Please stay with us Raylo

"Why are you still standing there sit down" they sat down and ate with me. after finishing they still looked at me in disbelief, then I tidied up all the traces of their food. then sat on the sofa.

"Come sit down" I told them to sit beside me and in front of me was Camilla.

I looked at my three princesses, they seemed to have changed drastically, Asha became a woman with a big motherly innate, Nasya was like a CEO, and Camilla seemed to be aging, I felt sorry for my wife, her charm had disappeared since my departure. I will cure you in a while.

"I'm sure you've been waiting for me or looking for me for the past 12 years. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." They couldn't stand it anymore, hugging me tightly.

"Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad" Asha cried violently on my left side.

"Dad!" Nasya sobbed on my right side.

"Raylo.... "Camilla also cried in front of me, and without shame she kissed me intimately right in front of my daughter, I accepted her kiss and let her go. she continued to cry in my arms, I stroked all my princess's head.

" Dad, don't go anymore, Asha will be a good girl" Asha rubbed her head on my shoulder.

"Dad, Nasya has become a good and great child like mom. so pay attention to Nasya dad" Nasya hugged me tighter now.

"Raylo, I'm sorry, I don't deserve you, I sinned, please accept me back as I am, don't leave again" She cried right in my right ear, she also screamed again, my ear rang ngiiiiinggggg

It hurts.

I chuckled and hugged them together, and they cried heavily again .....





By the way how long have they been hugging me, it's been 10 hours that they've been hugging me. I want to pee my pants. I lifted the three of them, they were shocked and looked at me.

"If you're afraid to let me go again, come with me to pee, I've been holding it in for a while" They were embarrassed then let go of the hug, I just shook my head and started to pee.

After being relieved, they hugged me back like a koala. ah shit here we go again.

I carried them like sacks in front and on either side.

I locked our Villa, I left a message for Duo and the maid. After finishing, I brought them to my room.

I put myself on the bed they are still hugging me, I sighed again.

"I feel this mattress is very humid, maybe you guys often cry here huh?" Their faces turned red and they hugged me tightly.

"I know you miss me all the time, now you don't have to miss me anymore, I'm here now. I still love you, here and out there" I hug them now

"So let's enjoy our meeting shrouded in this heavy longing" I hugged them tightly as well as them, I fell asleep between my two daughters and my wife. thank God, so this is what the harem feels like. I'm not that lustful to molest my daughters. I'm very happy right now.

Dicks don't get horny yet, I want to enjoy the warmth of the three of them after 12 and a half years.

"I love you all"

"We love you too Dad, Husband" they love me back simultaneously. I am happy of course.




"Daddy" I wake up and see my daughter in my arms.

"Daddy's here, I'm sorry I let you down" I hugged her now, she didn't disappear like before.

"Rithya forgives you Daddy, now daddy is happy, I'm also happy with daddy, I will always be by daddy's side, here" she pointed at my heart to be precise my heart.

"I will always be here, every beat of your heart is my existence, as long as you live, I will always live by your side. if you die, hold Rithya's hand, let us walk together" I smiled at this and raised my necklace. give it to her

"Rithya doesn't need this daddy, you keep it. what Rithya needs is this" she hugged me warmly again.

"Rithya will wait for you in there, Relax Daddy , Rithya still loves daddy until daddy is by Rithya's side" Rithya kissed my cheek and smiled widely at me.

"Rithya Love Daddy" I stroked her head and kissed her forehead

"Daddy Love Rithya" then I blinked and woke up from my dream.

"Of course I love you child, I also love our family" I spoke right in front of my wife who fell asleep on top of me and my daughter who fell asleep beside me.

see 3:00 am

why is it always 3 am????

I needed to relieve myself again. I lifted Camilla up, she groaned and hugged me tightly again. I lifted her gently, and released my daughter's embrace then placed Camilla in the middle, and let my daughter hug Camilla.

I put a blanket over them, and went to relieve myself. Much to my relief, I went back to my room and sat down on my bed and began to enjoy life, what is it? That's right, sleep.

I woke up and saw Camilla hugging me from behind, both my daughters were sleeping using my thighs as pillows. I sighed and petted them, they growled and went back to sleep.

I shook my head and put Camilla behind me, then locked her legs on my hips, I held my two daughters in my arms, then lifted them onto the bed, straightened their position. and put the blanket back on them. I went out to cook food for 4 people on 1 plate.

After cooking I brought it to them, I put the food down, then adjusted their sitting position, they started to get up, I then fed them one by one with me, even if it was one spoon. I fed them gently and lovingly.

After finishing feeding, I was about to go to the shower, for some reason they pulled my shirt off

"we haven't showered together for a long time, let's shower together" I wonder, are you crazy or what, it seems like you miss me.

"Alright but I won't go in if you're fully naked" they giggled at me, I just shook my head.

We went into our bathhouse, I just realized that this bathhouse exists and forgot to renovate it, I was too busy with myself, forgetting my surroundings.

I covered my genitals with a towel, of course my body was still perfect like a god. it was so enchanting, I went in to see the three beauties playing in the water, I just shook my head. they saw my body, they blushed intensely, and were embarrassed to see me.

"I knew it, you guys must not be able to stand it" I started to get into this big tub.

"Dad, your body is still as good as ever, it never changes" Nasya looked at me shyly and tried to touch my stomach, I didn't mind, because they often hugged me.

"Daddy tell me the secret" Asha hugged my hand, did I feel her breasts? Of course but I didn't get aroused. because I'm not a bastard father who thinks about sex at times like this.

"I bet you're hiding something here" Camilla touched my heart, oh sure my wife.

"Alright, you want to see a miracle? If you want, try lining up next to your mom and closing your eyes." They obeyed and sat next to Camilla, then closed their eyes. So did Camilla.

System grant my wish, make the three girls in front of me stay young until death takes them.

[Your wish has been granted, Camilla, Nasya, Asha have been made young until their death]

Thank you system, I saw the light cover them then disappear. I smiled seeing their appearance now, I am proud,

"Dad? Not yet" Asha couldn't wait to open her eyes.

"Just a moment" I walked up to them and kissed them on the forehead. Camilla, Asha, Nasya.

"Now open your eyes, and immediately look at the mirror" they opened their eyes and immediately went to the mirror. I'm sitting here enjoying the water, it's so comfortable. the remaining water of the three girls, why girls? now their faces are 17 years old girls even though they are 40 and 30.

I wondered why they didn't come back, I then went out and dried myself, and saw they weren't there. I changed my clothes and went back to the living room. I didn't find them either. never mind, I went back to my room to look at my shotgun that had been stored for too long.

"Hi my dear, you used to be 2 barrels now you are 4 barrels with your sister" I stroked these two shotguns. and cleaned them.



I turned to them and saw they were wearing beautiful clothes, I was fascinated, and I was proud to see them.

"You're all beautiful, young again, and charming. Your husbands must be proud of you" I laughed and they smiled to hear me.

"I don't want to get married as long as you are the handsomest man on this planet" Asha then approached me and hugged me.

"I don't want to either, because there is no man like you" Nasya came and hugged me too.

"You are still charming despite your old age, my husband. Thank you for all this" Camilla came and hugged us all.

"So you're waiting for your father to become a grandpa, cheeky" They giggled to hear me, Camilla laughed too.

We all enjoyed this moment again like before

Thank God, thank the system, thank fate. This is something you may hear from me often, I am grateful for this moment until later.