The End

It's my time with my two daughters, they sulked when I left them but they are happy again after my return.

I am thankful for this and I love them back.

"Dad, don't you want to go enjoy family time with me" I smiled and stroked Asha's head.

"Sure, where are you going" Asha was excited and pulled Nasya's hand.

"We're going to the beach, the mountains, here, there" Nasya and Asha clamored to spend time with me and Camilla.

We smiled at this and took them along.




We arrived at the beach, I set up all the things we needed.

I set up the umbrella and laid out the bedding for my three daughters.

After I finished tidying up, I waited for them.

They came in amazingly beautiful swimsuits and the aura they exuded was absolutely mesmerizing. I was even captivated by their beauty.

"You guys are so beautiful, I don't regret having you as my family" They blushed, Camilla covered her face with a towel to cover their cuteness. I just smiled lightly at that.

"Come on dad, change your clothes" Nasya pulled my shirt, and I just sighed then went to the dressing room.

I put on a pair of short black pants, then I looked in the mirror.

Yeah, this is definitely going to be a mess.

I came out of the changing room to approach them.

The beach visitors stopped what they were doing and saw me.

A god who came down to earth.

With a perfectly athletic body, an extraordinarily handsome face and a strong aura of maturity. Many couples looked at me with admiration and some were mesmerized by me.

Even worse, a little girl gave me a small flower. I took it and put it in her ear.

She blushed and I just stroked her head gently, she ran back to her parents and waved at me, I waved back at her.

I arrived at their umbrella, they were busy chatting. I coughed a little.

they looked at me and gaped for 5 minutes.

"Did you just see a ghost" they realized and hugged me.

"Dad be my husband, I'm willing to be your second wife. I'll kick you out" I poked Asha's head.

"Are you crazy or what?" I just shook my head.

"Nasya is happy to be daddy's daughter, Nasya loves daddy" I stroked Nasya's head, she was the only normal girl in my family.

"Husband, I will pluck out the eyes of all the women who see you. only I can see all of my husband, and me" I also flicked Camilla's head, my wife was really crazy about me.

"Yes yes, let's enjoy our time together at the beach" they got excited and started splashing with me.

We laughed and splashed water on each other, but Camilla was so excited that she splashed the equivalent of a large barrel of water. I was blown into the ocean and I was floating in the waves.

"Damn you Camilla" I swam towards the shore and saw them panicking.

"I thought you loved me, it's the other way around" I pretended to be gloomy and Camilla immediately hugged me and pushed me into the water, I couldn't believe it.

This woman seriously wants to kill me.

I pulled myself out of the water, and I pinched both of Camilla's cheeks.

"You murderous wife, it's a good thing your husband didn't think of killing himself" I pinched her hard on both cheeks.

"I'm sobby hwuswbwanwd" She tried to remove my pinch, I let go and kissed her cheek.

We then went for a hike, even though all the equipment was in my big backpack.

The three of them only wore mountain clothes, they were lazy.

we set up a tent at the top of the mountain, but why did these three girls only bring one tent. i slept outside maybe.

At midnight, they all fell asleep. I watched the stars up there.

"Rithya, my dear. You're there. Look at your family here" a small star shone and blinked at me. I smiled and waved to the star.

"What are you doing?" I was surprised to see these three people awake.

"I just want to see the stars" I got up from my sleep.

They sat next to me and only Camilla sat on my lap.

"Raylo" She stroked my face.

"Daddy" My two daughters hugged my hand.

"Yes" I answered them softly

"We love you dad" I heard this but four voices appeared.

I smiled and was happy to hear this.

The system granted this wish, I thank you for all this.

[Your wish has been granted, you're welcome Raylo]

What? I can't get over it, after all this you return my gratitude sincerely. You always give me surprises, thank you.

What do I wish to get out of all this? A lot, of course, but is it worthwhile? According to my circumstances.

Do I wish to be rich? Not interested if there is no effort.

Do I wish to be immortal? Boring.

Do I wish to be youthful? Give it to my family, I don't need it.

Then what exactly do I wish for?

You already know the answer, don't you.

Not me, my friend, but you.

What did you wish for?


Author's notes

This novel is finished, thank you for reading. honestly I'm happy when I finished this novel, although there were many temptations by this web to continue but I didn't want to because life is not limited to stories but we do the story.

thank you for those of you who added this novel as a collection or gave it a power stone, I'm glad you can read my story even though I need the help of a translator, maybe I will make another story like this but with another theme. I just need ideas, but I have too many ideas on my computer just that I'm not consistent to extend them.

I'm now trying to make my second novel but I'm not forcing you to read it, because of that novel. I wanted to test my English skills without a translator, and it came out like an elementary school kid.

Am I ashamed of that? Not at all.

"Why bother learning if you don't understand at all?"

So full of meaning and insight, the words of my calculus professor.

Even though his lessons made my head break into seven pieces, he always gave words of life that made me ask questions.

We live in a world full of silliness.

"Whoever you are if you appreciate whatever I do, you deserve my respect" were the words of my computer lecturer after he was caught cheating. please don't tell him.

Never mind, the important thing is to enjoy life and all the jokes made by new people we laugh at, even though our jokes are broken. they are willing to be stupid just to entertain us.

Ah shit I'm discussing my life now.

So just wait for my third novel. After my second novel is finished.

I'll definitely use a translator again, and try to find a new theme. but with a story line slightly similar to this novel. I don't know.

I'm waiting for my brain to come back together after three full days of revising my calculus.

My life was sucked out of me during that time.

Goodbye my readers.

And thank you for reading my novel.