
The next day, I got up at 6.30 AM. Looking up at the ceiling of my room, I smile. It feels surreal for sure. I'm in Hogwarts, a supposed fiction place. *sigh* After 10 minutes of just staring at the ceiling, I finally will my body to move to the bathroom to prepare for the day. This morning, we will have physical exams in the infirmary after breakfast. I wonder what classes we'll have after?

Today I decided to put my hair in a low ponytail so that they don't bother me during classes. I got my wand inside my wand holster. I never take off my enchanted jewelry, and I don't ever wish to while being here.

My brown sling bag contains all of the books, all potion equipment, the telescope, my money pouch, a pair of dragon-hide gloves, and my stationary. I decided to just bring everything and be prepared. They won't weigh a thing inside my bag anyway and I'd hate to go back to pick up the supplies later.

At 7.15 AM, I get out of my room. In the common room, I see that Padma and Terry are already there. One of the prefects, Ruby Holmes, said last night that she would help us go to the Great Hall this morning at 7.30 AM. So, we first years gather around a sofa in the common room waiting for her.

The common room is spacious with bronze and silver colors decorating the banners and the furniture. There's a library in the right corner of the room. There are 5 big bookshelves full of books. Comfortable chairs and desks are placed near the bookshelves to help the students study. Many older students preparing for OWLs and NEWTS are already up and studying there.

Since we are going to the Great Hall soon, I decided to explore the mini-library later in the day. I and the other kids just chat about nothing and everything while waiting for Ruby. This morning I already activated my notice-me-not charm mildly, just to be safe.

At 7.30 AM sharp, Ruby walks us to the Great Hall. On the way, she explains some tips and tricks about the moving stairs: where the invisible steps are, when the stairs will move, where to move, etc. She also explains the location of each class we will have later, Professor Flitwick's office if we need help, etc. Overall, she's been very helpful. I wonder if every prefect is like this or is it just her?

Five minutes of walking later, we arrive at the Great Hall and then we go to our table. There are already a lot of students having breakfast, mostly older students.

When I look around to the other houses, I see the bushy-hair girl sitting at the Gryffindor table, reading a book. I wonder why she's not in Ravenclaw? Well, scratch that, better there than here. After the train incident, I don't want anything to do with her before she apologizes, if she'd ever apologize. I think the same applies to Terry and Padma. I see them looking at her with disdain.

Sitting down at our table, I proceed to eat my breakfast (made by Jelly) while talking to my friends. One of them is a girl named Sue Li. I find that she is a cheerful girl; she smiles and laughs often. I kind of like her. Well, there are only 3 of us girls in Ravenclaw's first year anyway, so we'd better get along well.

While we're having breakfast, Professor Flitwick comes over to our gatherings to welcome us and give us our schedules.

"Hello, students! Welcome to the Ravenclaw house. I am Professor Filius Flitwick, the Head of Ravenclaw House. I hope you enjoy your rest last night. Here are your schedules for the first semester. Please help me pass them along. Thank you. Also, don't forget this morning there'll be compulsory physical examinations in the infirmary. Ravenclaw will go first at 09.00 AM. One of the prefects will help you find the infirmary there at 08.30 AM. I hope you enjoy your stay in Ravenclaw for the rest of your studies at Hogwarts. If you need any help, do let me know. My office is always open"

"Yes, Professor Flitwick"

"Thank you, Professor Flitwick"

We chorus together. I don't know how, but we do. Odd.

"All right students, I will leave you to your breakfast now", said Professor Flitwick. He then walks away from our table and back to the staff table.

At the staff table, I can see many professors: Headmaster Dumbledore, Prof McGonagall, Professor Snape, Professor Quirrell with his purple Turban, Professor Sprout, Professor Bubbling, Professor Sinistra, Prof Kettleburn, Prof Trelawney, and Hagrid.

Now that the tables are almost full of students, I can recognize many faces. At the Gryffindor table, there are Granger, Potter, Weasley, Weasley twins (which reminds me to 'borrow' the Marauder's Map), Oliver Wood, Weasley the Prefect, Parvati (which I wave my hand to, and she waves back), and others which I have no idea who is who.

At the Hufflepuff table, there are Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott, also Cedric Diggory. He looks like a muscular version of a blond and healthy-looking Edward Cullen. He seems to have many fangirls there.

At the Slytherin table, there are Draco Malfoy, Theo Nott, Blaise Zabini, Crabbe, Goyles, Greengrass, Parkinson, and others. Crabbe is the smaller of the two bodyguards. They all look cold and uninviting. Reminds me of keeping my distance from them. No need for any complications after all as I'm a muggle-born. It's very judgmental of me, I know! But, with the current and future political climates, I don't want any friction before I secure some safety nets.

After a while, there are flocks of owls bringing letters and what-not to students. This is the time when the Daily Prophets are delivered to the subscribers as well. I myself get one from Yeager but decided to leave it until after breakfast.

But then things started to get awkward soon. People started to glance at me from my table and others. They glance at Potter too, but I did not know why I get glances too.

Looking around confused, I saw that they were looking at me (some even pointing) while holding the daily prophet. Well, there's the source.

Opening up my copy of the newspaper, I see the headline news on the first page:

Monday, September 2, 1991.


Ladies and Gentlemen, we in Daily Prophet would like to inform you of some spectacular news from Hogwarts this new academic year.

Our sources inside Hogwarts informed us that one Harry James Potter, the Boy-Who-Live, who banished the Dark Lord Voldemort 11 years ago and the last member of the Potter family is currently a first-year Hogwarts student. He was sorted into the Gryffindor house last night, following the footsteps of his parents: Lily and then-Lord James Fleamont Potter (both deceased). Heir presumptive Harry Potter was reported to have lived away from the Magical World up to his enrollment into Hogwarts.

We also have one Draco Lucius Malfoy, the son of a prominent politician and businessman, close to the Ministry, Lord Lucius Abraxas Malfoy. Mr. Draco Malfoy is the presumptive heir of the Malfoy Family. Heir Draco Malfoy was sorted into the Slytherin house last night, a tradition to the Malfoy family members. We will always expect great things from the family.

From the Ministry side, we have one Susan Jane Bones, the niece of Lady Amelia Flora Bones; the current head of the Department of Magical & Law Enforcement (DMLE) in the British Magical Ministry. Miss Susan Bones is also the likeliest candidate for the Bones Family Heiress position. She was sorted into the Hufflepuff house last night, which is also a tradition for the Bones Family members.

From the Business World side, there is one Svetlana Vautoure. The presumptive heiress of the elusive yet prominent Vautoure family. Not many people are aware of the family name. However, the Vautoure family is one of the wealthiest families all over the British Wizarding World. In fact, according to the Gringotts' annual wealth list, the Vautoure family is the second wealthiest family just after the Black family. The Vautoure heiress was sorted into the Ravenclaw house last night.

*The Black family is currently inactive since the incarceration of the last Black family member into Azkaban 11 years ago.

Well, readers, we in the Prophet wish them all a great journey ahead! And we certainly expect great things from them.

The Daily Prophet Correspondent,

David Schulman

For more info on Harry Potter, the Defeater of Voldemort the Dark Lord see page 3

For more info on the Malfoy Family sees page 6

For more info on the Bones Family sees page 8

For more info on Gringotts' annual wealth list sees page 10

For more info on The Sacred-28 Family sees page 11

I wonder who the sources are? They sure are fast. It could be the students, the older ones for sure. They have to know the ins and outs of the castle at night to send the owls.

Well, there's no point in questioning or denying it then. Might as well open it all out from now on.

Looking at page 10 of the paper, I see that they got the full reports of the Gringotts' annual wealth this year. They posted all of them here, including the list and the amount of wealth each family has. Quite shameless I'd say. What's the purpose of this anyway? *sigh*

Looking around me, Terry, Padma, and the kids look at me in amazement. I just shrugged my shoulder at them. At the Gryffindor table, I see that Potter looks conflicted. He sure did not expect some info on his family on the paper.

At 08.30 AM, we walk to the infirmary to get our physical exam. The faster, the better. I'm dying to see the library! *sigh*