
I saw Rithya there, crying. I went over to her quickly and hugged her but every time I hugged her, she disappeared like mist.

I kept trying to hug her but it was useless, she kept disappearing and reappearing.

I stopped, and looked at her. She looked back at me.

"I hate you dad" Just that sentence made my world shatter.

"Rithya forgive me" I screamed and I woke up from my dream.

It was the worst dream I've had in 17 years, damn it, damn it, damn it.

After really undergoing the torment of this world. I can finally accept something, you are stupid. right, I am stupid.

Stupider than a clown, even a clown is better at entertaining his audience. Me? Who am I entertaining? No one.

Go ahead and let Camilla make fun of me and tie me up like a circus animal, and Rithya think I'm a monster, I don't care, I've had enough of this.

I tried to stand up but I didn't have any energy because I was screaming, damn it.

I was put in the hospital it seems, because I heard a heart detector pulsing next to me, damn it.

You better watch out Camilla, I hate you from today.

I continued to rest until I was fully recovered, I realized the three people were visiting me, but I didn't get up and kept ignoring them.

2 months I received treatment, I'm cured for now, but I don't want to wake up in front of those three people, only wake up when they're not here.

I asked the doctor to let me go home early, they agreed because I have a damn insurance, eat that doctor.

After being discharged from the hospital, I went to the car dealer for myself, a pick up truck, ford series. Because I needed a tailgate to tie up or put the corpse.

I just needed a tailgate cover, and I also applied for insurance for this car. Enough to make myself rich with insurance claims.

I went home and parked my car in the front yard, I went into the house, cooked and started eating. while I was eating those three people came over to me and ate together, we didn't talk or interact at all. because I hate this woman in front of me, right. my wife.

I got up and put my plate in the sink, I went back to my room and locked it, then I went to bed. I'm just going to enjoy life here until I die, I have money, a house, work? I'm lazy now. I'm going to bed.

How to have fun for an old man like me, of course. Sleep. You don't know when you'll get a good night's sleep.

Until that moment

I was slapped by Camilla.

"Get up, eat, now" I was really at a loss for words, I was woken up by my wife in such an inhumane way, I'm a fucking human here. Not a boxing bag.

"Can't you wake me up like a normal human being?" she looked at me strangely, then she smiled.

"Sure, I can. If you're a good husband." Bitch, what did you say? Am I not good enough for you.

Wait a minute.

Let's think with a man's logic, I ran away for work or my ego. It was just my ego, let's forget the past, I'm still angry with my wife.

"Alright I'll listen to you, if you do this again, I really won't come back here" She then pulled my body and slammed it to the floor, again. Damn that hurt bitch.

"Try one more time you say run away, leave, commit suicide, and so on. Shut your mouth, look at reality Raylo. You are already happy with us, you are already happy with Rithya here even though she is only a memory and a keepsake. Be grateful for this moment, shitty husband" I heard a beautiful and painful words from the mouth of the bitch.

You're right my wife, I'm just less grateful for what I have. It's useless for me to regret something that happened if I can't accept it myself.

"Forgive me if I'm not grateful for what I have or what I had" I got up and hugged Camilla.

"Let's eat" I smiled and invited her.

But I still can't accept you torturing me, bitch. I'll repay you later, in another way. You know that right?

I ate with my family, of course I also played with my two daughters. They were happy when I came back to play with them, although Asha looked shy because her age was not suitable to play with me and Nasya.

Camilla must be smiling to see the three people she loves smiling and laughing happily, even though I've been an asshole husband for the past two and a half years. Putting that aside, the most important thing is that we're back to normal. But I still have a grudge against her torture yesterday.




That night I still watched the stars.

"Rithya forgive me, I now realize. I'm not grateful for what I have"

I clutched my necklace

"I'm happy with and without you child, so smile over there" I then got up to go back to my room.

I was greeted by Camilla in front of my room, more precisely the room specifically for me.

"You're content to ponder" I approached Camilla.

"Sure, I'm satisfied now" I stopped right in front of her.

"Alright then, don't act or think stupidly anymore in the future" She started to leave, I pulled her hand and locked it right in front of my door. She looked at me in surprise

"That goes for you too, you know how long I've endured this. That's right, 12 years. And what did I get out of it. 1 year of torture by you. You really are a very savage woman. And I hate it when you take love, hate, jealousy to a new level. So now I'm going to get back at you" I opened my bedroom door and threw my wife on the bed, I locked my room.

System I wish you to muffle all the sound from this room and also lock all the way in and out of this room.

[Your wish has been granted, the room you entered has been tightly locked and silenced until you stop it yourself]

Good, system. You're a great help to me in my day.

I walked over to Camilla who was trembling at the sight of me, of course my wife was scared.

I cracked my neck and my knuckles.

"Now, let's do my favorite thing" she started screaming hysterically, good, good.

"Go away raylo" I just smiled ignorantly at her expression now.

"Beg for me" I laughed manically and started eating Camilla alive.

I can finally eat Camilla after 12 years of waiting.