Preparation 2

Before Hogwarts years start, I need to take care of a few things.

The first one is my alibi about my home condition. Due to the newfound fame/wealth that I found myself in, people will have questions about my home life. So, I decided that Joan Petrakis will be my main alibi as she has already had a valid identity a few years back during my 'adoption'. My alibi would be that the woman is a squib instead of a muggle.

Joan Petrakis is an old woman in her late 40s who had won some lottery tickets a few years back (5 years). Then, she heavily invested the prize money in the muggle world through an associate (Alexander Mortiss). Through some strategic investments, her hard work paid off. Due to the massive wealth that she had accumulated over the years, she decided to diversify into the magical world through her foster daughter.

So, she made a Gringotts account under the foster daughter's name. Joan knew that her foster daughter was magical. Over the years, she transferred some of the wealth to the Gringotts account and invested some of it into a few companies. The companies flourished and made steady revenues.

Joan Petrakis understands that she is old and doesn't really need all the money. So, she made Svetlana Vautoure the sole heiress of the fortune and gave full liberty/access to her. Legally, the Gringotts' vault is under Vautoure's name anyway, so without Joan's approval, the goblins will still recognize Lana as the sole owner. But people will not know that. To them, Lana is only an heiress for now. Joan Petrakis stays at home most of the time, and only goes out for family businesses. She stays in a Hogsmead house under fidelius.

So, she made a will, with Mr. Richard Vaughn as a witness, that all her fortunes will be given fully to Svetlana Vautoure in both muggle and magical worlds. The will has been finalized and stored in both Mr. Vaughn's office and Gringotts.

At the same time, Lana also made a will stating that all of her wealth will be donated to various charities should she face any demise in the future before any descendants are born, in both the muggle and the magical world. The will has also been finalized and then stored in both Mr. Vaughn's office and Gringotts.

This way, an assassination attempt or line theft will not result in my wealth being taken away willy-nilly by strangers or the ministry. I'm not naïve to think that I won't be vulnerable to such an attempt. So, better be safe than sorry.

The second thing I need to think about is my position during the Hogwarts years. People will want to get close to me and entice me to follow their cause, like Dumbledore. I'm a muggleborn who is wealthy, and he needs all resources he can get. I understand that he does not need me per se, but staying out of his radar won't hurt. There is also the matter of pureblood families who joined Voldemort's cause. They would try to force me to give resources to them or worse. In the coming years, my status as muggleborn is a threat to my life.

While I want to be neutral, I also understand that if things go according to the story's plot much will be lost. I don't want that to be honest. I'm quite comfortable where I am right now. So, I think I will take matters into my own hands to make sure my goal to live comfortably is achieved.

I will destroy the Horcruxes and kill Voldemort before my 5th year. I will also help Potter to get rid of the wraith attached to his scar. All of these I will do anonymously and as invisible as possible. Prophecy be damned. I don't believe in divination anyway. We all have free will and should take fates into our own hands.

Make no mistake, I do these things only to help myself, no one else. I'm no hero after all