hitting me like a bald man hitting his own brother. You know who it is, right? I kept getting hit until my nose broke, good. Hit me until my head broke like a watermelon on the beach.

Putting aside the fact that I was executed by this woman let's think about the ridiculousness of what happened now, I got a slap on the face from fate by showing something similar to my wish, does it sound funny? If I wish for something that is not mine. I probably just want her by my side, that's all. I don't care if I die or get killed, I just want her by my side.

As she stopped executing me, I put my hand in front of her face and gave her the middle finger, of course she started executing me again.

Where was it, right. Rithya's side is what I deserve, I died or not. It doesn't matter, her side is my wish that I prioritize now. Really sad isn't it? I'm lonely here without you child. I spat out my broken teeth, then flung out my hand to slap her. Of course she looked at my actions in disbelief, back to executing me again.

Let's continue my thoughts now. after ten years since I met Rithya in that other side, I began to miss her every day. until I met the new Rithya, I was happy? of course. I poured all my love into her, until the moment she was kidnapped that's when my emotions peaked. My Rithya has been kidnapped by death, now another Rithya is kidnapped by my fellow man. I killed them all, and I sinned? Sure, I don't care even though my last journey is hell.

One mistake means I'm negligent, two mistakes means I'm incompetent. that's already a slap harder than this woman's current execution. she stopped, I spit out all the blood in my mouth as well as my teeth, then I slapped her other cheek again. of course she continued my execution.

Looks like I'm dead, no problem, at least I'm dead in this woman's hands. Because my consciousness is starting to disappear, good, good. she stopped hitting me again, I spit out the blood in my mouth, then I grabbed her head and brought her closer to me, then what did I do? Of course I made fun of her by spitting my blood on her.

And that's when I died at the hands of my wife, not a bad wish.