Filthy Rich!

If Yester was here physically, I bet she'd be dead again due to the sheer excitement of winning the lottery. Our goal is practically achieved with the money I've won today.

I don't want to brag, but I'm filthy rich now. Even though I did not win the lottery from Lotto, the EuroMillions one is still undecided. But honestly, I think that I'm going to win that too.

I'm not sure if I have such great luck or, if it's because of my magical desperation technique. But I'd like to think that both influence equally. I wanted to believe that I was a lucky person too.

Now that I have the means to 'earn' some money, I'm going to a Bank tomorrow. I need to open one personal account and one investment account.

I am using my new character, a 21-year-old man with black hair and dark brown eyes, average height and face, and a forgettable look. His name would be Alexander Mortiss, an only child to a pair of a recently deceased wealthy couple. He decided to sell everything valuables to start anew.

My chosen Bank was Credit Suisse. Its location near Charring Cross helps me reaches it, as it is still within my apparition capabilities. Additionally, it is a multinational corporation. Therefore, foreign investments should be feasible.

After I secure the bank accounts, I will go to the National Lottery office to claim the money anonymously and move/transfer it to my personal accounts. I had some information that they were, in fact, available when someone wanted to claim the prize anonymously.

Privacy and security are much appreciated in this kind of field.

Some money from my personal account will be moved to my investment account. I would allocate about 100 million pounds to invest in various companies with, which are: Coca-Cola, Exxon Mobile, General Electric, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, AT&T, and 3M.

These are some companies that profited the most during the 80s before new technology companies were founded. Then after a few years, I will redirect my investment to focus on new companies such as Amazon, Google, Apple, etc.

After that, I would donate about 500.000 pounds to my orphanage anonymously. Another 1 million pounds would be given through investment funds under the orphanage's account, to which I would confound Ms. Sally to make. This way, the orphanage will have means of income without depending on donations.

I previously mentioned that I would love to keep my distance to those in the orphange. But, in reality, I have soft spots for them. Years of living with them do that to me. It was unintentional.

I am content in the orphanage under Ms. Sally's guidance, and I'd love to support them in any way. I just hope that it wouldn't trouble them or me. I need to be careful.

Next, I'm going to the Diagon Alley to buy a trunk with space-expansion charm to carry my money. Then I would open a vault in Gringotts with a 1-million-pound starter.

I hope they don't limit the amount of my muggle money I could exchange. But if they do, then I would convert about 100 million pounds of my money to bullion golds and some silver. Hopefully, they accept and convert them to Galleons and Sickles.

But, I truly hope they accept my muggle money, as it would lessen my job tremendously.

After that, I'd finish my other tasks in phases II and III.


After my Monday class the next day, I morphed into one Alexander Mortiss. I 'borrowed' clothes from an older kid in the orphanage to change my uniform into acceptable male clothing, then apparated to Charring Cross to open my bank accounts.

By using confoundus and magical desperation technique, I secured my accounts plus a legal ID card and passport for one Alexander Mortiss anonymously. However, I needed to wait 3 working days for them to be ready.

After securing my bank accounts, I went to the Chargin Road. It is where the National Lottery Office is located.

There, things go somewhat anticlimactic. I claimed my money anonymously, and they gave me a check to be cashed in the bank. Thankfully, it could be done in Credit Suisse.

They then had me sign some legal documents stating that I was the sole winner of the Lottery prize. Then I went back to Credit Suisse Bank (read: CSB). They needed 3 working days to cash in the money due to the enormous amount I've won. It's something to do with bureaucracy and legal stuff. I don't mind, though.

So, I go back to my orphanage in the meantime.