Let us enjoy this (R-18)

I was still enjoying this day, Camilla was getting attached to me, let alone my two daughters. they were even willing to accompany me to poop, oh my god.

"I know you miss me, but come on" I shook my head, and they gently refused and smiled at me.

"No, Asha doesn't want to let go of Dad, Dad has already left three times in Asha's life" Asha now hugged me, I stroked her head and kissed her forehead.

"But" Asha looked at me with a frown.

"No, Asha doesn't want to hear a thousand excuses from dad. Dad should listen to Asha from now on" She now pinched my hand.

"But you always listen to your requests, how can you.... "My mouth was closed by Nasya now.

"You have done it all, but you never asked us. Even we ourselves feel unworthy as your family" I immediately covered Nasya's mouth with my hand.

"Don't ever say that you are not worthy, not deserving, or not entitled to say that you are not my family" I immediately cut her off.

"But Raylo, we really are" I covered Camilla's mouth with my other hand.

"You too Camilla, if you don't deserve to be my family. I wouldn't have bothered to come back here to see you" They looked at me in disbelief, and started crying. Oh my.

I hugged the three of them and stroked their backs and heads.

"You have become my family, my whole life and if I die first, I will wait for you there with your sister. So calm down and enjoy our time" They broke the hug and of course they pinched my hands, cheeks, and thighs.

"If you die again, then I'll catch up with you. "Camilla pinched my cheek hard, it was so sweet. It made me love you even more.

"You can't die before you see me get married" Nasya pinched my thigh hard, What a similar daughter and mother.

" Dad must stay alive until I have children, If dad is not alive when I give birth. then I will hate dad "Asha pinched my hand for a while and then grasped my hand tightly, Don't hate me, oh forgive your father.

"Okay then, your mom and dad will continue to be with you until we can play with my grandson" Camilla was confused by what I just said.

"Isn't that right, look at yourselves. You look young even in your old age, I'm starting to look old even though my body is still charming" I laughed lightly and they laughed with me.

"What are you talking about raylo, none of this would have happened to us. of course you are the cause" Camilla smiled at me, and held all of our hands.

"Yes, Yes, Now go to bed. It's too late, I'm tired" I got up and went to my room of course they followed me.

"Are you guys so paranoid to follow me like a stalker, come on I'll stay here" They realized and chuckled. I just shook my head.

I went into my room and sat in front of our pictures. I smiled happily at this.

I sang lightly in front of this, until I heard the door being locked.

I was confused why the door was locked, I looked at the door with Camilla standing there.

"What's wrong?" I pretended to be stupid, because I knew my wife would have something to say.

She approached me and sat on my lap.

"Sing me this song husband" She whispered 'I don't want to miss a thing' in my ear.

I sing this song with all my heart, because I miss the warmth of being with my wife.

I miss her breath here, I miss her being here. No matter how many thousands of meters I walk and how far I go, I always remember her. The one who smiles warmly by my side, the one who laughs wickedly when torturing me, a beautiful time.

I put my head close to her chest just to hear her fast beating heart, a sound I've missed for the past 12 years. she's hugging me now.


"Yes Camilla."

"If I die first, what do you do?" she hugs me tightly this time.

"What do you mean?" I stroked her warm back.

"When we grow old, I'm afraid that I will go first. If I can see your condition when my breath stops until death picks you up, maybe I won't be able to bear it" She cried a little, I felt sad to hear it.

"If that happens, I will watch over our children as Mr. Edbert watched over you until you are happy with me. And I apologize for what I did back then. I was a bastard husband in your eyes, even from the time we met until you kicked me out. I don't get along with every argument or fight between the two of us. but still, I love you. I will always come back to you, if hell is my last stop, then I will wait for you at the gate and push you away from that place. so let me be tortured there and you only have to wait for me in heaven" She trembled at that and cried harder.

"If you go there then I will accompany you until the end, I will accept every torture there as your life partner for life" I immediately kissed her lips and we kissed passionately. to show my wife's sacrifice just for me.

I broke our kiss and kissed her back passionately for a moment, and kissed her forehead.

"I love you Camilla, if all the women in the world liked and flirted with me. Then I will remain loyal to you until death takes me. So stay by my side until I close my eyes. I will be lonely without you" I cried in her arms, because I was honest. Even though I lived 12 years on regret, I still missed the warmth of my wife who was willing to wait for me here.

She hugged me warmly and stroked my hair.

I keep crying in her arms just to enjoy her warmth that I have missed. I'm just afraid, if she goes after Rithya.

I would be happy if Camilla accompanied Rithya there, then I just need to catch up with them.

but fate always says otherwise, I've tried this and that. the result remains empty, and I've given up.

I leave my death to fate.

"I love you too Raylo, I will continue to love you until I am gone. If I go, then I will wait for you with Rithya. So be happy, because you have someone who is always waiting for you to come home, and that is us" I cried again hearing this, God. I can't take it anymore. If Rithya is the child I wished for then Camilla is the wife I wished for since the arrival of the system.

Asha and Nasya are the gifts of fate for all the hard work and nonsense I've done all my life to learn what life is really about.

I wiped my snot and tears, and looked at her who was also wiping her snot and tears.

We chuckled at this.

"Why don't you go back to your room?" I looked at her who was adjusting her long hair.

"The place where my husband sleeps is my room, where my husband stays, that is my home. I will stay with you from now on" She kissed me and I accepted happily, after finishing the kiss we looked at each other.

"If you want to continue to be with me, hand over your position to our daughter. let's enjoy our time together until our daughter has a child and death takes us." I stroked her head now

"Promise" She gave me her little finger.

"Promise" I gave her my little finger, after that she hugged me and kissed me again but this time very erotically, we clashed tongues in her mouth and she sucked all my saliva into her mouth.

The sound of our tongues and breath while kissing was really erotic making me horny.

She fixed her sitting position by facing me even though we were kissing fiercely, really caring.

I don't want to touch her breasts or pussy right now, because I want to enjoy this kiss.

She broke the kiss and looked at me lovingly.





"I love you"

"I love you"

We kissed again on a chair and were seen by the photo of us displayed there. I also put a photo of us kissing under the stars. It was beautiful to me.

After finishing kissing intimately, I lifted her to the bed and pulled the blanket then hugged her tightly.

"Good night Camilla" She then hugged me back.

"Good night Raylo" She looked into my eyes for a moment and I began to close my eyes.

I just thought and felt her heartbeat in my mind.

Her breath near me, I'm satisfied, I'm relieved, thank you.

"Are you still awake Raylo" I was surprised to hear her question.

"Hm" I just growled a little

"Do you know how long I've been holding this in?" I started to open my eyes and raised my brows

"What's more I'm always being flirted with by women all over the countries I visit and even more unlucky, I'm being flirted with by men" She giggled a little at that.

"Do you play with them?" I smiled at her.

"I was crazy enough to make you my wife, I went even crazier to serve you sexually before our marriage. But that's all I ask of my life. If all the women in the world were willing to open their crotch for me, then I would prefer your crotch" She pinched my cheeks and my nipples, ahn it hurt but it felt good.

"Naughty" She giggled and kept pinching.

"But I'm honest aren't I" I got pinched again, now I pinched her back by pinching her nose then pulling left and right.

"You're going to be honest with me aren't you?" she released her pinch and I released mine too.

"Of course my wife" I stroked her head.

"What can your weirdness do? Tell me" She asked a question that surprised me to the fullest.

"How did you know?" I was confused and glared at her.

"Come on, don't play dumb my husband, I didn't care what you could do before, since you healed my wounds, until you made us young. This assumption came up. Tell me about it" She stroked my cheek gently, I looked into her eyes that were still full of love and affection. I sighed.

"So, if I wish for something, it will be granted, but all of it cannot be granted except under certain conditions" I answered her question honestly this time without the need to hide it anymore.

"Then, tell me about what you wished for" she kept looking at me gently and stroking my head.

"At that time, I got this weirdness. I tried to wish that the company I was working for would go bankrupt, and my company went bankrupt right when I started going to work" I took a breath

"I felt sorry and wished for my boss to be happy in his old age, and it was granted. Then I tried my luck by selling cakes, I also wished for the ability to cook cakes, and it was granted. and now you can eat my cakes with satisfaction without fear of getting fat, right?" She gave me a small pinch and I laughed.

"Then one day, I was selling to see a starving child on the street, the child who visited me in the hospital, he was the child I helped and then wished for him to become the minister of health, and was granted. Now he still remembers me and still calls me in difficult times" I sighed again.

"Then I was afraid that my children would have the fate of that little boy. so I hoped that my future children would not have the same fate, but what was granted was a child who miraculously appeared in front of my apartment door, she was Rithya. She is a miracle child that I don't even remember making, I rejected her existence until she felt I was too depressed about reality, then I began to accept it with all my heart" I then closed my eyes.

"At that moment, it was the day my world shattered. he came with me to sell but because of a small conflict that happened to me, I was proud and naive towards taking care of Rithya, until I accidentally wished for Rithya's death right then and there. Richard and Louis were eyewitnesses to the incident, if they still remember it. I stayed with her until the last moment even until she entered the grave. I regret and depression and want to commit suicide, I hope to kill myself and wish her back by my side. of course all of that is granted, my shotgun and Rithya's memento is still in my hands until now" I held back my tears so that the nightmare would not repeat itself.

"So from then on I will be a good father for my daughter, whether it's biological children, adopted children, children I never expected. I will remain a father who is always by their side. Then I tried to find a job and hoped to God and was granted. and that's where our meeting was intertwined, just because of desperation and the will of fate, we met until now" I smiled at her.

"When I almost raped you back then, I unintentionally wished to make you never get a husband, but fate said otherwise. it was my wish to be your husband, to be the husband of the woman I hated. I rejected this and tried to run away. I'm sorry for that time, because I was still naive and incompetent" I buried my head into her chest.

"And so you already know or realize what happened after that" She stroked my hair.

"Of course I remember it, from the time you were badly injured on that couch to this moment, I remember everything" She lifted my head and faced her.

"So now grant my wish, be happy with us raylo" she looked at me with love again.

"System, grant my wish. Make myself happy forever" I said that in front of Camilla, she just looked at me gently.

[Your wish has already been granted, your life has been happy since Rithya's arrival]

I was surprised to see this, I've been happy since Rithya's arrival, I must be dreaming. Oh my god, thank you.

"What happened?" She stroked my cheek again.

"My life has been happy since the arrival of Rithya" I cried again, and she hugged me again.

"She is indeed a miracle child, she can turn people like you into people who are valuable to us, so thank her for giving you this" Of course my wife.

God, Destiny, the System, Rithya, Yourself, Asha, Nasya are all my lights in this dark world. Of course I haven't forgotten you.

She wiped my tears and looked back at me.

"Now grant this, make this entire room locked and soundproofed. then make our power not run out" I raised my eyebrows, maybe this woman wanted to eat me alive.

I shook my head. she got up and gave a message to her daughter, I don't know what she typed. I don't care.

She returned to the bed and sat on my stomach.

"Let's fulfill my wish dear husband" she brought her face close to mine. I still shook my head.

She smiled and patted both sides of my head, and brought her lips to mine.

"If you don't grant it, then I will" She now looked at me lustfully

"Lock you up here until I am satisfied" She smiled mischievously at me. Oh so yes, I will play your game but with my rules

"Beg for me" I replied with a mischievous smile and raised my eyebrows slightly.

"I'm begging you Raylo" You finally begged me.

"System grant my wish, make this whole room locked and soundproof until we are done" He smiled at this

[Your wish has been granted, the room you are in is now soundproof and locked until you want to exit the room]

"How is it done?" I nodded and she started to kiss me but I held her back

"Not yet, listen to this" I started to remove my hand on his mouth

"System, grant my wish. Make us not feel hungry, thirsty, pooped, sleepy, and tired until we are done" He looked at me in disbelief.

[Your wish has been granted, you and Camilla now don't need to eat, drink, poop, sleepy, and tired until you leave the room]

"System, grant my wish. Make every liquid that falls or comes out of this room be thoroughly cleaned" Camilla was confused by this.

[Your wish has been granted, every liquid splattered in this room will be cleaned as before]

"I don't want to clean up your pussy or your pee or my sperm spilled on the bed or the floor, so let's keep it simple" She laughed at this.

"Now what's your next wish?" she waits for me to wish again.

"If I regain my youth, then Richard and Louis will be furious with me. they will be stressed to see you regain your youth while their wives age, and I'm sure their wives will pressure you to tell them the secret" She laughed so much at this, that she burst into small tears

"Of course they'll be jealous to see me and my daughter back to our youth" I also laughed at this

"So how long will you be sitting on my stomach" I was getting tired of laughing and asked her this.

"Until we have sex" She now got up but still sat on my stomach

"You first please" I allowed my wife.

"No you go first" she refused and told me to go first.

"Woman first"

"I thought husband first to open the show"

We looked at each other and laughed.

"It's just like old times all over again, we're basically compatible" I shook my head, and she chuckled.

"So it's like old times again" She moved closer to my face

"Yes, just like old times" We kissed at the same time.

I hugged Camilla and she also hugged my head with her hands. my hands then stroked the hair on the back of her head, we kissed until the sound of our lips sucking each other and the sound of our saliva spilling each other in our mouths, our tongues wrestling outside, in Camilla's mouth, in my mouth, we continued this kiss without stopping.

I threw off the blanket that was blocking me, and Camilla released her kiss.

She takes off her clothes and leaves only her underwear.

I do the same, leaving only my shorts.

We stare at each other. and don't speak for a moment.

"You're still beautiful since we first met, Now you're fuller than before, but more youthful" She smiled at this and held my chest.

"When we first got in touch, your body was not like this. normal, but now your face, body, voice and eyes have changed. but I don't mind it, because what I am looking for in you is the real you. even if your body is destroyed I will stay by your side" She tied her hair back.

"I accepted you not because of all the wishes you asked for but the real you. So now" she leaned closer to me

"We're even, you keep me and I keep you, you become a god who came down to earth just for me and you give me the one thing that women all over the world wish for" she hugged me back.

"You are the God I have, I am the goddess you have. You are my star, I am your sun. You are my husband, I am your wife. You are my servant, I am your master" I raised my eyebrows and flicked her forehead.

"The last one doesn't need to be mentioned, you spoiled princess mouth" She giggled, and stroked my cheek

"Blame my servant for making me feel spoiled by him" She now stroked both my cheeks

"Spoiled princess with a sexy body" I teased her a little to break the ice

" A goddamn servant who only knows how to run" She teases me back, let's tease each other until one of us is embarrassed, my wife.

"What a greedy woman"

"Men are like women"

"Sadistic woman"

"Masochistic slave"



"Crazy girl"

" Freaky guy"

"Dirty girl"

"Lustful husband"

"Says a woman who fainted because she squirted too much"

"Says a man who swallowed his own urine, female fluids, sperm"

"Oh really, let's prove it with this. What is our current record 49 rounds ago, 10 rounds yesterday, let's pump that number higher"

"Sure let's do it, how many days are we going to do this?"

"Wait a minute"

"What is it?"

"System, grant my wish, every time I cum, heal my penis and Camilla's vagina as before until we finish"

[Your wish has been granted, every time you cum, your penis and Camilla's vagina will be restored to their original state until you leave this room]

"What do you mean?" she was confused by this.

"I wish to restore our genitals to their pre intercourse state every time I ejaculate until we leave this room" she nodded and giggled a little, I got up from my sleep and approached her face

"Now there is nothing stopping us" I smiled in front of her.

"Of course my husband, Now let's pour out all this lust, longing, love, hate, unbearable pleasure. at this very moment" I smiled widely

"Sure wife, let's get started" she nodded.

"Let's go."

" Now, let's go" we kissed again fiercely, she sat on my lap now, I pressed her head to continue kissing with myself and also she pressed my head to continue kissing. we broke our kiss just to take a breath, and resumed our intimate kiss.

I slowly took off Camilla's bra and she also slowly stroked my cock that was hidden under my shorts.

We continued kissing but our hands did not stay still, I gently squeezed her breasts and Camilla also gently gripped my cock and shook it slowly even outside my shorts.

I then squeezed her other breast, her milk spilled a little on my body, then it disappeared on my skin, it seems like the blessing of the active system now.


I couldn't stand it, I squeezed both her breasts with both my hands, she moaned into our kiss. She then pushed me to sleep, then rubbed her panties covered pussy over the mound of my shorts.

I returned to playing with her breasts by squeezing, rubbing her nipples, gently twisting her nipples and pinching them.

Camilla responded to me by rubbing her pussy back and forth, left and right, and occasionally hitting it gently with her hips.

This made me even more aroused, I responded in reverse, if she went forward then I went backward, whatever she did I would respond the other way around.

After a long time of playing with her nipples I, held her hips and directed her movements that teased my cock. she hugged me now and let myself lead her. it seems that this woman is very aroused, my shorts are already flooded with her juices.

I keep guiding her to move those big hips of hers like stirring bread dough. I speed up my stirring and finally she squirts, I feel the liquid flowing freely in my shorts.

She broke our kiss, and looked up at me.


"Yes Camilla"

She took off her panties and I also took off my shorts. She sat right on top of my cock.

"I've been holding back for a long time, ever since I got pregnant with Nasya, I've always wanted to have sex with you every day, when you were away I was even willing to masturbate just to satisfy my desire, but the results were not satisfactory, I miss when we had sex in your apartment first, the sensation I felt really drove me crazy, I didn't want anyone else's penis but yours. until you punished me by making me squirt many times, I felt that sensation again. after playing 10 rounds, I was not satisfied. Because there was something missing when we had sex back then, I might have kicked those two kids out just to enjoy you completely for me alone. but I knew you would be angry about that so I held back. and now I can calmly enjoy you completely, I am a greedy woman, and you are a delicious dish for me, so I will eat you now" As she started to insert my cock into her pussy, I got up and pushed her to sleep under me.

"Finally I know that my wife is crazy about having sex with me, maybe you want to compete with me, I know your nature that does not want to lose to me in this matter. you don't like forced or gentle treatment, all you want is a challenge. and I am your rival who can satisfy your desires. So let's have a fair fight my wife" She nodded and gasped at this.

"Yes, you are right my husband. I like a challenge, even in this case, you are my rival. out there is just a lion in hyena's fur. but you are a hunter carrying a double 4 barrel shotgun ready to shoot it all. and I am the queen of the jungle that you have to hunt. So conquer me." She raised her arms to hug me.

"Of course my queen of the jungle, I will conquer you and compete with you until you are satisfied" I immediately accepted her embrace and stabbed my cock deep into her pussy. she was shaking violently and drunk on it.

"Yes finally, it's been so long. the thing I've been waiting for, your cock, my husband's cock. tear me apart" she screamed hysterically and wanted me to pump my hips immediately. I certainly pumped her fast like before, without stopping or pacing.

Her breasts rising and falling and her face drunk with pleasure looked at me lovingly.

I pumped my cock deeper and faster, her legs locking my hips to make myself penetrate deeper. the tip of my cock was already touching her womb, each thrust I felt touching a wall of flesh.

I kept pumping my hips and she moaned loudly at this, I became more aroused then I pulled on both her nipples and kept pumping my hips, she moaned in pain, I released my pull and played with her nipples with both my fingers and squeezed them occasionally and sucked on one breast. she moaned in pleasure, and I then pulled my cock out but not all the way. i immediately thrust my cock in fast and deeper, she moaned loudly. i then pumped her fast again then repeated the previous thing then pumped her fast again and so on. she moaned loudly and told me to pump her fast and so on.

She moaned loudly and told me to keep going faster and harder.

"Ahhh.....Raylo....ahhhh...more.... faster.....aahhh...deeper.... deeper.... faster.....suck all of my tits....aaaahhh" She moaned and raised her hips high, well, it looked like she squirted.

I stopped my movement and looked at her.

"You haven't cum yet" she asked me and started taking deep breaths.

"Not yet, if you want me to cum, suck my cock like ice cream" She smiled and pushed me to sleep, she pulled my cock out of her pussy and immediately sucked my cock in full, the head going up and down, and the sound of her suction was very erotic. fortunately she had her hair tied up, then she played her tongue on the tip of the head of my cock, damn I admit this is ticklish and enjoyable, where did she learn.

She holds my cock with one hand and the other hand rubs her own pussy.

I found this amazing, I immediately grabbed her head and guided her in sucking my cock. she released her grip and continued to rub her pussy. after a while I pressed her head and put my cock in her mouth fully.

I released my sperm in her mouth and she swallowed it, after I finished cumming I released her head she got up and cleaned the remaining sperm in her mouth and opened it to me, what a naughty woman.

"Look at your sperm I swallowed it all" Then a white light shines on my cock, her pussy and her breasts, it looks like the blessing of the active system. me and Camilla look at each other.

"Round two" we chatted together again, we laughed and continued round two.

Camilla kisses me fiercely and pushes me down on the bed, she mounts me and puts my cock in her pussy.

She pumped her hips up and down rapidly, the sound of her beautiful ass crack made me horny as hell, I bent my legs slightly to give her some support, she kept pumping her hips. I tried to slap her big ass, she moaned in our kiss.

She sped up her movements, like this horse needed to be taught something. I slapped her other ass again, she moaned in our kiss.

I now slap both of her butt cheeks simultaneously.

She broke our kiss, and looked at me with lust.

"What do you mean by slapping my ass?" She asked but still pumping her hips, I then gave her a mischievous smile.

"I thought you were going to give me a challenge, but what's this. no resistance" she stopped her movements and raised her body, she pressed my chest for support as she pumped her hips.

"Alright then, let's make a bet. whoever comes first, has to drink their partner's juices" She folds her hands under her breasts.

"Sure, let's get ready" I bend my legs so that I can pump my hips easily, Camilla adjusts her position to be able to pump her hips.

We stare at each other waiting for the whistle to blow




I pulled my hips and Camilla lifted her hips, then we bumped our hips against each other, a beautiful concert sound, we continued to do this resistance.

Camilla's pussy kept sucking my cock and getting slippery, I also hardened my cock in her pussy.

We kept pumping our hips and looked at each other.

" That's it" The sound of her beautiful hips made me feel good.

"I think you can do better" I speed up my pumping.

"Feel this" she speeds up her pumping and starts to keep up with me, I don't want to lose either, because we know that we are two strong freaks.

Camilla and I continued to pump our hips relentlessly, I started to cheat by directly sucking her breast and squeezing the other breast. she was surprised and moaned, when she was caught off guard I then pulled her to sleep on me, then I released my squeeze on her chest, then gripped both hips.

I control the pump of her hips and the pump of my hips following the movement of my hands, I look at her face that is excited by this sensation and I also feel excited. I came closer to her ear and licked it slowly, she moaned lightly at this, then I bit her ear lightly and whispered to her.

"Fuuuuuh, it's so good my wife" She trembled and she squirted, squirting so much that it soaked my hips and the sheets, luckily it all disappeared immediately. thank goodness.

She was panting on top of me, I just stroked her head.

She got up a little and looked at me.

"You cheated" she took a breath.

"All is fair in battle, especially in bed" I teased her by pinching her nose.

"Well then, how about this" She pulled out my cock and beat it quickly. I felt the pleasure like her pussy, she beat my cock by gripping and squeezing, gripping again, squeezing again, and so on. until I almost came.

"You lost Camilla, now drink" I shuddered and showed her my expression.

"Of course my husband" She swallowed my cock and sucked it hard, I couldn't stand it and released my sperm into her mouth. her mouth continued to suck my sperm, then pulled it out. then she reinserted my cock but now she turned her back to me, this style. I just smiled.

"Round three" she pumped her hips quickly and I saw her beautiful swaying ass, what a nice sight. she pumped her hips up and down and back and forth then she turned to me, I smiled and gave her a long distance kiss, she smiled and accelerated her hips again.

"Raylo.... I am...aaaahh..... aroused.... I....aaaaahhh..... want.....aahhhhh.... squirt.....ahhhnn" She kept pumping her hips, I started to hold her hips to help the rhythm of her rocking

"Me too Camilla, Let's come together" I accelerated the pump with my hand, then we both came, she was stung and so was I. After releasing all our pleasure liquid, she turned her body towards me. and looked at me, I also looked at her eyes sincerely.

"This is our first time squirting together, thank you husband" she kissed me lightly and looked back at me.

"Of course, all thanks to you. You are the woman I wanted to be" She chuckled and played with my nose.

" Want it or hate it" you tease me as it turns out.

"I hate it because many people want to fuck you, I'm the only one who can enjoy your body" I teased her with that, of course she was immediately embarrassed to hear it.

"Of course my husband, enjoy my body completely. I'm willing to have sex with you for a whole month" she buried her head in my chest.

"Is that a promise" I chuckled.

"No, it's just a simile. But I'm willing to be with you. So" She got up and looked at me.

"Let's fuck until our minds only know sex" She immediately wiggled her hips again.

"Sure, let's continue this" I immediately pushed her, lifted her legs on my shoulders and lifted her body slightly. She was surprised by this then I started pumping my hips violently.

"Right....there...aahhhhhh....yes...good...aaaaahhhhhh.... ...ahhhhhhhh...deeper..." she moaned and screamed at me, of course I granted her wish, she now put on her erotic face which continued to release her very adorable tongue. I pressed my body towards her and kissed her.

She was now moaning loudly in our kiss as I kept pumping in this position until she shook, it looked like she squirted again. I kept pumping my hips and Camilla started to hug me, until I released all my sperm in her pussy. after I came, I pulled out my cock and rubbed it on top of Camilla's pussy.

She broke off our kiss and adjusted her position.

"You always surprise me, next time give me more" I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Take it easy, I will definitely give you more surprises this time" she chuckled, then put her arms around me.

"The surprise I'm wishing for is for you to come home by my side, that's all. If you come home healthy, that's more than I could have wished for" I smiled and hugged her.

"Sure, sure wife" we kissed again like an intimate couple. she stroked my cheek and returned to shaking my cock, I moaned softly and looked into her eyes she looked back into my eyes and giggled a little in our kiss.

She broke our kiss and pulled me to my feet.

"What's wrong wife" She pulled me to the center of the room.

"When was the last time we danced together" he now hugged me.

"Rarely, not since we met" I laughed and so did she.

"Let's dance together with myself, my husband. My prince" I took her hand, and held her hips.

"Of course my princess, let this prince of yours enjoy this beautiful moment" we started dancing, and enjoying this time. I of course kept looking into her eyes and she also looked into mine. we didn't want this time to end, and I wanted this time to go on until one of us left.

We danced to my humming, and she was getting more and more excited to dance longer with me, I kept humming and she started to follow me humming.


"Yes Raylo"

"If we can enjoy this time until old age, will you accompany me?"

"Of course my husband, I have promised you, I will always accompany you" We continued our dance together.

I don't know how long we danced, all we knew was that we were enjoying this moment. Camilla and I brought our faces closer together and continued to dance.

Oh god, if this moment can last until we die, then I have no regrets.

Ring, ring, ring.

And who interrupted my moment with my wife. Camilla walked over to the phone and leaned towards me.

"Hello" she wiggles her butt.

"Mom, where did you go with Dad?" I heard the voice, it sounded like Asha was looking for me.

"Mom and dad are enjoying some alone time" she kept wiggling her ass left and right.

"Tell me where you are" I immediately squatted right behind Camilla's ass, and licked her pussy and anus.

"aaah...we are coming out together" she held back her moan and looked at me, I continued my licking and holding her big ass, I licked her whole pussy gently and quickly, from also sucking her clitoris to her uterine hole

"Why are you moaning, could it be that you're cheating on him?" Camilla heard this and was immediately angry and I certainly held back my laughter.

"Watch your mouth Asha, if your father hears that, I will punish you with my own hands" I heard this immediately got up and stabbed my cock hard. she moaned loudly and immediately closed her mouth.

"Why do you keep moaning, or could it be that you are doing it with Dad" Of course my daughter I am doing your mother. I accelerated my pump and slapped Camilla's ass hard.

"No....I'm not...ahhh....your dad....is....ahhh..." she kept moaning loudly every time I slapped her ass. I immediately picked up the phone.

"Hello" I kept pumping my hips and leaned Camilla on the edge of the table. I kept pumping until Camilla moved back and forth on the table.

" Dad, are you fucking mom right now" how clear and straightforward you are, I love you even more. I of course kept pumping my hips and Camilla kept moaning with pleasure.

"Sure, do you want to hear your mom moan" I chuckled and Camilla glared at me, I just smiled mischievously.

"I don't want to, later mom will be embarrassed to see me if I hear her moan" how understanding you are my child. I teased her by putting this phone near Camilla's head without her knowing. I immediately pumped my hips fast and squeezed Camilla's ass.

"yes... yes... keep going... .... faster... ..... squeeze... my ass... ..... harder... aaaahhh... ....raylo" good, moan louder. I take back the phone.

"How does it sound, isn't it melodious" Camilla immediately turned to me and glared sharply. I activated the receiver's speaker on this phone.

"Bad dad, I'm sorry to hear mom's moan. Please punish dad" I smiled and held out the phone towards Camilla's face.

"Sure...Mom...will punish him...take care of your sister" I continued to pump my hips, and Camilla held back her sighs.

"Mom, Dad, don't play for too long. Asha and Nasya will be lonely if you're not around" I felt touched to hear that.

"Take it easy my daughter, I will finish this after your mom is satisfied with dad, so blame your greedy mom" I laughed lightly and Camilla of course glared at me, so funny your expression my wife.

"Enjoy your moment, dad, mom" she hung up and I immediately lifted Camilla's legs up and then positioned her body in front of me, she turned to me, and I kept pumping my hips even though it was a little uncomfortable.

"Damn you" she kisses me directly, I accept it and bite her tongue slowly, she releases the kiss and glares at me.

"I will tease you and continue to tease you oh my wife" I continued to pump my cock until Camilla and I squirted together, my urine and sperm spilled in Camilla's pussy, it was like a fountain.

I pulled out my penis and put Camilla on the bed, she was still pouting earlier, I just stroked and kissed her for a moment.

"Forgive me wife, I'll take what you give" she got up and held my face.

"You will?" I nodded and he kissed me for a moment.

"Sit on that chair" I went to sit there and Camilla approached me like an old woman who often collected debts from me.

She sits on top of me and slaps me.

" Mommy's son is naughty, how dare he tease Mommy in front of her daughter" I laughed and I was slapped again, she grabbed my face with one hand and slapped me again.

"How insolent you are" I looked at her with glee.

"Mommy" I whined like a child.

"Good, call me your mom" she slapped me again, and I trembled to keep up with her game.

"Mommy" she now strokes my head.

"Ah, good boy" she stroked my head again.

"Mom, forgive me if I'm naughty" I used a child's voice so that Camilla could get into the role.

"Bad children must be punished" she slapped me again and kissed my forehead after that.

"Why mom" she looked at me with a smile, and stroked my head.

"I've punished you" she now half hugged me.

"hooray, mom is done punishing me" I pretended to be happy to see her behavior, it was really cool too

"Mommy is proud of you" she is now stroking my cheeks now

"mom why is this standing upright, it's making me hurt mom" I pointed towards my penis, and Camilla saw this a little embarrassed and looked at me.

"Oh, this is called arousal my child, do you want to cure it?" I nodded quickly like a child, Camilla immediately inserted my penis into her vagina.

"Mom, why did you put Raylo's thing inside you?" I pretended to be innocent and of course Camilla was surprised by this.

"Didn't Mommy say she would cure it?" I nodded and hugged Camilla.

"Alright mom, I'll listen to you" I released the hug and Camilla started to move her hips.

"Mom, why do I feel good, yours is great" I praised Camilla with a child's voice, of course Camilla couldn't stand it and hugged me.

"Of course, my son is also great, because you are a good boy, this is the prize" she stuck her breasts out to me.

"Hooray, Mommy's milk" I immediately sucked her milk with enthusiasm, Camilla certainly moaned lightly and stroked my head.

"Good boy, drink a lot" I nodded and continued to suck her milk until I was satisfied, then I let go of her hug and looked at her

" Mommy, why did you suck mine?" I tilted my head like an innocent child who didn't know anything.

"That's because mom is horny, now mom will cure yours" Camilla pumped her hips quickly.

"Mom, good, mom, mom, mom, good" I moaned like a child and sucked Camilla's milk again.

"Yes, suck a lot...uhhnn" I pumped my hips too and we pumped each other until I wanted to come out

"Mommy I need to pee, let me go mommy" I begged Camilla, but she locked me in.

"Mommy needs to pee too, so let go with Mommy, let's go" I nodded and accelerated my pumping and Camilla's too.

"Mom I'm out" Camilla shook and I also released all my sperm into her pussy. Camilla kissed me and then released my cock from her pussy.

"Mommy is proud of you" she stroked my hair again.

"Have fun playing mother son" I returned in my normal voice, and Camilla laughed with satisfaction at that,

"If my husband shrinks down like a child but has the penis and stamina of an adult, I might be willing to wait for you to grow old" I laughed and kissed Camilla for a moment.

"What a wild woman" she giggled and pinched my cheek.

"You little shit" I chuckled and pinched her nipple.

We laughed and looked at each other again.

"How many rounds have we been?" I sighed at her question.

"7 maybe" she giggled, and pulled me onto the bed.

"49 times is our record for 2 days. So let's increase it again" she inserted my cock into her pussy again.

"Alright 2 days over 49 times or over 49 times before two days" I started to gently squeeze her breasts,

"How about the third option" I laughed and kissed her sitting down.

"Sure, let's dance my wife" she nodded and started to sway.

ah what a pleasure it is to play with my wife.

after 15 rounds.


" Dad, why are you playing for so long?" I went back to pumping my moaning wife.

"Mom and Dad are having a match, who will come out first, so be patient." I continued pumping Camilla.

"yes...there.......more.....there.....more...Raylo....Ahhhhhh....raylo.....ahhhh....raylo" she shouted my name loudly and moaned like a wild animal, this woman.

"mom moans again, dad let's hurry up. I'm hungry" be patient my daughter, your dad will not be satisfied until dad can win from this woman.

"Cook it yourself, dad is busy with your mom" I hung up the phone and approached my wife.

"Now let's speed this up and prolong it, wife" I kept pumping my wife who kept moaning my name.

"Yes...sure...my husband... ....aaahh...we...finish... .... until... ....ngghhhhh...ahhhhhh... .... next month..." I smiled and continued pumping my hips.

"I'm going to cum Camilla" I speed up my pumping.

"Spit it all out, get me pregnant again Raylo" she screams my name continuously, I really like this girl.

"Camilla" I screamed her name and spurted my sperm in her pussy fully.

We panted together and looked at each other. Then we kissed passionately even though our genitals were still connected.

After 1 day

Ring ring ring


"Mom, Dad"

"It's under mom again" Camilla continued to pump her hips up and down.

"I see, let's hurry up" I reciprocated my movements to keep up with Camilla.

"Sure" she hung up and went back to pumping her hips,

" done" she smiled and pumped faster.

" Yeah, let's be more aggressive" I grabbed her hips and pumped my hips following the movement of my hands that moved Camilla's hips up and down.

"aaaaaahhhhhhh Rayloo" she screams my name again.

40 rounds later

Knock, knock, knock, knock,

"Dad, Mom you're in there" Nasya knocked on my bedroom door, but we ignored her, she knocked again and tried to open the door but it was useless.

Camilla and I were now giving each other liquid in our mouths, right. kissing until the saliva in our mouths was dry.

Nasya tried to break down the door, but we still continued our activities.

Bang, my tongue and Camilla's tongue rotate beautifully in my mouth, Bang, I sucked all the saliva in Camilla's mouth, Bang. Camilla sucked my tongue deeper until the base of the tongue, Bang. Our tongues are now licking each other like licking ice cream, Bang.

" Dad, Mom, get out, now" Now Asha is coming.

We continued our activities, without caring about those two people.

I continued kissing Camilla until the sound of the door stopped, we changed our positions.

I licked Camilla's pussy and Camilla returned to suck my cock fiercely, the sound of Camilla's mouth made me very aroused, I responded by opening her pussy wide and licking her entire pussy. I also inserted my tongue into her narrow vagina again, she moaned and swallowed all my cock and then sucked my cock in a row, Camilla was shaking and I immediately pulled Camilla's hips towards me and sucked her pussy completely, she squirted and I pumped my hips in her mouth and then released my sperm in her mouth. she swallowed it all and returned to sucking my cock.

Ring ring ring ring

"Mommy how long can you play, we miss you" Nasya whined and Camilla giggled as she sucked my cock.

"Until your mom is satisfied" she hung up and went back to sucking my cock. I just chuckled at this.

3 days passed.

"You can still do it" I continued to pump my hips faster and squeezed her breasts.

"Ahhnnn I'm still able, I will drink all your sperm as my nutrition and drink my milk instead" she hugged me and I kept pumping my hips until her beautiful voice sounded so melodious.

I keep pumping my hips until I'm limp, really limp. whether with Camilla, the important thing is we will give each other.

120 rounds

"Ahn....Raylo....see.....this....photo.... intimate.... of us... "I pump Camilla in front of our picture on the table.

"What a beautiful moment that wasn't" I speed up my pumping and slap Camilla's ass.

"Yes.... make.... me... submit.....raylo" she screams my name and I spray my sperm into her womb again.

I lifted her up onto the table and kissed her, our tongues clashed again and it was so delicious this moment.

7 days passed.

"How many rounds have we gone my husband" she twirled her finger over my nipple.

"7 days, 365 rounds. A new record, for one week with rounds equal to one year" She giggled then got up and slept on top of me.

"Raylo be my husband, until the other side" I hugged her and kissed her hair.

"Of course, I will be a faithful husband to you" She hugged me tightly and kissed my chin.

Ah Camilla, my sadistic and loving wife. If you knew your husband was the one who loved you the most, maybe you would be willing to send your two children away.

"I love you with all my heart Camilla" She trembled and cried a little.

"I also love you with all my soul Raylo" We cuddled on this bed. Or you could say our room, where we connected and let go of our longing.

After this, it was time to accompany my two daughters.


OP pp's Note

I apologize for updating this chapter late because I immersed myself in all the scenes I imagined in this chapter, so enjoy.

Am I high?

Let me check

7643 sexual words and bed talk

Hmmm yes, high on horny spirit

Imagine getting so competitive in bed that you forget the world.

where girls like Camilla exist.

Let me live in my fantasies, because that's how my lonely life is.

Am I lonely in reality?

Of course my friends, but I can enjoy my life with the boys . Living with them enjoying the day with stupidity and arguing over women, dicks, and more dicks.

So how am I supposed to imagine all of these scenes? Because I've tried them all, and you know what, there are some positions that I didn't imagine and share here because I know this fucking translator would make the vocabulary of reality unclear.

But I know some of you will be a little horny or fully aroused. just enjoy it my friend. I know you can definitely learn from this story, or I should say my story for you.

So if I ever have another idea for a story like this, it will probably be after my second novel. I just need the right theme for the novel.

Once again, if you have a novel idea whether it's fan or pure. I give you advice

Make the story with pacing 1 2 3 2 3 1

1 is the character's wish.

2 is the action that the character does

3 is the result of the character's actions

I always take this tempo, so that you can enjoy this story.

So thank you for your support, power rocks, adding to the collection.

If you are lonely or have a lot of problems, I will still encourage you. I don't know all of you. but I will still support you.

Whether your actions are good or bad, there is a meaning in every action. so learn and accept all the results you get.