Sorting ceremony

Outside of the train, we follow the trail of students until we find a giant of a man, Rubeus Hagrid. It's hard to miss him.

"First-year! First-year! Follow me! First-year! First-year!"

After all the first years gather around him, he starts to walk along the dark cobblestone street. Among the students, I could see glimpses of red hair and blondes. But not enough to recognize their faces.

After walking some time, Hagrid motions us to hop into a boat.

"No more than four to a boat!", he said.

I am seated with 3 other students whom I do not recognize. Me, Terry, and the twins were separated during the rush to the boats. Everything proceeds like in the movies. We sail through the black lake and stop at the harbor. Hagrid herds us inside the castle until he meets Professor McGonagall in front of the Great Hall.

Professor McGonagall looks really stern. She then explained some things related to the sorting ceremony but was interrupted by a kid and his toad, Neville Longbottom, and Trevor the toad.

We did not wait for long until we were ushered inside. Before that, some ghosts passed our small gatherings.

After that, everything goes exactly like in the movies. One-by-one, the students were called to get sorted into their houses.

Abbott, Hannah – Hufflepuff

Bones, Susan – Hufflepuff


Longbottom, Neville – Gryffindor

Patil, Parvati – Gryffindor

Patil, Padma – Ravenclaw

Granger, Hermione – Gryffindor

Li, Sue – Ravenclaw

Boot, Terry – Ravenclaw



Potter, Harry – Gryffindor (people are going crazy here)



Vautoure, Svetlana

When it is my turn, there were only 3 of us left. Me, Weasley, and Zabini. There were some whispers when my name was called. But nothing like Potter's. The Vautoure is not a significant family name. It's just that we are very rich. Those who know us probably recognize the name from the insider's news. Gringotts does not give yearly reports to everyone after all. Only a handful of people know, especially those who have money and position.

Before the sorting hat was placed on my head, I will my memories to show the studious version of myself. That part where I sit on my desk, reading book after book and try to decipher old languages just for the sake of it. I hope it'd help sway the hat's decision to Ravenclaw.

And when the sorting hat is placed on my head, he said "Well, what do we have here. Oh! Such an intelligent mind. Yes! Very eager for the knowledge I see. Better be – RAVENCLAW!". I smile evilly inside.

Not even 30 seconds later, I am on my way to the Ravenclaw table. I see that Padma saves me a seat. So, there I'm going.

Weirdly, when I walk to the table, I saw several kids blushing when looking at me. *sigh*

After my sorting, Weasley goes to Gryffindor, and Zabini goes to Slytherin. After that, the feast begins. We eat some food, chat, and introduce one another. I got different food though, the one that Jelly personally made for me.

In the Ravenclaw table, there were only 7 first years. Me, Padma, Terry, Sue Li, Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner, and Kevin Roger. The numbers are small, probably the effects of the previous wars. We chat for some time on various topics. However, some boys keep blushing or flushing when looking at me though. There are also some upper-class boys (even from other houses) who stare at me. *sigh*

After some uncomfortable stares later, I decided to activate the notice-me-not charm from the bracelet. I will it to be moderately strong so as to not make myself completely invisible and suspicious.

Thankfully, the effects are instantaneous. The onlookers don't look at me anymore.

After the feast, Professor Dumbledore announces some info. The contents are similar to the movies/books, like the forests are forbidden, Filch asks to not use magic in the corridors, Quidditch tryout on the second week, and deathly forbidden 3rd-floor corridor.

However, there is one more piece of info that is not there in the books/movies. Is that Hogwarts and St. Mungo start a collaboration starting this year to do a mandatory early-year full physical exam for all students. Complete vaccination and restorative potions will also be given to students should the circumstances occur.

The physical exams will be done in the first week and the first day is for the first years. So tomorrow, we first-years will all have our exams and only start classes after lunch.

This is new. Is it because of the donations? If so then my contributions seem to have altered some things.

After that, the perfects walk us to our dorm and things go by like the usual: some rules, the schedule will be handed by tomorrow morning during breakfast, riddles as a password to the dorms, boys are forbidden to go to girl's dorm, etc.

Due to our small number, we first years get our own room with our own bathroom inside. I'm very grateful for this, as I love my privacy. Then, we proceed to enter our own room.

I unpack my clothes into the cupboard, my books and stationery to the desk, and my toiletries to the bathroom. Other than that, everything else stays inside my trunk. I could always summon them after all. I also ward my door but not that strong. Just some minor electrocution and notice-me-not charm.

After getting ready for bed, I fall asleep instantly once my head reaches the pillow. Today is very exhausting. Hopefully, tomorrow will not be as hectic.