Hogwarts Train

Today is the day that I will go to Hogwarts after years of preparation.

The day before, I packed everything into my black trunk. Aside from the trunk, I also prepare a sling bag. I put 2 books, a set of school robes, and my backup money pouch inside it. I bought the sling bag to help me bring my books and such during classes. It's enchanted by a feather-light-charm, expendable expansion-charm, and it won't open to anyone other than me. My main money pouch is inside my necklace's pendant as usual.

This morning I got up early and was ready to go at 10.00 AM. I'm wearing a soft blue-color knee-length skirt, a white long-sleeved shirt, a grey sweater, a pair of black ankle socks, and a pair of dark brown dragon-hide boots. I also wear my enchanted bracelet and ring. My wand is kept inside my wand holster on my right arm. I keep my hair loose on my back.

Overall, I look presentable.

Jelly will glamour as Joan Petrakis. He would drop me on the platform and proceed to go to Hogwarts. He will blend with other elves there and help me prepare my meals. I do not trust Hogwarts' elves yet. Gilly will take care of the flat and the house. Yeager is already on the way to Hogwarts. He will stay in the Hogwarts' Owlery. I do not wish him to be trapped long in the train.

After everything is ready, Joan and I apparate at the King Cross Station. We could apparate directly to the platform, but I'd like to experience going through the wall between platforms 9 and 10. So here we are, walking hand in hand. My trunk has been shrunk and put in my skirt pocket. So, I only hold my sling bag. Overall, we both look like muggles.

After a while, we both arrive at the wall. I marvel for a few seconds then proceed to walk through the wall with Joan. I feel like going through an invisible waterfall. It felt odd.

Expectantly, the platform is full of people. It's 10.20 AM, so it's 40 minutes before the train departs. After saying goodbye to Joan, I board the train. There are many students inside, some compartments are already full. Some compartments only have 1 or 2 people inside but it looks like they are waiting for their friends. So, I continue searching for an empty one.

After walking for 5 minutes, I find an empty compartment in the middle of the train. I take out my trunk, unshrink it, and put it in the overhead compartment. Sitting in the window seat, I'm disappointed that I couldn't see the people outside clearly as the platform is far from my compartment. So, I just take out one of my books and start to read it to pass time.

10 minutes later, there's a knock on the compartment door and I'm looking at a pair of Indian twins: the Patil.

"Hello there! Do you mind if we sit here? Other compartments are full and we don't feel like walking more as our trunks are heavy", one of the twins said morosely.

"No problem, please come on in"

"Thanks", said the other twin.

"Do you need help with the trunks? They look heavy", I offer them some helping hands. The trunks do look heavy. Do they not enchant them to be feather-light?

"Ohh, thanks so much!"

We proceed to haul the trunk one by one manually to the overhead compartment. Even when I know and can do the levitation charm, the weight of the trunk is too much for me to withstand. So, manual it is.

After the trunks were safely put in place, we all slumped on the chair, huffing and puffing a bit. The trunks were so heavy even with us three. Dang! Such a monstrosity of a trunk should not exist.

"You know, there's an enchantment to make any trunk weigh feather-light even with so much weight inside. I reckon you can get the trunks enchanted next time? You know, so that you won't die?", I ask them good-heartedly.

"Trust me we know. It's just that our parents are traditional. They said young people should experience hardships to get the fruits of labor or something like that. It's bullocks I'd say. It's not like the trunks are the fruits, is it? *sigh* I don't understand old people", said one of the twins.

I smiled and laughed a bit at her explanation. It was funny in some ways. "My name's Svetlana Vautoure. You can call me Lana for short. What's yours?"

"Ohh, a Vautoure! We know about you. My father said of your family's investment in our company a while ago. My name's Parvati Patil, and this one is my twin, Padma. A pleasure to meet you!", said Parvati while nodding her head slightly as a sign of greeting. Padma too smiles and nods at this.

"Pleasure to meet the both of you too", I smile and nod in greeting to them.

Parvati is the more talkative of the two. She also has slightly wavier hair than Padma. Other than that, they look alike. Padma has a more subdued feeling around her.

Before we can continue our talking, there's another knock on the door. A sandy-blond boy with blue eyes appears at our compartment door. The door is still open.

"Good day! Can I join you guys here? Other compartments are full." He spoke.

We look at each other and nod at him. We believe him. It's 5 minutes to 11 AM. Other compartments should be full.

"Thanks", he said. Then he hauls his trunk to the overhead compartment and sits beside me after closing the door.

"My name is Terry. Terry Boot", he said introducing himself while nodding in our direction.

"I'm Parvati Patil. Beside me is my twin, Padma. And the one beside you is Svetlana Vautoure", Parvati said while gesturing in our directions.

"Lana for short", I said to him while nodding in greeting.

"Well, call me Terry then", he said.

At 11 AM, the train starts to move. For a few seconds, we look and smile at each other. I know that we are all thinking the same thing. The journey of our Hogwarts years is starting! Tehehe.

For the first hour, the compartment is silent as we're all simply enjoying the ride. Then we talk about the Hogwarts houses and what house we want to go to. Parvati said she wanted to be in Gryffindor. She said it suited her personality. Padma wanted to be in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, as she thought that they suit her better. Terry prefers Ravenclaw but didn't mind going to Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, so long as it's not Slytherin.

I don't know which house I'll be sorted into honestly. But I hope it'd not be Gryffindor or Slytherin. I'm not a heartwarming person and am only loyal to myself. So, I will ask the sorting hat to put me into Ravenclaw. Hopefully, he would agree.

We then talk about schools, favorite subjects so far, expectations, and such. When the trolly lady came, we all bought something from her. The twins love the frog chocolate, so they bought heaps of them. Terry only bought some cauldron cakes and 2 frog chocolates. He said he was not hungry. He'd wait for the feast at Hogwarts later. I bought 10 frog chocolates, 2 cauldron cakes, and a few licorices. I decided I would wait for the big meal until dinner at Hogwarts.

We then fall into our own things. Terry is sleeping next to me; his mouth is open. Padma is reading a Charm book, and Parvati is eating some frog chocolates while looking out of the window once in a while. I am reading a book myself, but I'm getting sleepy. So, I'm reading while nodding along (like someone who is about to sleep).

But it all stops when someone harshly opens our compartment door. *shreekkk*

We're all very surprised. Terry even falls down from the chair.

The person then said with a condescending tone, "Did anyone see a toad? Someone's lost his".

She did not knock beforehand or apologize for interrupting us. Terry is even on the floor, sprawling.

We all look at her incredulously. Who is this incredibly rude person?

At this point, I'm standing up to help Terry to sit back on the chair. While Parvati said to her, "We didn't. Our compartment door is closed from the start." I can see that she is restraining herself.

After that, this new bushy-hair girl just looked at us one by one and close the door without saying anything.

When she left, we are all frowning. The girl or I'd say, Hermione Granger, was extremely rude. She forcefully opened our door without permission or knocking. She made Terry fall to the ground. She asked about a toad condescendingly without apologizing. And then left after looking at us condescendingly once again without saying anything.

I know that this girl was supposed to be part of Golden Trio and she had a history that made her behave like that. But damn, that was one rude b****.

We proceed to talk about her behavior just now. Her actions were uncalled for. Padma is even ranting. I did not know she could do that.

Unbeknownst to Hermione Granger, she made several enemies that day. If she doesn't do anything about it, it will just go on for a long time.

After some time we decided to change our clothes into school robes as it's almost 6 PM and we're nearing the Hogsmeade station. So, we girls change clothes in the compartment while Terry is going to the restroom to change.

Thirty minutes later, we arrive at the Hogsmeade station and together walk out of the train. Our trunks were left behind to be transported to Hogwarts later.